

[Davina POV]

Davina Claire sat by her easel painting frantically. She could feel the magic in the air getting dense as she completed her hasty artwork. The young witch stumbled back and her breath caught in her throat. The painting depicted a river of blood and a mountain made out of the bodies of her friends. It didn't take a seer to understand what it meant. 


She had been rescued from being ritualistically sacrificed in the Harvest by Marcel. Who was now missing after Lucian and Tristan had come into town. There had also been that stranger who called himself M that set off all sorts of alarms in her head. Thankfully Marcel had moved her to a hidden section of the compound he and Rebekah stayed at. Marcel had mentioned that this section has been enchanted by powerful witches years ago to contain a threat. She was supposed to be safe here, hidden but unable to leave as well. 


She thought back to where it all went wrong. Marcel had come bursting through her room telling her to hide as their 'Guests' Tristan and Lucian had done something stupid. Rebekah explained a day later that the two ancient vampires had practically kidnapped a woman named Freya and that 'HE' would come and kill them all if 'HE' ever found out. 


That was nearly a month ago, Marcel and Rebekah had gone missing a week back. Davina feared the worst, she knew what Rebekah and Marcel were of course. Despite their nature she had grown to care for the two. They had practically been her adoptive siblings. 


She was pulled back to the present when she felt the powerful warding magic on the compound collapse. She didn't have vampire senses but it didn't take enhanced sense to know that the person Marcel and Rebekah were afraid of must have just arrived. Screams came from beyond her magically locked door. She could feel the bloodlust from whoever was wreaking havoc outside permeating through the walls. Rushing over to the trap door that led to the catacombs she was about to yank it open when her door exploded inward. 


Davina screamed as she was torn away from the trap door. Her attacker spun her around and she gulped. The man looked near feral with his glowing eyes and bloodstained face. She tried to cast a spell to cause an aneurysm in the vampire but nothing happened. The man smiled displaying his fangs. 


"Oh my, having performance issues are we?" 


"Let me go! INCENDIA!" Davina cast another spell at the vampire but like last time she felt it fizzle out. 


The vampire sighed. "Listen witchy, I'm really not in the mood at the moment, so I'll give you a choice." 


Davina stopped wriggling and stared at the vampire, his voice had caught her off guard. It was almost soothing, hypnotic even. She quickly shook her head to clear her mind. The vampire took this as her response and painfully slammed her into the wall by the neck. She would have cried out if it hadn't been for the choke hold the vampire had on her throat. 


"My patience is running thin Girl. Where are they keeping her?!" Tears began to stream down her cheeks, she weakly tore at the hand pinning her to the wall. "I won't ask again, where is she!?" 


Her vision slowly blurred as she began to lose consciousness. She weakly pointed at the trap door. Just like that the pressure on her throat disappeared and she collapsed on the floor gasping for air. She looked around her devastated room once she had recovered enough. The trap door had been torn from its hinges, it looked like a bloody tornado had touched down. Gathering the little strength she had left in her legs she made her way out of her room and into the silent halls. 


It took a significant amount of control for her to not vomit at the sight that awaited her in the compound. Bodies were strewn around, blood pooled and ran in rivers on the floor. She nearly slipped when she stepped on something squishy. Catching herself on the wall she glanced down at her feet and blanched. She had stepped on the guts spilling out of a vampire that had been ripped in half. With that she finally lost the fight with her stomach. The bitter taste of bile still in her mouth she made her way out of the compound carefully to avoid the worst of the carnage. 


[POV Restored]

Once I had gotten the information I needed from the young witch I let her go. I had eviscerated nearly everyone I could get my hands in on my way through the compound. I was covered in enough blood as is without adding the blood of a young witch to the collection of splatters on my clothes. She had pointed to the trap door and I practically vaporized the hatch before jumping down into the catacombs below. I was getting closer, around me were vampires in various states of desiccation. When I finally found Freya I felt my anger skyrocket before I managed to beat it back down. 


Freya was chained to the floor, around her was a ring of chalk and candles. Her clothes were shredded and I could tell that whoever had held her captive had tortured her. Ignoring all the warning bells in my head I used my power to break the circle of chalk and the chains on Freya's arms and legs. I let out a sigh of relief when she groaned, at the very least she was still alive. 


Moments later after making sure that the worst of her injuries were taken care of I carried her out of the compound. I walked past the Mikaelson siblings just as they arrived. Klaus and Elijah had indifferent expressions on their faces. Finn was more vocal, asking if the people that had done this were 'taken care of'. Not sparing them an answer I lifted off into the sky with Freya still clutched in my arms. I focused on flying as smoothly as possible so as to not worsen Freya's condition. I didn't care that it took me nearly a whole day to fly back to my home in Mystic Falls. 


