

Louis didn't lose his grin but he also didn't open his eyes as he answered,

"I'm going to Alvareen," he said, "It's always been my dream to explore the City and now I can do that since I'm no longer strapped with a cuff."

"I suppose the city is beautiful," Andor said nodding but with less conviction. 

Henry paused and then he asked,

"Andor, where are you from? Where's home for you?" 

Andor looked uncomfortable for a bit and scratched at his arm for a bit before he eventually answered,

"I— I don't really have a home. I used to fight in the Pits."

"The what?" Henry asked. 

"The Pits. It's like an Arena for Brutal fights. Sometimes to the death," Andor explained, 

"One day, I fought, I won and one man was in the audience watching. He bought me and I was taken away and brought to Alvareen where I stayed ever since."

"Where was the Pit?" Henry asked. 
