
The Mysticons Thief

Azlan, Freya and Elysia were traveling towards the Voltville city, their next Gym Battle in the Voltville City Gym.

In the way they have met with many Mysticons, but still they only caught some of the Mysticons. Because their priority is the cute Mysticons.

Freya has caught a Bellossom. Her Evola has evolved into an Elfeon. Elysia has caught an Aquapup, and after seeing it in the next Evolution, she has decided to evolve it into only the Hydroshield. About Torrentoise, she will think later.

Azlan has caught Hypnosis, since it was a Psychic type, and looked good. Now he has four Mysticons, Blazekite, Auraleo, Draphoeon and Hypnosis. Yes, his Flametail has evolved into Blazekite.


Meanwhile in the western forest some people wearing the Team Rebel uniform were searching for something.

"We will not rest until we find the Phantom Mysticons," One of them shouted.

"Yes boss, it must be hiding somewhere in the grass," Other one agreed.

"To the western forest, cut down everything," The third one said.

Meanwhile, a little bit far from them, Gary Blaze was doing a battle with unknown Mysticons. It has a rounded, wide snout; triangular ears; and large, blue eyes.

It has short arms with three-fingered paws and large hind paws with oval markings on the soles. Its tail is long and thin with an ovoid tip.

"Go Flametail, use Flame Thrower," Gary commanded. Flametail released fire from his mouth to hit the unknown pink Mysticons.

But before the fire touched the other Mysticons, the other Mysticons easily dodged it and with a Psychic attack, it knocked out the Flametail.

"Go Waterwhirl," Gary sent another Mysticons, but just like Flametail, it was also knocked out.

Then the unknown Mysticons flew away from there, the Team Rebel members followed the Unknown Mysticons.


At the same time at different locations, Team Rebel other members were searching something, in caverns of Mount Moon.

"Now entering in the cave of coordinates," One of the henchmen said on the phone.

"Still no sign of Moon Stone," The second henchman replied.

"Understand, continue your search, and if anybody interferes, make sure to use extreme force!" The leader replied.


"Ah, I am really tired, let's rest here," Azlan said, as they reached near the location of Mount Moon.

"Baby, just walk a little bit, there is a cave, we can rest there," Elysia said, since they were in the middle of the road, they couldn't stop here.

"Please carry me, and take me there," Azlan requested, as he face become (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠).

"You have grown up, how can you still make a face like this," Freya shouted at him. But Elysia did the opposite, she picked him up, as they reached inside a cave.

Suddenly, they become surprised, because inside the cave were many Moon Stones.

"Wow, there is so much Moon Stone," Azlan said in surprise. As they looked around themselves, there were not only the Moon Stones here, but also many Moonfa, Moonfairy and Moonfable.

"Wow, so cute," Freya started touching them.

Moonfairy is a shy Mysticons, she doesn't like to meet with the humans, but from Elysia, Freya and Azlan, she feels friendly vibes. So she allowed them to touch her.

Freya takes out many rare fruits and starts giving them. Moonfa, Moonfairy and Moonfable like the fruits and started eating them.

But suddenly, some people came inside of the cave. "Hey, you handover all of the Moon Stone to us," One of them shouted, they were the members of Team Rebel.

"I am in a good mood, so you just get out, or you have never got the chance to run away," Freya shouted back at them.

"Look, who is talking? You kids are warning us," The leader of them started laughing, followed by his henchmen.

"Rhino Horn attacked them," The leader threw his Pokeball, and from it the rock Mysticons came out.

"Rhino Horn, use Rock Throw," The Leader commanded, and Rhino Horn started firing rock from his mouth.

"Sparky, dodge it, and use Iron Tail," Freya commanded. Sparky jumps, and hits the head of Rhino Horn with his tail, which has become hard like the iron.

"Let me show you the cruelty of adults," The leader said, and he took out an injection and injected the Rhino Horn. With it the Rhino Horn evolved into a Rhino Don.

"Now kill them," The leader commanded, and Rhino Don ran in anger towards them.

Azlan uses his time powers and stops the time, he then puts his hand on Rhino Don's head. He feels so much anger was inside the Rhino Don.

"Freya killed them," Azlan ordered, as he started calming down Rhino Don. When they took out the injection, he understood that they had injected some harmful substances.

Freya goes in front of the Team Rebel members, she takes out her sword, "I have already warned you, but why didn't you hear my warning. Well, it is time for you to leave this world," She said calmly, and then with a strike, their heads were in different places, and their bodies were in different places.

Moonfa, Moonfairy and Moonfable, who were thinking that they had meeted, with an angel, now realized they have met with a devil.

Azlan was able to calm Rhino Don, Rhino Don started licking the face of Azlan, as he found that now his mind was in the proper place, all of the pain had gone from his mind.

"Go, enjoy your love," Azlan said. He knew Rhino Don wanted to become his Mysticons, but he didn't want it. Rhino Don becomes sad, but still he runs away from there to enjoy his freedom.

