
Stealing Makes The World Go Round

Once the Wood Nymph agreed to work for him he fully checked her out. The first thing he noticed was how short she was at barely 4'1 so she was beyond tiny compared to him. Even Medusa was 5'10 so both of them were looking down at her literally.

From the look of it, she was ticked off at that but stayed quiet waiting for him to speak.

"Here is the deal, I know three methods to rapidly grow your strength and yourself. The first method, I remove your tree from where it is and place a large Mana gathering formation around your tree.

It will concentrate the Mana or magic for your tree to absorb. Mana will naturally evolve your tree which will adapt by itself. Especially if you learn the proper method to absorb Mana to evolve yourself. 

The second is placing The Golden Fleece on your tree and the Mana Gathering Formation. The legend goes it was placed on an Oak tree and you are an Oak Tree. Add the Fleece together, with the first and second method and you will Evolve into a Spirit Tree." 

She had no idea what that was, but it sounded fancy. 

"What is the third method?" 

"You will also need to drink my blood to mutate your Oak Tree into a unique kind of Tree which can grow into a World Tree."

The Nymph nodded before speaking. 

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds like a powerful tree."

He sighed as if this would be annoying.

"I will get you a lot of Mana or Magic to absorb to speed up the maturation of your tree."

"Oh, I get it.'

He shook his head as he decided to ignore her as he could work on her tree in a few hours. At the moment he was busy so he focused on his current project. He walked over to the staircase his Undead had cut into the ground.

The stairs descended 150 feet deep and at that moment his Undead were carving out a giant cavern at the bottom to work as his workshop. He needed a lot of space and would soon be going out to steal some Industrial equipment as he knew the Four Iowas were declawed and not exactly operational.

He would probably have to scrap three of them to use the parts to fix and enhance one. Medusa who saw him in deep thought was wondering what was on his mind.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Here is the thing about the Iowa Class, they were the best of their time, but by the time they saw service they were obsolete. Then they were even modernized in the 80s and then deactivated in the 90s, 10 years ago, and then they were donated as museums meaning they had to be made safe for that purpose. 

No doubt huge sections of these beasts are rusty, useless, or outdated. I will take three of the four take them apart for spare parts and use all those sections on the fourth one. To do so, I will be stealing an Industrial Smelter to smelt the massive amounts of scrap steel I will have available.

I will have to probably make new parts which will take a while. Magic will only speed up the process, not make it instant. I will probably have to place a Time Dilation Field around my workshop to give me more time."

Medusa nodded as he could do that quite easily. 

"Makes sense, but is Steel a good enough material?"

He shook his head as Steel was subpar by itself, but there was an easy method to make it better.

"Not by itself, but when you smelt or forge steel in Dragon Fire it becomes Dragon Steel. Dragon Steel is far more durable, receptive to mana, and completely rust-proof. I will be using some Celestial Bronze for the wiring inside the ship.

Bronze wires are good conductors for electricity so after smelting Celestial Bronze down in Dragon Fire those properties are sure to be upgraded. As for Abyssal Steel, I plan to have some of my undead steal a Presuarized Nuclear Reactor. I will replace its shell with Abyssal Steel. Load up the Nuclear Reactor and stuff a bunch of souls inside it, and see what happens."

Medusa looked at him oddly through her blindfold.

"You just want to see what happens when you stuff a bunch of souls in a Nuclear Reactor contained in highly powerful Abyssa Steel?"

Vritra who was coiled around his neck looked at Constantine before the two of them nodded. Medusa wanted to bonk these two as that sounded extremely dangerous.

"What if the ship becomes sentient or something?"

Constantine snorted.

"That is the point, a giant sentient mechanical horror on the Seven Seas."

'Not related to me being a big Azure Lane fan.'

He kept that last part to himself, but while he was laughing in his head the Nymph who had been silent this whole time spoke up.

"What are you going to steal?"

"Some parts I need for a project of mine, oh and what is your name?"

"My name is Oak Leaf."

Constantine wanted to facepalm as that was like someone calling themself, Human Finger. It was weird.

"Yeah, that isn't going to work for me."

She tilted her head.

"What do you mean? It is my name."

"It is not a name It's a description of a feature of yourself. As such I will give you a new name."

She shook her head.

"I don't want a new name."

"Too bad, I am in charge."

