
Chapman Lampard

The text provided seems to belong to a fictional narrative, likely from a novel or a story. The context suggests that a character named Thales has regained consciousness after an incident involving a 'Mystic Gun' and is having a conversation with a character named Ramon, who appears to be a healer or someone with special abilities, albeit not a typical doctor.

In order to make this translation more fluent and preserve the narrative integrity of the original English text, the German translation needs to be carefully crafted. Here is an optimized translation:

"Alles klar, er ist wach..."

Thales erwachte mitten in der chaotischen Menschenmenge und als er seine Augen öffnete, erblickte er Ramons riesige Nase.

'Was ist gerade passiert?

Die mystische Waffe hat auf mich geschossen...

Und ich habe wieder die Kontrolle verloren?'


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