
Murphy’s Law

I fought the urge to chuckle at the shocked faces the two had when I teleported out their car. I made it back to my car and drove it home before waiting for one of the two to say my name. I had recently discovered that if someone said my name while thinking of me that I would feel it. I never had this ability before so I chalked it up to one of the many still undiscovered abilities Morgana had given me. I also figured out that I could still teleport, I just couldn't teleport back to Casimir and Dorina's world at the moment. I knew I'd eventually find a way back. It was only a matter of time, in the meantime I was going to continue learning about the powers Morgana 'gifted' me. A part of me also wanted to seduce a bunch of women, that was when I realized that I hadn't gotten laid in quite some time. I wondered why I hadn't noticed before but I shrugged it off when I felt my name being called out. 


I teleported out of my home and into what I recognized as the Gilbert house. Though things were different, I didn't remember the place being so colorful or there being so many pictures hung up. Damon and Elena must have got together and put up pictures of both their families. I saw pictures of Damon and Stefan as well as the Gilbert Family. Jenna and Jeremy had all moved out apparently. Jenna apparently had enough of the supernatural world and moved out several years ago, and Jeremy was finishing up on getting a Masters Degree, or at least that's what Damon told me while Elena continued to glare daggers at me. 


"Elena what did I do to you?" 


"What?" She stuttered.


"I must have done something to you, you've been looking at me like I kicked a puppy all day." 


"I- I'm just trying to figure out why you lied to us." 


"What do you mean?" 


"About being a vampire!" 


"I never lied," I fought the urge to chuckle. "You guys just never asked the right questions. It's not like I went out of my way to hide. I mean, for fucks sake, I kept the same name for and it's not like I changed how I dress." 


"I- You! Ughhhh…" 


"Look, I just want to know a few things then I'll be out of your hair." 


"Fine." Elena grumbled as she stomped out of the room. 


Damon looked at me apologetically. "Sorry about that, she's been pretty moody since she found out we were having a baby." 


"Damon, I'm curious… how did you two regain your humanities?"  


He looked puzzled. "That's a long story, the short version is that some guy named Theo came by one day while you were missing and left a little vial of clear liquid that had a note attached to it claiming that it was a cure for vampirism." 


"Who the fuck is Theo?" 


"We don't know, he disappeared just as fast as he showed up. We tried looking for him or any records of him but we found nothing." 


"Another supernatural then?" 


"Probably, the cure ended up working and Elena discovered that her blood took on the properties of the cure." 




"It was, I'm not complaining though. Even if we lost a bunch of friends along the way I think that squandering this second chance would be pretty stupid of me." 


"Damon Salvatore, being wise. Who would have seen it?" 


He laughed. "Clearly some higher power did. They gave me this chance after all." 


I shook my head and offered him a smile, "That was all you, you got yourself this far. Give yourself some credit. You could have gone full psycho and murdered half the town in a stupid plot to get back at your brother." 


"Oddly specific. But not untrue. If you hadn't shown up that day to help Stefan and I, I think I would have been a much different person." 


"Amen to that, look I have to go get some stuff ready. Apparently Alaric was desperate enough to hire me as a teacher so I have to be responsible now." 


"Sounds like Alaric." Damon chuckled. 


"Listen, if you or Elena ever need help I'm one call away." 


"Thanks Seth." 


I nodded at him before teleporting back to my own home. Taking a seat in my study I dove into my mindscape and started looking for reasons on why I couldn't teleport back to Casimir's world. Hardly two hours in I started getting into the territory headache inducing wormhole theories. I sighed as I slammed the manifested book shut and rubbed my eyes. 


'This is getting nowhere. I need a drink.' 


I jumped back out to the real world and looked at my watch. I had been meditating for the better part of several hours. It was now a bit past 8pm, I decided that I could do with a change of scenery and left my house. The drive to the new (well new to me) bar in town was strange. I had never seen so many people wandering around the streets at night in Mystic Falls. Then again, the last time I was here people were still getting murdered by vampires and deranged witches. I parked in an empty spot and stepped into the bar. 


The rest of the night blurred into a haze, a drinking competition against a few werewolves, darts against a witch, pool with a few equally inebriated patrons, and I vaguely remembered getting into a heated make out session with the witch I soundly beat in darts. She had pulled me outside, eventually dragging me to a taxi. I gave the cab driver my address before the alcohol finally got to me and everything disappeared into the back of my mind. 
