
Chapter 10..

Michael and Alex quickly chased after Sarah, but she had already disappeared into the night.

They searched the surrounding streets, calling out her name, but there was no response.

"I'm sorry, man," Alex said, panting. "I didn't mean to mess things up."

Michael shook his head. "It's not your fault. I should have known better than to trust her."

As they stood there, catching their breath, Michael realized that they were never going to get any answers from Sarah. At least, not tonight.

"Let's just go home," Michael said, defeat in his voice.

Alex nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's just forget about it for now."

And with that, they departed, leaving the mysterious Sarah and her secrets behind.

But as they walked away, Michael couldn't shake off the feeling that this wasn't the end of it.

That Sarah was still out there, watching them, waiting for them to make their next move.

Few minutes later...

As Michael walked through the front door, he was greeted by the warm glow of the living room lamp. His mom was sitting on the couch, reading a book.

"Hey, sweetie! How was your day?" she asked, putting down her book.

Michael shrugged, dropping his backpack on the floor. "It was okay, I guess."

His mom raised an eyebrow. "Just okay? What happened?"

Michael hesitated, not sure how much to share. "Just some weird stuff at school. And then Alex and I went to that warehouse and... yeah."

"Hey, sweetie! How was your day?" his mom asked, putting down her book.

Michael shrugged, dropping his backpack on the floor. "It was okay, I guess."

His mom raised an eyebrow. "Just okay? Who's Alex? You mentioned him in passing earlier."

Michael hesitated, realizing his mom was curious about his new friend. "Oh, Alex is just someone I met today.

We had a weird encounter with Sarah and... yeah."

His mom's expression turned curious. "Sarah? You mean from school? And who's Alex? Is he a new friend?"

Michael nodded, feeling a bit surprised by his mom's interest. "Yeah, mom. Alex is a new friend.

We just met today, but... I don't know, it feels like we've known each other for a while."

His mom smiled warmly. "That's great, sweetie! I'm happy you're making new friends. Tell me more about Alex."

Michael shrugged, not wanting to get into the details. "He's just a guy from school, mom. No big deal."

His mom raised an eyebrow, sensing that there was more to the story. "Okay, sweetie.

But if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you."

Michael nodded, grateful for his mom's understanding. "Thanks, mom. So, how was your day?"

His mom smiled, letting the subject drop. "It was good.

I got a lot done at work. How about we order some pizza for dinner?"

Michael's stomach growled at the suggestion. "Sounds great, mom!"

As they ordered pizza and sat down to eat, Michael couldn't help but think about Alex and their strange encounter.

He wondered if he would see Alex again so

(Word count 510)...