Amelie greeted me at the door along with Anna, the two gasped when they saw the state Freya was in. Making my way to the master bedroom I lay her carefully on the bed. With that Amelie and Anna pushed me out of the room so they could tend to Freya. I left them to it and stumbled to my study. All the adrenaline and anger had fled my system, now I just felt empty. 


I felt empty… I felt. My eyes widened. For the first time in centuries I was feeling the full effects of my emotions. Morgana, she had done something again. A laugh escaped my lips before I could stop myself. I felt like a mad man, cackling in my darkened study covered in blood and gristle. Amelie came by a moment later, drawn in by my laughter. 


"Seth? What's wrong?" I turned to her, she blurred over to my side and brushed away at the wetness on my face. I cursed silently. I didn't even realize I was crying, was I crying? 


"She returned them to me…." She looked at me confused. 


"I don't understand, who returned what?" 


"It's a long story." She sat me down and poured me a drink. 


"We have time." 


I sighed, it was a matter of time. Amelie deserved to know the full story. I had told Freya after all, it was only fair that I told her too. I started at the beginning, waking up in this world, my emotions being dulled by Morgana, who Morgana was, meeting Freya, meeting Anais and her, everything. I ended up telling her everything. Once I concluded my story I waited, for a slap, a disappointed glare, anything. I didn't expect her to place a soft kiss on my lips or the look of acceptance on her face. 


"Did you think that would turn me away from you?" 


"Honestly? Yes, I'm not a good person, Amelie. I've done terrible things, at times I didn't even need dulled emotions to commit such terrible acts of violence." 


"Seth," I looked up at her. "You're a fucking idiot." 


"Wha-" she sighed. "I fell in love with you not because you were a 'knight in shining armor' no, I fell for you because you are true to yourself and you have shown that you actually care for us. Would you have gone and waged war on an army of vampires had you not genuinely loved Freya?" 


Her words shook me from the rut I had worked myself in. "Of course I-" she smiled. "I love all of you." 


"Good," she pulled me to my feet. "Now go wash off, I'm sure Freya will be up in a few moments." 


I nodded and stepped out into the hall, as I made my way through my home various emotions danced around in me. Taking a deep breath I tuned the chaos in my being, every step I took the weight of the things I had done slowly dissipated into a dark corner in my mind. Was it unhealthy to bottle it up like that? Sure, but I had other more important things to worry about.


Putting on a change of clothes I was about to discard the blood stained suit I had worn when a bundle of parchment fell from my pocket. I recognized the parchment instantly and sighed. Morgana must have slipped it into my pocket before she charged Myrddin. I broke the seal and immediately doubled over. I felt like I was being stomped on by several elephants, my vision darkened before returning. Moments later I was on my back gasping like an asshole on the floor. Amelie came running around the corner before kneeling by my side. 


"Seth what's wrong?" I couldn't answer her. I grit my teeth as unbelievable pain shot through my limbs making me close my eyes. I wanted to scream, it felt like I had been dipped in scalding oil. Just as sudden as it arrived, the pain vanished. Replaced with the sense of completion. I struggled to my feet and looked at the bundle of parchment that I somehow managed to cling to as I went down. Before I could open it to read Morgana's letter a scream came from the room Freya was in. 


Amelie and I ran to the room and burst through the door. Freya was huddled in the corner with Anna groaning on the floor. Amelie checked on her as I slowly approached Freya. Her eyes darted around the room before they landed on me. 




"Yeah, it's me. You're safe now. It's okay, no one is going to hurt you here." 


"Where are we Seth? Who are they?" 


This wasn't good, she could remember me but not Amelie or Anna. I struggled to think of a reason and came up blank. I got closer and held out a hand which she took. 


"Seth please I'm scared, where are we?" 


"What do you mean love, we're home." 


"I- I'm scared Seth. I can't remember anything." 


"You must be thirsty, I'll go get you something to drink." 


She nodded before eyeing Amelie and Anna warily. I left the room and grabbed a blood bag before pouring its contents into a cup and heating it. I thought about the different things that could have caused her memory loss. Anything from magic, to omnipotent douche bags interfering were plausible enough reasons. 


Once I returned to the room I handed her the cup of blood. She eyed it before looking at me, "What am I supposed to do with this?" 


"Drink it?" Amelie answered for me.


