
The Cuffs Come Off

Still somewhat in the air following his quick leap back, Doherty was not yet quite settled enough to attempt a dodge but his sword was still in his hand so of course, he made a swipe to knock the spear's tip away from his face. 

He managed to change the direction of the stab somewhat but it cut through his cheek all the same, creating a large gash that bled and dyed the side of his face red. 

Gritting his teeth at the pain, Doherty saw an opportunity; With the slightly muffled clatter sound of the Spear falling onto a vine-carpeted floor, the Raiding Party captain realized his opponent no longer had a weapon. 

So the moment his leg hit the ground, he put as much strength as he could into his knees and used it to propel himself at Echo with his sword pointed for a stab. 
