
Ch 13: Hunters become Hunted

With the light dispersed come is a bipedal canine-like Pokémon. It is blue and black in color with red eyes. It has round spikes protruding from the back of each forepaw and a third on its chest it is a Lucario an Aura Pokemon it is a Fighting and Steel type Pokemon and also the reason that I can use Aura also after I catch her that day as a Riolu.

The other light also reviled a Pokemon it is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon with a primarily white feline-like body with some dark blue coloration. It has a ruff around its neck and chest and a tuft on the top of its head adorned with a single blue-black oval. Between the dark fur, the curvature of the white fur on its head, and the positioning of its horn it is the famous Disaster Pokémon.

It is said in ancient time that in ancient time when people see Absol there will be a disaster so that is why it is called that but Absol has a power that let it sense the disaster in advance and it comes to let people know about it.

When the two appear some Pokemon around us quickly run away after sensing there aura as they are unconsciously releaseing so even my 2 little Pokemon also come behind me because of some fear.

"Ok you two stop release your aura you are scaring them," Mike remind his older Pokémon and also coming down the little ones with his own aura.

Being reminded by there trainer they also quickly retract there pressure and control there represent elemental powers to blend with the nature and also reduce there presence so you can't found them in the wild without special means.

It is there control of element as they have so higher control that you can't tell there rank normally and they can have element aura of any rank . Mike do this because to let the enemy lower there guard.

After that Absol come running to me after sensing me so I lower myself to let it's rub my face against to show affection. Mike also start rubbing it's smooth white fur and also petting her a bit.

Lucario and Absol are the Pokemon that I least use in front of other and only my family know about them but they they are my hidden Pokemon to use against this kind of situation that I don't typically don't get involved even if I do I use my alternative character so not to get recognized even with familiar people.

They are peak of emperor rank and can go to champion rank anytime as they have suffer from this kind of kidnaping from a evil organizations that's why they have deep hatred for them so I told them about the idea to let them fight with this kind of situation in the future where I will use my alternative character the Disaster king.

Mike wear a Absol mask to hide his face and use Aura to change his normal Aura as any Aura guardian can tell the difference between people because of the Aura so when I change the persona to fight with the criminal organization, I always have the Aura to change and have enough guard aginest other Aura user and have use psychic to camouflage face and have illusion of the size and form of me also to guard again other psychic powers.

So with this much granted I use those two Pokemon and my persona to take care of any criminal organization that I normally avoid and deal with them with this persona.

"Lucario and Absol as you guys can tell by that I called you as we have some dealing to do with the information I got from Nidoran. That, it is time for you guys to make a move once again has come."

Hearing this form Mike the two Pokemon become interestedly excited as they love doing this operation as to doing good deed but not leaving name.

They become interested in this when Mike do it the first time. It was when Mike was young and do this for the first time to send some hunter to the town police and give them some coordinate of the base of some organizations he knows or find through psychic Pokemon.

At the first time they were recently joined and don't have much power to do this work so they become motivated to get stronger to help Mike.

So with this when Mike developed this persona and will be select some of his Pokemon who Mike will be using for this kind of work.

They have least chance to appear in any of his Official fight and only appear on his other persona to fight with criminal organization.

So as of right now only those two Pokemon are interested as they are the only ones suffer from the evil organizations so they are really happy to help.

So Mike decided on a plan for future Pokemon that he can rescue from any criminal organization than have them join in this.

"Ok now then Nidoran take us to the direction of where you come from," After introducing his two Pokemon he asked for direction.

So after roughly getting the direction Mike put the 2 Pokemon in there PokeBall as not to let them see some stuff and with his other Pokémon start sprinting the directly to the side where Nidoran come from.

Here's the stats of the two of them,



Rank: Peak Emperor

Ability: Steadfast, Justified

Move: Agility, Double team, Counter, Iron defense, Endure, Extreme speed, Aura sphere, Dragon pulse, Close combat, Brick break, Clam mind, Substitute, Shadow ball, Ice punch, Fire punch, Thunder punch, Poison jab, Bulk up, Metal claw , Bullet punch,Meteor mash, Low kick, High jump kick, Quick guard, Areal ace, Reversal, Bone Rush, Earthquake, Flash cannon, Focus blast, Hyper beam, Steel beam.


