
071 took a day off for surgery

Li Manman didn't dare make a sound, obediently responding to the call.

Only after she hung up the phone did she seem to realize something.

Wait! Wasn't the purpose of her call to ask about the company's arrangements for Yan Yueqing? How had the topic shifted around and ended up back on herself?

Li Manman clenched her phone but didn't dare to bother Director Yang again. Holding back her frustration, she silently walked back to the recording site.

Meanwhile, online, Yan Yueqing suddenly became hot news.

Clicking into Weibo, everything was about her trending searches.

#Yan YueqingGenerouslyTipsAMillion, ScriptedOrBigshot?#

#Yan Yueqing'sIrresistiblySweetSon#

#Yan YueqingFiercelyDefendsCandy#

#Yan YueqingLiveStreamsChildRearingToSaveLeukemiaPatients#

Qin Youran could live with the first few hash tags, but she had no words for the last one!
