
Barcelona, Please Run Faster!

Dropping 6 chapters today because we got tons of power stones and comments yesterday, keep it up guys 👏



Facts have proven that the arm is still unable to twist the thigh.

In the end, Gao Shen left Maqueda, who looked like a grievance-filled woman, in the locker room and personally attended the post-match press conference. Before going out, he even changed into clean clothes to show his dignity.

In fact, the post-match press conference did not involve the head coaches of the two teams sitting together and being interviewed by media reporters at the same time. If it were arranged like this, perhaps the two would have disagreements and a big fight, making things lively.

More importantly, as competitors, it is inevitable to say some unpleasant things. If it were face-to-face, it would be too embarrassing, so the post-match press conferences are arranged in order.

Real Madrid's press conference was scheduled after Barcelona's.

When Gao Shen arrived at the press conference, the staff were obviously surprised.

Why did he come here?

This thought must have rushed into their heads because Gao Shen never attended pre-match or post-match press conferences.

Even when Rijkaard came out, upon seeing Gao Shen, Black Swan was obviously stunned for a moment, then shook hands with Gao Shen, greeted him politely, and then left.

It was evident that the Dutchman was very disinterested.

From a ten-point lead, a certainty, and a sure-fire chance of winning, now the lead was only two points, and it could be reversed at any time. Especially in tonight's game, despite all the advantages, they still lost, which was demoralizing.

Thinking of this, Gao Shen began to sympathize with Rijkaard.

Good man!

Am I being too cruel to him?

In the end, Gao Shen made a decision in his heart: next time we have the opportunity to meet again, try to score him a few more goals.

Isn't there a song that sings like this?

I would rather you be cold to the end...


When Gao Shen walked into the press conference venue, the lively scene suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at the entrance next to the main podium in disbelief, watching Gao Shen, accompanied by the staff, walk to the main podium and sit down in the center C seat, all stunned.

Even a few reporters who got up to adjust their camera positions were dumbfounded and forgot to sit down.

Is this Gao Shen?

My goodness, why is he here?

The Century Derby has attracted the attention of fans all over the world. Newspapers, magazines, and TV stations from all over the world are paying attention. There are more than 200 media outlets and hundreds of journalists who came to Camp Nou alone.

And no one thought Gao Shen would come.

This made many media reporters, who were planning to leave early after attending Rijkaard's press conference, all sit down again.

Just now, they thought it was Maqueda again.

After Gao Shen sat down on the podium, he kept smiling at the many media reporters in front of him.

At first, the reporters felt affinity and friendliness from this smile, but gradually, Gao Shen kept smiling without saying a word. The scene became so quiet that the reporters started to feel awkward and mournful.

Now they were embarrassed.

Damn, since the first day he took office, he has been questioned, ridiculed, and sarcastically remarked upon. Every time he and Real Madrid were badly praised before every game. What was the result?

Real Madrid is now making great progress all the way, from being ten points behind to now only two points behind. They are chasing by eight points.

This is the rhythm of a comeback!

Even without mentioning the far away past, let's talk about the recent days. Before the Derby of the Century, how did the media praise Barcelona and step on Real Madrid?

Did you forget?

The odds offered by the bookmakers were that Barcelona would beat Real Madrid three to one, and the whole world was crazy about it.

But what about the result?

It is true that Real Madrid only scored one goal, but where are Barcelona's three goals?

Gao Shen really didn't say anything, just sat there, watching with a smile, as if waiting to see a monkey juggling.

Even the thickest-skinned media reporters felt so embarrassed at this moment that they wished they could dig a hole and crawl into it.

Damn, he deliberately came to see the jokes of the media reporters!

In the end, the staff at Camp Nou couldn't stand it any longer and immediately interrupted the moment, which lasted only two or three minutes but felt as long as two or three years of embarrassment for some people.

Gao Shen's first post-match press conference after coaching Real Madrid officially started.


At the beginning of the interview, Gao Shen first gave the highest evaluation to the performance of the Real Madrid players, thinking that this was a great victory. Especially to be able to defeat the opponent at Camp Nou in such an unfavorable situation for the team, "I am proud of my players!"

When naming the players, Gao Shen mentioned many players and emphatically praised Casillas, Ramos, and Raul. He believes that these three players played key roles in the team's ability to defeat Barcelona away.

As for Ronaldo, the hero who scored the goal, Gao Shen praised his efforts after he came on the field, believing that the goal was the best reward for him. But he also emphasized that the goal was the result of the efforts of everyone in the team.

Regarding Barcelona's performance, Gao Shen first expressed his admiration for Barcelona's strength. He believes that Barcelona is still the strongest team in European football and remains the goal that Real Madrid needs to catch up with.

Real Madrid only two points behind Barcelona in the standings?

