
Chapter 18: Progress and Meetings [Edited 13/08]

Four months later.

With the profits from all the new products, continuing our plans has been very smooth. The gold acquired by the four families was unimaginable for the northern population; the latest vodka production was so large that the Manderlys had to start creating more cogs and galleys to transport the products farther.

In a secret meeting between my father, myself, and Wyman Manderly, it was discussed that due to the North's newfound wealth, it was necessary to build more galleys for the defense of merchant ships, given the increase in Ironborn attacks.

Gradually, the North was preparing for the future unknowingly under my manipulations; the heightened security and training of new troops would serve for the War for the Iron Throne, and the new stance against bandits and Ironborn would ensure that most warriors were strict against our enemies in the war.

"How is the construction going, Smalljon?" I asked while we were having some vodka in the solar.

"Everything is going well, Robb. More blacksmiths come to Froststorm every week, and their production is advancing rapidly," Smalljon replied.

"Excellent. How many War sets do we have available at the moment?" I asked.

The War sets were what we called the instruments that each important soldier would need. They consisted of a full suit of armor, a sword, two daggers, and the tools necessary to keep the equipment in good condition.

"So far, we have approximately 130 War sets, Robb. We only have 38 blacksmiths working on these sets; the rest are focused on building the factories or on Froststorm itself," said Smalljon, shaking his head.

"These sets will be used by the best warriors of the North. We need to have at least 200 before the year ends," I told him.

"The North can provide up to thirty thousand soldiers, and I hope none will die for lack of some minimal form of defense," I said seriously.

"That will be very difficult, Robb, at least with the number of blacksmiths we have available," said Smalljon.

"I know, Smalljon, but I want us to be prepared. We cannot secure alliances with other kingdoms until the conflict begins."

"We must continue in secrecy. I don't think the rest of the Seven Kingdoms would remain calm if they knew of our plans," I continued, furrowing my brow as I thought of ways to improve production.

"We will use the Ironborn attacks as an excuse for the rest of the Northern houses to expand their production. That way, most blacksmiths throughout the North will focus on creating light armor and weapons," I said as I walked in the solar.

"Send a message to your father, Smalljon. Have his maester send a raven to Winterfell explaining this to Maester Luwin so he can send the rest of the messages to the other Northern houses," I instructed.

"Understood, Robb. I think this idea is like killing two birds with one stone. The threat of war will deter the worst attacks from the Ironborn, and we can increase production as needed," Smalljon said with a small smile.

"Exactly. We have that excuse if the rest of the kingdoms want to meddle in our problems. They cannot interfere without using the king for it, and with his friendship with my father and his hatred towards the Ironborn, he will not support the rest," I said.

"Excellent, Robb. I will take the fastest horse to meet with my father and tell him about your plans. I'll be back as soon as possible," Smalljon said as he left the solar.

King's Landing.

In the Great Throne Room of King's Landing, the Small Council gathered to discuss a matter of growing concern: the unexpected economic growth of the North. Even King Robert Baratheon was present, compelled by his Hand, Jon Arryn.

"Bah, how important can this be?" asked the king as he drank his new favorite, Northern Frostbite. "I have better things to do than waste time here."

"Prostitutes, my love?" asked the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei Lannister, rolling her eyes.

"Please, Robert, Cersei. We must talk about this issue. The balance of the Seven Kingdoms is on the verge of breaking," said Jon Arryn with a severe expression.

"Lords of the council, King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister," began Varys, the Master of Whisperers, his voice filling the room. "My little birds in the North have not communicated with me for over a year. No spies in any of the important houses of the North, and reports from the rest of the kingdoms indicate that the Stark and Manderly houses have significantly increased their wealth in recent months. This change has raised concerns about the balance of power in the Seven Kingdoms."

Lord Stannis, the Master of Ships, observed from his seat. "Maritime trade has been key for the Manderlys, allowing them to expand their influence beyond the traditional limits of the North. This has given them a significant economic advantage over the rest of the kingdoms."

