
Rescuing Dorina

After dealing with the slight mental break I had after finding out that Morgana put a piece of her soul inside me I sat silently in my study looking at the clock on the wall ticking away. 


'If what she said is right then Casimir, Dorina, and their daughter will be in danger. I should do something about it.' 


Morgana had given me the rundown of how her powers worked. With my age and own power I was familiar with accessing unseen forces I could control. I focused on the other side of the room and imagined myself standing in there. I felt a tugging sensation in my chest. There was a flash of bright blue-green light and I slammed into the wall face first with a loud crash. 


"Fuck! Ow… my dose." 


I felt my nose shift back into place and start to heal. Wincing at the sensation I got back on my feet and look at the seat I had been sitting at then to where I stood. When I was in the middle of 'teleporting' all I saw was darkness. There was no flashing colors of the rainbow or a squeezing sensation. It just happened, one second I was sitting on a chair, the next thing I knew my face was getting acquainted with the wall. 


'Another power to get used to.' 


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Focusing inward I found myself in an empty room. There was absolutely nothing in the room except a shelf that was pushed up against the wall. Walking up to the shelf I examined the books and my eyes widened. They were information books about all the various powers I had access to. Concentrating a bit more, another shelf appeared, skimming through the book titles. I was surprised to find all my memories from throughout my life clearly labeled and neatly organized. 


'This is going to take a while.' 


That had been an understatement. By my internal clock I had been in my mindscape for nearly twelve hours. In that time I had read and attempted to memorize every single power and spell in Morgana's repertoire. There was a lot, she had been alive for thousands of years if the dates on some of the 'books' checked out. An interesting spell that I found was one that apparently killed the target instantly. That made me think of Harry Potter immediately after reading about it. The incantation had unfortunately been erased, along with several other spells. This made me highly suspicious of Morgana's true identity but seeing that I had no proof and even less information I shelved the theory for another time. 


Waking back up in the real world I stretched my sleeping limbs and looked at the clock. In the twelve hours I had spent in my mindscape only an hour had passed in real time. With new things to master and practice I stepped out of my study and made my way down to the training room. 

[Time Skip: Four Months Later ]

It only took four months, four months later and I had found Amara and her merry band of body snatching vampires. It had all been rather anticlimactic by how heavily I outclassed the vampire. Amara put up a descent fight but she had been rusty and she didn't have access to Morgana's powers. 


It was hardly fair from her standpoint. For me, it had been very entertaining. I hadn't even used my own telekinetic powers. Instead I used as many of the spells I had learned from Morgana's collection that specifically didn't harm or kill my opponent, rather it just made fighting me very difficult for them. 


For one, it had been impossible for Amara to land a hit on me when I kept making her legs give out from under her. Second, it was entertaining casting a minor curse that caused her to be only able to walk backwards. And third, the most entertaining of all, though albeit a little disturbing, was a curse that turned her fingers into hotdogs. 


They all reversed at the end of the day, I wasn't that much of an ass. Amara was just looking to speak with Morgana after all. Eventually we had come to terms and agreed to meet. Once we met up on neutral ground, the grill, she told me her life story. She had been a college student in her past life before being dragged into this world by Morgana. She didn't know where she was, only that it was somewhere in Rome, during imperial times, where she was a slave. 


Apparently Silas and Qetsiyah had bought her and she learned over time that she was supposed to guard this world. Myrddin didn't like that and twisted Silas into the monster he became. She was dragged into a plot that stole an immortality spell from the witch which ended up getting both her and Silas cursed. 


I told her that I had killed Silas, or at least had been responsible for his death. She looked relieved rather than angered that I killed her former lover. 


We eventually came to an agreement, she would take care of things here while I went and helped out with Casimir and his family. I had feared that in the time since I was there last to give Dorina the contingency plan that something bad had happened. Freya, as Nicole was taking a break from the vampires, blood, and gore. Agreed to come with me to another world. Amelie insisted that she too would join, and after a heated argument and several bouts of angry sex, I agreed to let her join. Anna had volunteered to stay behind and keep an eye out on the Gilberts, Mikaelsons, and Amara. I didn't trust things to not go to shit in my absence. Anna was given a vial of my blood in case of emergencies. 


The three of us were now standing in the vault room. Learning to enchant a bottomless bag from Morgana's spells really came in handy as I had a fanny pouch filled with bars of gold, months worth of supplies, and enough weapons to outfit a small army. 


"Alright, are you two ready?" 


Freya nodded and we looked over to Amelie who still looked a bit flushed from the last round of lovemaking. Amelie nodded too and I reached out a hand to both of them. They each took a hand and we formed a circle. 