Rank: Peak Emperor

Ability: Pressure, Super Luck, Justified

Move: Double team, Knock of, Quick attack, Slash, Night slash, Focus energy, Sucker punch, Sword dance, Parish song, Future sight, Assurance, Double edge, Clam mind, Substitute , Shadow ball, Shadow claw, Pay back, Dark pulse, Water pulse, Rock slide, Rock tomb, Rock smash, Ice beam,Blizzard, Rain dance, Flamethrower, Thunder, Thunder bolt, Iron tail, Fire Blast, Hyper beam, Shadow Sneak.


With everything ready Mike use his psychic powers and Lucario us aura sense to try relocate the hunters after some distance from the river to the north east in the direction of the mountain.

(Mike I sense many life sign up there that looks like a cave system so let's check out ) said Lucario through our Aura link.

"Ok, let's speed up then like usual Lucario you will attack from the front to distract the enemy then Absol you use my Shadow sneak to go behind and release the Pokémon captives in there," Mike also check the situation as there are many Pokemon bound with some mechanic to get them stop from moving and also some that is put to sleep.

After giving order to the Pokemon they get to work as Absol is using shadow sneak as she is very much master this move to the point where she can use it as movement type rather than doing damage with it she now can go from shadow to shadow.

( Meanwhile in the hunters camp...)

"Todays hull is very promising we get many Nidorino and Nidoriana with some powerful Nidoking and Nidoqueen," Said a grunt 1 to another grunt 2 as they stand out from the cave as guard.

" Yes and also some Moon stone is also found in there," Said grunt 2 .

"But that Nido couple was very powerful I heard form the other member Said that it was a peak king rank Pokémon as boss has to do this himself and the Nidoqueen was dealt with by the two captains together."

" Boss himself has 4 King rank Pokemon but that Nidoking still manage to injured two Pokemon of the Boss."

"If Boss isn't there we would have all likely get hurt or dead to capture that tribe."

"Yes and I heard some one said that this is a deal from a mysterious organization that post a commission in the black market to find some powerful Pokémon for them and the reward is 3 time the market price.

So many other poachers and hunters are going to give it a go as this is a huge amount of money."

"Yes and boss said that this time with the money we can last a year or two so that's why he himself come with us this time around."

"Shush.. did you hear that," Grunt 2 said after some movement in the bushes to the side.

Grunt 1 look around and said, " no did you hear wron--"

"Lucario Bullet Punch" Come a voice before they react they saw a blure and a silver energy coating fist and get knock out.

( Mike view)

When Mike and his Pokemon finally found the cave they hear what those grunts are taking about after getting to know what is going on here and after hearing what they are talking about he confirm the targets.

With this he said to his Pokemon to get ready to start. With his commend Absol vanished to the shadow and sneak in.

And Mike told, " Lucario Bullet Punch."

With this the guard faint and then he uses psychic to get there PokeBall remove.

"Ok Lucario since we head that the most powerful Pokémon they have is king rank so don't use full power but control enough so as not to kill them all."

"Alright use a control Hyper beam on the entrance to draw out the people inside ."


(Ok Mike I will control the power)

After the Hyper beam was used the mountain got pierce through by the power and many Pokemon and people got hurt and faint some even can't quickly move away so got trapped by the rock even if it was half the damage is more than he thought.

(Inside the cave)

Before the impact in front of communication screen 2 people are taking.

"Mr.Greed the powerful Pokemon capture mission you posted on the black market have been capture by my team with the whole tribe," a man with scarred on his face with a bulky body and savage looks said to the man with a hood cover most of the face in front the screen with a smile on his face.

Even if the person appear not as intimidating as the person who is talking but you can see some fear in his eyes when he talks with the person in front of the screen.

"Azza what kind of Pokemon did you capture to call me and what rank is the Pokemon. If you disturb me for miscellaneous matter than you can get killed you know my time is precious and don't have extra time for garbage," said the man impatiently to the scared man name azza with a killing intent.

Azza the bulky man hear this and also get chill in his back and also sweating but quickly replied," it is the Nido family with 2 peak king rank Pokemon with 4 other king rank Pokemon."

Hearing this the mand name Mr. Greed finally show some interest and said," not bad if you really get them to me then you can join our Darkness team as you wanted and also be an elite member of the team so delivered it to the design location tomorrow.

I will send an admin of my side to receive the Pokemon and you can get you permit from him so-" before finish saying there was "Boom "

"It seems you get discover by someone else quick finish your work and come find me." Said Mr. Greed.

"Don't worry sir I will finish this pest who don't know what good for them. You two get going and see what is al that about," Said Azza with menacing look and also said to his two captains to let the team to get there and deal with it.

His two captains together with 50 or more grunts got there to see what is going on and deal with the problem fast as not to get cought by the league people.
