

As Donna accepted the offer with a smile, a receptionist appeared with a smile.

But that smile froze the next second as she recognised all of them...aside Clement.

They were all already famous after their videos surfaced online, she was even following some of them online.

But she returned to her professional side immediately, as not to inconvenience them.

"Good afternoon sirs, I'm the manager for this building, it's nice meeting you all"

She bowed slightly while lifting her dress gently as if she was addressing kings and queens.

"Is this your best set of clothes and jewellery"

Donna asked with a smile.

"No Ma'am, there is a higher floor than this that holds more expensive and beauty clothes and items of various degree"

The manager replied professionally.

"Lead us there"

Vivian's voice sounded.

Then they all followed the manager as they ascended the staircase.
