
Chapter 58- Chaos (3)


Ethan has never felt this helpless before. Just a few hours ago, he was finally met by a small flame of hope, and now, a catastrophe has descended on Awsperg.

His whole body was trembling under great anguish but he held his blade and did everything in his strength to protect his mother.

The rescue wasn't going to arrive. He knew it. Someone as unimportant and unworthy as him wouldn't receive any help from anyone. He only has the hope that someone would emerge victorious over the ultimate danger and this series of onslaught would come to a halt.

But how long would it take? Can Ethan hold his ground until then?

The five-foot-tall headless monster was toying with him. Neither killing Ethan nor letting him land even a blow on the Bate.

The Bate was having fun.

"*KHLEEEENNGH*" Bashing its massive fists on the ground the inhumane provoked Ethan to take charge.
