
2nd Side Story-06


My older brother's voice jerks me awake from my slumber, which I could certify as the best one in my entire life. When my eyes fly open I discover just why. I am cocooned in Leon's arm like a fucking cat. His arms are still holding me close to him firmly. 

The confusion starts to take over my expression, and I blink, can't really wrap my head around the incidents transpiring around me. I begin to bore a hole through the side of Leon's exquisite face though he isn't looking at me. His eyes are trained on something ahead of us. I follow the line of his gaze and my stomach drops. 

My older brother, Ruth, is standing on the threshold of an unfamiliar room. His gaze is locked on us and his contoured expression tells me that he is not so happy to see what he is seeing right now. Ruth's fist is curled and he looks like he is ready to throw it any moment now. But well, I am not really ready to take it. 