"So, from among you, which one wants to become my Mysticons," Freya said, looking towards Moonfa, Moonfairy and Moonfable.

Quickly they have pushed one of the Moonfairy from their group outside. The Moonfairy wants to go back in the group, but all others don't allow it.

"Moon Moonffa, Moon." "Moon Moon Fairy." "MoonFable Moon Moon." Even after a long argument, the Moonfairy was pushed aside. The Moonfairy with tears in her eyes, comes in front of the Freya, with her trembling hands, she touches the Mystic Rings, and then sucked inside, Moonfairy capturing was successful.

All the other Moonfa, Moonfairy and Moonfable sigh a relief, as they start resting there. After setting the bed, Azlan, Freya and Elysia do the dinner, and then fall asleep.

As the sun shone in the morning, Azlan and his wives again started the journey towards Voltville City. They have reached near Voltville City.

"So, Elysia, what type do you want to evolve Evola," Azlan asked.

"Same as sis, I want to evolve it into Elfeon," Elysia replied.

"So, you wanted the Fairy type, it's a good choice, you are already a fairy, and your Mysticons is a fairy, both are good choices," Azlan said, as he pinched the cheeks of Elysia.

"You have become a sweet talker," Elysia said, but she still blushed, she likes the sweet talking, even she herself teaches him.

"What a nice day," Azlan said, as they came near a sea area. In the sea they noticed a big ship.

"Let's go, check it out!" Azlan comments, as he runs towards the ship with Elysia and Freya.

On the ship it was written "St. Anne", but before they went inside the ship, "Young Man and Women," A sound came.

They turned around to see, noticed an old man with a big beard and big mustache, wearing a black suit, black pants, black hat and was holding a stick.

"Yes," Azlan asked, he didn't know why this old man called them.

"Amazing, simply amazing," The old man said, looking over the Mysticons of them, since they didn't put the Mysticons in Mystic Rings.

"You all, from now on, are honorary members of the Mysticons Fan Club," The old man said.

"What is the Mysticons Fan Club?" Azlan asked with confusion.

"Follow me," The old man said, as the group followed them, soon they reached a building, where the Mysticons Fan Club was written.

As they went inside, they soon found out about the Mysticons Fan club. It was nothing more than some fantasy to create a fan club for the obsessed Mysticons lovers.

The kids become interested in the Mysticons of Azlan, Elysia and Freya. And started clicking pictures of it, since every Mysticons there was cute.

The Mysticons Fan Club kids even didn't like to evolve Mysticons, so they always remained cute.

Suddenly, a kid comes in panic, "Hellllpppp, Hellllpppp, somebody stole my exeggutor!"

"Oh dear…. Not again…." The old man said and started crying.

"What happened?" Azlan asked.

"The director Abra was stolen just a month back!" A girl explained, "At some points, it's happened to all of us…. That's a lot of stolen Mysticons!"

"And there…. Isn't anything…. That we can do…" Director said and again started crying.

"A Mysticons thief? Tell me everything you know about the Mysticons thief!" Azlan asked.

From the old man's explanation, they found that Mysticons were stolen without the Mystic Rings. And it means, to transport the Mysticons they need something big, then suddenly they remembered about the big ship.

"I understand, we just need to search the ship, and we will find the culprit right away. And you are not able to do it, because you don't like to battle," Azlan said, the old man and the kids nodded.

"Ok, then just left on us," Azlan said, and with Freya and Elysia, they went towards the dock.

They quickly reached towards the dock, and then after swimming, they reached inside the ship.

Soon they confronted the owner of the shop, "So tell my guys, why are you on my ship?"

"Mysticons have been nabbed from the townsfolk! And you are the thief, so quietly return back the Mysticons. Or else, even if you didn't know, what will we do," Azlan warned him.

"Hahaha, you think you can simply blame us? What a laugh, right boys?" The owner replied, and his henchmen started laughing, "Well, you are right. But we're rescuing the poor weak Mysticons! Making money off of them might help a bit with doing the job though! Wahahaha!"

"So it is you, now return back all the Mysticons," Azlan warned him.

"You three can't do anything to me, it's time to finish this!" The owner said, and then he released a Mysticons, who was bound by the chain.

"Electrabuzz! Attack with Thunder Punch," The Owner command. Electrabuzz punched Azlan.

"Draphoeon, use Tail Whip," Azlan commanded, before the Electrabuzz reached near Azlan, Draphoeon counters with the Tail Whip.

"Now use Razor Wing," Azlan commanded, and Draphoeon using the Razor Wing easily knocked out the Electrabuzz.

Soon, the police captured the henchmen, but the owner ran away at the end time. Everyone also gets their Mysticons, but the Director was still crying, it was not because he didn't find his Abra. But it was because his Abra evolved into a Big Dabra. But it was not Azlan's problem, so they again continued their journey.

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