Gao Shen felt that these two points seemed within reach but were actually separated by a vast distance because the initiative was in Barcelona's hands.

Real Madrid needs to do better, play every remaining game well, and wait for Barcelona to make mistakes.

A reporter asked, what if Barcelona made no mistakes next time?

Facing the media reporters with a deep smile, Gao Shen said in a very firm tone, "I believe they will make mistakes!"

The media reporters at the scene felt the confidence.

If it was before this game, they would have sneered at Gao Shen's statement. But now, it was difficult for them to give a strong rebuttal because Real Madrid was only two points behind Barcelona.

At the beginning, when Gao Shen challenged Barcelona, they were all ridiculed and sarcastic. But who would have thought that Real Madrid would win one by one like this? Even though the game was ugly and conservative, Gao Shen's coaching was criticized. But now, Real Madrid is only two points behind.

Looking back, even the thick-skinned reporter had to admit how ridiculous some of his statements were at the time.

Gao Shen used facts to slap all the doubters in the face.

Today, as a winner, sitting here is the most ruthless revenge!

Gao Shen said that the initiative is still in the hands of Barcelona. Real Madrid will not think too much about their opponents but will insist on focusing on themselves and playing every next game well.

"As long as we can win the remaining seven games, all the pressure will be on the opponent."

Gao Shen also said that whether it was the Camp Nou battle or the previous few points lost, it proves that Barcelona is not as strong as it seems on the surface, let alone invincible.

"I am very satisfied with the current morale and state of the team. Everyone is working hard towards a common goal, which makes us full of combat effectiveness, which is an excellent thing."

"Next, we will work hard to maintain this morale and state until the end of the season!"

"I just want to say one thing to Barcelona now, please run faster!"

The great leader once said: It is advisable to chase the poor pirates with the remaining brave ones and not to be called the Overlord of Learning.

The season has already reached this point, and the championship battle has completely heated up. Real Madrid has been chasing from ten points behind to now only two points behind. If Gao Shen is still polite to Barcelona, it will not only show his demeanor but also damage the morale and positivity of the team and players.

Right now, it's time to go all out and rush to the end.

The media reporters at the scene also felt Gao Shen's determination and confidence.

Everyone could see that after the Camp Nou victory over Barcelona, Gao Shen's spirits were obviously more fulfilled.


Gao Shen left the press conference venue under the attention of the media reporters in the audience.

The eyes of all the media reporters at the scene made him enjoy the moment.

But after walking out of the press conference venue, he stopped, took a deep breath, tried to calm down his mood, and warned himself not to be frivolous.

After passing the Camp Nou level, Real Madrid had truly launched an impact on the La Liga champion.

Before that, Real Madrid was too far behind to qualify.

Now, with only a two-point gap, the championship is full of suspense again.

And Juventus next week, which is also a big problem.

Especially Capello.

When Gao Shen returned to the visiting team's locker room, the Real Madrid players had almost packed their things. Butragueno, the vice-president who led the team to Barcelona, wanted to accompany the team back to Madrid and happened to be waiting in the locker room.

As soon as he saw Gao Shen, Butragueno couldn't stop laughing.

Gao Shen performed well on the field. He was also very relieved in the stands, and he was naturally in a good mood.

After praising Gao Shen fiercely in public, he pulled Gao Shen to a corner where no one else was.

"When you have time, Mr. Perez would like to invite you to dinner."


Gao Shen was surprised at first but soon understood. Florentino Perez, the former president of Real Madrid.

Domestic fans always call him Florentino, but the family name is Perez.

Gao Shen stared at Butragueno with suspicion, as if to ask: Is it too sensitive to meet with Florentino at this time? I represent Chairman Martin!

Butragueno smiled, "Don't worry, it's just for dinner. Mr. Perez just wants to get to know you, nothing more. If necessary, I can mention it to Martin."

Gao Shen noted that it was indeed just dinner, but he couldn't figure out why Florentino was interested in meeting him.

Even if this boss wanted to make a comeback, he wouldn't look up to someone like him. After all, you had to be a world-renowned coach like Wenger or Ancelotti. Who was he?

Even if he won the league title or the Champions League, would Florentino take notice?

Didn't Bosque get fired after achieving that?

"In a few days, you know, next Wednesday we're playing Juventus, and that game is very important."

"Understood, if you have no objections, I'll arrange the time."

With his immediate boss saying this, could Gao Shen refuse?

Besides, Florentino isn't a beast. Let's see what happens.

"Oh, right."

Just as Butragueno was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something.

"I've received several calls—Mr. Perez, Martin, Di Stefano, and others. Many people called to say the game was played well!"

As he spoke, Butragueno gave Gao Shen a thumbs up and then left with a smile.

Gao Shen felt very pleased inside.

Needless to say?

We just flattened Rijkaard's second dream team!