He held his head high, but it just looked like a guy bullying a little girl. Medusa smiled as this was kinda funny, while Vritra slinked down to look at the Dryad face to face. It caused her to take a few steps back.

"You do need a new name. Oak Leaf won't work. Now, what do you get in mind, Constantine?" 

He went silent as he started thinking of anime Characters that were either Dryads or Elves and he thought of several that would work. However, a part of his thoughts started drifting to hentai. He almost laughed, but he kept his serious face.

'Vritra, why am I thinking of hentai elf characters.'

Vritra almost burst out laughing.

'Which ones?'

'Several, though I am remembering a Hentai Manga I once read.'

'I did read those in your memories some were fun.'

After a few moments of silence, he smiled as he thought of a particular character in a hilariously named Korean manga. (I Fucked The World Tree, yes, it is called that.) Her name was Lee Se-Young and a sexy Oak Tree girl. 

Though calling a Greek species a Korean name seemed odd he went with something reliable and one of the best anime elves. 

"I am going to call you Satella." 

The Dryad girl thought about it as she kinda liked the name.

"I like that one." 

"I know you would, so be thankful." 

"Where did it come from?" 

Constantine smiled. 

"I thought of it on the stop. Until then that is your name." 

She shrugged as she wasn't going to win with him.

"Fine, but when are you going to begin?"

"I can start now if you're impatient."

He walked over to the patch of trees and quickly found the Oak Tree that was her true body. He waved his hand and he dug up a huge chunk of soil around it and lifted it out of the ground.

Satella as he renamed her flinched as she saw him do that. He could kill her by destroying her tree, but he just levitated the tree to the clearing where his workshop was being made. He waved his hand and animated the trees around.

The trees dug themselves out and walked away expanding the clearing by a few hundred feet, but they still kept a circle around his workshop. In the center of the circle, he replanted the 4-year-old Oak Tree in the soil.

"There we are, a better spot. Here is how I am going to do this. Come here real quick?"

Satella did what he said and walked over to him. Constantine brought his hand up to his mouth and bit down on it. His teeth pierced through his durable skin causing him to start bleeding profusely. 

He placed his hand on the wound and he began to draw out his blood. His blood before seemed to be a mix of Golden Ichor and Dark Purple, but now the gold was gone. It had been mixed in with his blood which now came out as a solid purple nearly black liquid. 

His blood was extremely toxic thanks to Vritra's status as a Poison Dragon. Though, to make it non-toxic he just had to use his Divine Energy to purge out the toxins. Once he had a decent amount, he focused on his wound and closed it. 

Medusa and Satella watched as a small orb of blood floated around his palm. He walked over to the Oak Tree and he kneeled in front of it. He held his hand out and began to fuse his blood to the Tree while applying his intent. 

As his blood began to fuse with the tree Satella began to shake this wasn't painful, it just felt weird. They both watched as the bark of her tree darkened to a shade of black while the leaves turned vibrant purple. 

Stella's hair split down the middle as the left side seemed to be a vibrant purple while the other was bright green. Her green skin though seemed to pale before it seemed more white. Even her eyes which were a vibrant green turned purple. 

It blended in with her white toga, so once Constatine finished fusing his blood with the Oak Tree, he walked over to her. He pointed his finger at her with a smirk. 

"Clothes Beam." 

He chuckled as he turned her Toga into the dress that Satella wore. 

"There we are. Behold, an Evernight Oak Tree. You could also call it a Erd Tree if you want, but no one wants that." 

Medusa and Satella walked over to the evolved Evernight Oak Tree and watched it. Satella touched the tree closed her eyes and sighed in relief. The tree wasn't damaged, hurt, or poisoned, and if anything seemed better off. 

She could feel potent energy flowing through the whole tree causing it to grow. It was visible to the naked eye as the tree seemed to grow a few millimeters at a time. Constantine smiled as he patted Satella on the back.

"See, no harm done." 

She nodded as she and her tree which was her main body felt stronger, healthier, and better. 

"You kept your word." 

"Course I did. Now to finish this up." 

Constantine held his hand out and he began to carve into the dirt a Magic Formation around it. He had practiced this so many times he could do it with a wave of his hand.

