

Alright if you guys haven't seen a comment stating the current situation, imma lay it out here for you. 

So, first off. I had a chapter all ready to go with all the intention of it posting itself on Friday on time, but for whatever reason beyond me the year was set to 2025 instead of 2024. meaning it would have been a year before you read that chapter. 

I fixed that issue and planned to post it but when I went over it I wasn't entirely happy with what I wrote so I began to rewrite it and stated that today would be a double-release.

That sadly wont be happening today either, mainly due to the fact that my laptop caught fire and I lost all the data I had on The Maverick story. Now most chapters are on here so they are safe, but all the new shit? 




With that in mind! I powered through to write a chapter for today but when I went through my edit I found it to be lacking and uninspired like I literally had a section devoted to Bodhi being a petty ass bitch due to the confrontation with Tanaka and it was just plain stupid.

Funny, but it wouldn't make much sense in the grand scheme of things. So faced with by far my shittiest chapter nay, worst writing I;ve ever done I've opted to rewrite it Once more and have a super special chapter on Friday, one that I hope will make up for my shortcomings. 

So please be patient and look forward to Friday! 

Thank you all for understanding! or I hope you do. 

Weird side note, but to those who didn't like the previous chapter, about it not being focused on Bodhi, I'm trying to give a greater depth of history for Aoba Johsai. Kira? pretty cool guy in my opinion, who knows maybe he'll make a return during a college scrimmage? who knows...

I do! But I won't tell you :p.

and come on, Naoki's a pretty cool character no? Seijo's Sentinel of Defence has a nice ring to it yeah? i think so anyhow.

OKAY! That's it! no more griping on my end. 