"If we allow the North to continue on this trajectory without supervision," interjected Lord Baelish, attempting to sow chaos for personal gain, "they could emerge as both an economic and military force to rival any other region of the realm. It's an issue that requires our immediate attention."

Cersei Lannister added, "The Northerners are barbarians, rough, uncouth, and uncivilized. It's a marvel they have accomplished so much."

"We must ensure we maintain control over these houses. We cannot allow the North to become too powerful and jeopardize the stability of the Seven Kingdoms," she continued.

King Robert Baratheon stood from his chair with a monstrous expression, approaching his Queen and raising his hand.

"Robert, calm down. Cersei is right; we must maintain a fair balance in the realm, and the North is endangering that balance. The Tyrells continue to complain about the decrease in their food purchases, and the Redwynes about the profits they have lost due to vodka, as well as the Martells and their wine," said Lord Arryn, trying to calm his stepson. "We must be careful about how we respond to these accusations; the North is our ally, but we must consider the other kingdoms."

Robert Baratheon took a deep breath, slowly trying to calm himself before retaking his seat. "Ned is my friend and a loyal ally. I don't want him to feel upset by our actions, but we must also ensure the peace and stability of my realm."

Jon Arryn, after carefully listening to the councilors' opinions, spoke in a calm voice. "I propose we send a delegation to investigate further. We need to better understand the motivations behind this growth and ensure it does not endanger the fragile harmony we have managed to maintain."

Lord Renly, raising his hand, continued, "But who will go on this investigation? I can go; I have been wanting to meet the heir of Winterfell. His legend has grown much in recent years, and I wouldn't mind if he became my squire," he finished with a smile.

Jon Arryn frowned momentarily before turning to Varys and sharing a look. "Varys and I cannot attend; we are in the middle of another investigation and cannot leave it unfinished."

"My father has been interested in the changes in the North and wants to know more about them," said the Queen. "Why don't we send the Imp to the North? Maybe he'll find a home with the rest of the barbarians."

Jon Arryn looked thoughtful before giving his opinion. "Lord Tyrion will be the next Lord of Casterly Rock and is wise about the realm's politics. He has my vote."

"Mine too," nodded Grand Maester Pycelle.

One by one, they were convinced until it was decided that Tyrion Lannister would be in charge of the delegation to investigate what was happening in the North.

King Robert stood from his throne with a thoughtful and worried expression as he watched the rest of the council members slowly disperse. Jon Arryn approached him with a serious yet serene look in his eyes.

"A necessary discussion, my king," said Lord Arryn. "The North is becoming too strong, and the balance of the Seven Kingdoms is in danger."

Robert nodded. "I hope the Tyrion brings clear answers. I don't want to have trouble with Ned. My victory was largely thanks to his support, and we repay him with distrust."

Jon placed a reassuring hand on the king's shoulder. "Ned is loyal; I have never doubted that. And thanks to the Seven, he is also pragmatic. He will understand our concerns if we explain them properly."

Grand Maester Pycelle approached. "My lord, is there any instruction you wish to give before we conclude for today?"

Robert rubbed his chin, thinking for a moment. "Inform Ned of our decision to send a delegation. I want to make sure he is fully informed."

Pycelle nodded reverently. "Of course, Your Majesty. I will personally see to delivering the message."


If you want to support me or read up to three chapters ahead, you can find me on patr*e on . co m (slash) Infinityreads99


This chapter was a pain in my behind to write, but I hope I got the characters right. As some of you may have noticed, Jon Arryn's opinion has changed since the last 'interlude.' That is because he is pragmatic enough that some economic rise may not be a problem, but when someone starts messing with the status quo hard enough, it becomes a problem. So yeah, Robert is conflicted, Renly is thirsty (lmao), and Jon will do what is needed for the realm to be at peace. Next chapter, an SI, and an Imp enter a bar and yada yada.

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