Satella and Medusa watched as the giant formation was carved into the dirt. Constantine kneeled and placed his hand on the formation. He began to channel his energy into the formation and his strength filled the formation with power. It glowed an abyss-like black with tinges of gold mixed in.

The moment his Divine Energy filled the formation, it activated. It began to drag the Mana in the air toward it where the formation began to compress it.

Medusa, Vritra, and Satella as he named her watched the Formation begin producing small drops of Liquid Mana. The Evernight Oak Tree was then watered with this which instantly caused the tree to start absorbing Liquid Mana rather than Water

Since the tree had already evolved, it began to grow faster. Satella never expected her tree to mature quickly and as the tree matured so did she. At first, it was only a few minor changes, she lost baby fat around her face, and she got taller and healthier. 

It would take a few weeks to bring noticeable changes, but they would pay off.

"Return to your tree and try to get used to it. In three weeks we will be moving to the Sea of Monsters where the Fleece is waiting. With that, your tree will grow gigantic. Until then, try to adapt."

The Nymph nodded before returning to her tree. As that happened, the formation kept watering the tree with Liquid Mana drops. It shouldn't take long for her to adapt as the Formation also had a healing matrix to cast healing magic if needed.

"That is now dealt with. Medusa, let's check out the work the Undead have been up to." 


He began to descend the staircase with Vritra and Medusa. After walking down the 150-foot steps, he made it to the sight where his Undead were working.

At the minimum, the cavern had to be 887 ft(270 M) long, 108 ft(32 M) wide, and 174 ft(53 M) tall to fit just one Iowa As such he had his desired dimensions.

"Make this place 1,200 ft(365 M) long, 500 ft( 152 M) wide, and 200 ft(60 M) tall."

His Undead all turned to him and nodded. They doubled their work with the mages making sure to compress the stone above and place the proper supports to prevent a collapse.

Other Mages would blast the stone and earth to speed up the work. Rather than sit around and waste time, Constantine picked up a shovel and got to work with his Undead. By the four-hour mark, they managed to complete the full construction of the giant cavern. 

They were not done yet so Constantine gathered his Knights and Undead. 

"Listen up, at this moment this is just a hole in the ground. We need equipment, so I will be sending you a lot to steal. Your first target will be in Gary Indiana, Gary Works Steel Mill, the biggest producer of steel in the country. 

Strip it down and take everything. We will need it, and for parts we will need, go to General Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut, and steal everything again." 

Constantine waved his hand and opened two Dragon Gates which were impossible to track. His Undead split up with his 1,000 Death Knights splitting into 500 taking 3,000 of the Skeletons with them. 

The Undead rushed through the portals which would need to remain open for a time. Constantine waited patiently as his Undead rushed into the Gary Works Steel Mill and America's number one Nuclear Submarine Producer. 

Exactly what he would need for his Super Iowa which he also had to rename. He already made his mind up about which one would be upgraded and which would be scrapped. He waved his hand and from his Shadow, he released his four Stolen Iowa's. 

As set them down on the ground side by side before walking toward the USS New Jersey. He placed his hand on the hull and he burned into it a black circle. 

"There we are." 

Vritra flicked his tongue as the Undead began to carry in equipment from the Steel Mill and Shipyard. By tomorrow, if America wasn't in shock they would be since 9/11 was right around the corner. 

"Oh before I forget. Vritra, can you go over to the junkyard of Hephestus and take everything? Leave not a single nut or bolt, you can keep what we don't use." 

Vritra didn't need to be told twice, so he opened his own Dragon Gate which was black and purple before he jumped inside. If Hephestus was not confused by now he would be that all his junk was stolen. 

Medusa patted him on the back. 

"You have a Keltomania issue." 

He chuckled. 

"Maybe, all I know is I will live my life to the fullest. I will steal what I want, take what I want, and do what I want. The only way to live my life is under my terms, not someone else." 

Medusa nodded. 

"I know, I like that about you. Now then, what comes first?" 

"We wait for my skelly boys to take what they need. Until then, just take it easy."

He sat down and waited for his Undead to take everything. With how many Undead he had, it wouldn't even take them an hour. 

(What is your favorite Gacha Game? I never got into Azure Lane, but I did like Nikke Goddess of Victory. Spent way too much on it though. Speaking of Nikke, I wrote a fanfic about it way back. 

The God of Battle: Nikke Goddess of Victory.)