"What? You're kidding right? Seth please tell me this is a joke." 


"No, just try it. It'll make you feel better." 


She looked at me doubtfully before hesitantly downing the glass like a shot. She gagged before glaring at me and frowning. 


"Okay now where are the cameras?" 


"What?" She looked at me like I was stupid. "There's no cameras." 


"Seth I'm not an idiot, this is all an elaborate prank right?" 


Amelie and I shared a worried look that Freya caught. She shot up to her feet, "Seth, tell me what the hell is going on before I lose my shit." 


"I don't understand, explain what?" 


"Don't play stupid, what the hell is going on?! Are you cheating on me? Is that who this bitch is?" 


"Freya, I have no idea what you're talking about. No one is cheating on anyone." 


"What the hell did you just call me?"




"Seth Charlie Williamson you better fucking start explaining right the fuck now." 


Amelie gaped at Freya not being used to the woman using such vulgar language, Anna looked like she wanted to melt into the floor. I took a step towards Freya as she took a step back. No one knew my middle name, no one alive at least. Hell I didn't even have a middle name in the dozens of forged identities I had so Freya knowing my middle name when I never told her was definitely shocking. Something finally clicked into place in my mind when I remembered the only person that I had ever told my full name. 



[Alaric POV]

Alaric downed another shot of bourbon, he had gotten a rather distressing call the previous night. Apparently the nest of vampires in New Orleans had been wiped out. The 'council' there had gone in to investigate only to find the mutilated remains of vampires and witches scattered around like some macabre art piece. Whatever had killed all those vampires and witches was something way out of his league should it turn its attention to Mystic Falls and its supernatural population. Despite his outward appearance, Alaric wasn't stupid. He knew the Bennett's were steeped in old magic, vampires lurked in the shadows, hell he was sure the Lockwoods had a secret too. His phone rang again and he quickly picked up.


"Alaric is me, I have something important to share." 


"John? What is it? It's seven a.m. on a Saturday." 


"Amara, I found her." 


"What! Amara, as in one of the first recorded immortals?" 


Alaric had read about the first immortals in his studies throughout the years. There wasn't much on them, other than the fact that most of the hunters he knew passed it all off as some sort of myth. Now if John Gilbert had found the infamous immortal this could be a huge breakthrough in their research into the occult. Amara, after all, was also supposedly cursed to be an anchor of some sort according to some theories. 


"Yeah, I tracked her to a warehouse. A coven of vampires calling themselves 'Travelers' have her locked up in some sort of stasis." 


"Are you sure? This could be big." 


"They move her every week, I'm pretty damn sure it's her." 


"Can you capture her?"


"Alaric, that is the dumbest thing you have ever said to me. 'cAn YoU cApTUre hER?'. She's guarded by a whole nest of vampires, Saltzman, unlike you I don't have a death wish." 


"I don't have a death wish." 


"'i DoN't hAvE a dEAtH wIsH' do you hear yourself? You followed a vampire to Mystic Falls. That town is full of those blood suckers Al." 


"Point taken, but I moved past that. Also I know that this town is full of vampires. Elena and her brother Jeremy were attacked a few days ago." 


"What?! Elena was attacked?" 


"Yeah? Didn't Grayson tell you?" 


"No, I haven't spoken to my brother in years. Now back to Elena and Jeremy getting attacked. What the hell happened?" 


"One of the vamps mistook Elena for someone else. A 'Kathy' or something."


Alaric heard John cursing on the other end of the call. "That wouldn't happen to be short for Katarina would it?" 


"Something like that, why?" 


"Alaric, be careful and warn the rest of my family. Katarina coming back only spells trouble." 


"Who the hell is Katarina John?" 


"A dangerous vampire, where she goes 'They' follow." 


Before Alaric could ask who John meant by 'they' another call came in. "John I'll have to call you back, I'm getting another call." 


Alaric looked at the caller ID before picking up.


"Seth, what can I do for you?"


"I need some advice." 


"The multi-billionaire coming to little old me for advice. Is the world ending?" 


"You could say that." 


"Fuck, that bad huh?" Alaric in the short time he had known Seth, knew that it took a lot to shake the man up. "We'll lay it on me." 


"I'm having issues with a woman." 


"Woah, hold up. What kind of trouble are we talking about here? Knocked up a one night stand or she caught me with the babysitter trouble." 


"Hypothetically let's say my once dead girlfriend hijacked my current girlfriend's body, what should I do. Hypothetically of course." 




"Yeah, hypothetically." 


"Well, hypothetically You'd be fucked." 
