
The hunt has begun

Meanwhile in Astoria, Gustavo shuffled through the bustling city streets, his ears assaulted by overlapping noises.

A couple bickered as they pushed past him. "You never listen to me!" the woman snapped. "I told you to turn left at the statue of the pigeon!"

"There is no statue of a pigeon!" the man retorted.

Gustavo's eyes narrowed as they drifted over the crowd, dark thoughts swirling in his mind. 'The people here never stay silent,' he mused, irritation bubbling beneath the surface. 'I wish I could just strangle all of them and enjoy a minute of silence.'

As he walking, a teenager walked past him with her mom, "Ugh, Mom! You bought me the wrong shade of black nail polish! My life is literally over!"

'Everybody here is just annoying.'

Gustavo turned the corner, leaving the noise of the city behind.

As he approached the Brotherhood's meeting room, an eerie silence fell over him. He knew what this meant - Xylar was holding court.