"Just keep breathing, don't let go since I don't know what would happen if you let go of my hand mid teleport." I closed my eyes and focused on the cabin I had visited in the other world. 


In a flash of blue light we appeared just outside the walls of Casimir and Dorina's cabin. Something felt off, I looked at Amelie and Freya. 


"Scout the area, I'll check on the cabin. Something feels wrong." 


"I'll take the east." Amelie disappeared in a burst of vampiric speed. 


"I guess I'll take the west." Freya planted a kiss on my lips before disappearing into the trees as well. 


I turned back to the wall and teleported inside it. What I saw made me frown. The cabin had been burnt down, signs of a battle littered the ground. Walking up to the ruined cabin I warily looked at the massive bloodstain at the entryway. Crouching low I caught the scent and felt a bit of worry creep into my heart. It was Dorina's blood, and there was a lot of it. I heard Amelie and Freya moving through the brush around the wall and I flew up before following another scent I picked up. 


I eventually found myself face to face with a strange formation on the base of the mountain. I closed my eyes and focused. It was muffled but I could hear her screaming. My eyes widened and I gathered my power. With a clench of my fist the rocks shattered and were moved aside. 


Rushing inside I spotted Dorina huddled in the corner clutching a crying bundle in her arms. I helped her up and slowly walked her to the entrance of the roughly cut cave. 


"Dorina calm down, tell me what happened." 


"Seth? Where did you come from? I- the last I saw you, I don't remember when I last saw you. What's going on?"


I noticed that she was paler than usual. Her dress was torn and covered with blood. Mina, her daughter, had stopped crying and reached out to him. Sighing, he carefully took the baby from Dorina who thanked him silently and slumped against the entrance of the cave-like formation. 


"Give me a second Dorina, I'll get the others to come here. They can help out, I'm sure we can fix whatever happened."


The redhead nodded and closed her eyes. From her scent I could tell that she had transitioned into a vampire. One like me, sired by Morgana's blood. I let out a high pitched three toned whistle that echoed through the trees. Freya and Amelie appeared seconds later and immediately began to examine Dorina. Freya stepped away and looked at the 'cave'. 


"This cave was made with human hands… a sword if I'm not mistaken. What happened here?" 


"I'm not all too sure," Mina babbled and put a hand on my cheek. "but it seems that they were likely attacked." 


"Just the two of them?" I turned to Amelie. 


"No," Dorina replied slowly. "My husband, Casimir. He had arrived just as the men had set fire to our cabin. He- he must have seen me get stabbed and thought I was dead." 


"So he's out there probably on the warpath?" 


She nodded and winced. "Don't move too much, your body is still finishing up the transformation." 


"Transformation?" She asked looking worried. 


"Vampirism. My kind of vampirism. That's what was in the vial that you drank." 


"That- I suppose it's better than being dead. Now I get to see my little girl grow up." 


"She'll probably stop growing at a certain age." 


We all turned to Freya. "What do you mean?" 


Freya continued, "I can feel it, she's only half human. The other half is presumably Vampire just like her father." 


"I never said Cas was a va-" 


"You don't need to, we can all smell it around the place." 


"Oh…" Dorina looked shocked. 


"Don't worry, your senses will stabilize as soon as you get some blood in your system." She nodded at me. 


"I'll go find something for her to drink." Amelie disappeared in a blur. 


"I'll check the cabin, see if anything is salvageable in there." Freya also left. 


I handed Mina back to her mother and sat next to the redheaded woman. 


"Don't worry, we'll help you through this. Once the girls get back we'll head somewhere where we can lay low while we search for Cas." 


"Thank you Seth." 


I smiled at her and pulled her up on her feet and into a gentle embrace just as Amelie and Freya returned. I looked at Freya who shook her head and then to Amelie who held up what looked like a waterskin presumably filled with blood. Freya took Mina from Dorina's arms and Amelie handed the woman the blood. The recently turned vampire chugged the contents of the waterskin without spilling a drop. While she had her 'meal' I went back to the makeshift tomb and cast a repairing spell on it making it seem like nothing had happened to it. 


"Why repair it?" I turned to look at Dorina who was liking her lips clean. 


"Just in case whoever attacked you came back. They'll look for any signs of your survival this just ensures that if they had spies that witnessed Cas putting you in here that they would never know that you're actually still alive. There's something I have to tell you about your 'benefactor' that I think you may want to hear. But now is not the time. We need to go find a spot to hide out in while we figure things out." 


Dorina nodded. "I think I have a spot."
