
Chapter 602: Tiger and Crane Forms

Fang Ye pinched Hongdou's soft, butterfly-like ears. Hongdou's ears twitched, and she shook her head in displeasure, using her paw to swat Fang Ye's hand away.

He then took out another piece of apple and fed it to her. Hongdou immediately forgot her annoyance and happily munched on it.

Seeing how cute Hongdou looked, Fang Ye couldn't resist the urge to pick her up and give her a kiss!

But considering she was pregnant, it wasn't convenient to hold her, so he gently patted her back and stroked her big tail, "Eat slowly, no rush. This extra meal is to supplement your nutrition."

At that moment, the door was gently pushed open.

Guan Shan said, "Director, you have a phone call!"

Fang Ye had left his phone in the office to avoid startling Hongdou with sudden calls, as pregnant animals are very sensitive.

Feeling a bit annoyed, he wondered who would call when he was enjoying his time with the red panda.

He patted Hongdou's head, "I'm leaving now!"

Back in the office, the phone was still ringing persistently.

Fang Ye saw it was a call from Xiaobao.

He answered, "Hello? What's up?"

Xiaobao's voice sounded anxious, "Director, a red-crowned crane flew into the tiger exhibit! It's currently facing off with Jiaojiao and Binggao!"


Fang Ye's previously leisurely mood vanished instantly, and he became tense.

He quickly replied, "Okay, I'm on my way!"

Feeling both angry and frustrated, he thought about how the zoo was so big, and yet the crane had to fly into the tiger exhibit!

However, he acknowledged that his design had some wishful thinking.

He assumed that the cranes, with their clipped wings, wouldn't be able to fly too high or too far. Additionally, the trees around the crane enclosure acted like a barrier, preventing them from escaping.

Cranes are social animals, usually playing by the lake together. Multiple factors suggested they wouldn't fly away.

Moreover, constructing a dome like the bird exhibit over the crane enclosure and waterfowl lake would be too expensive and less visually appealing.

The roars of tigers and lions were loud, and every morning the wolves howled in chorus. The birds at the waterfowl lake knew to avoid the predator exhibits; the residents there were not to be messed with.

The crane could have gone to the monkey exhibit or the mixed-species area, but instead, it flew into the predator exhibit today.

Jiaojiao had never eaten live prey before, not even knowing how to catch a chicken.

But after Fang Ye started throwing live chickens or rabbits into the enclosure weekly, Jiaojiao gradually learned to hunt and taught Binggao as well. This made the situation with the red-crowned crane quite dangerous.

Fang Ye quickly ran towards the tiger exhibit.



"How did the red-crowned crane get in there!"

"Oh no, the crane is doomed!"

"Jiaojiao! Binggao! You can't eat that bird!"

"Call the director! Get the director here quickly!"

The visitors at the tiger exhibit were all gathered in front of the glass wall or fence, watching the situation inside with bated breath. Some screamed in fear, while others looked around for a keeper.

Nearby visitors, hearing the commotion, rushed over, curious, "What's going on? What happened?"

They saw a red-crowned crane standing on a rock beside the crescent-shaped pool in the tiger exhibit!

Jiaojiao and Binggao, who had been cooling off in the pool, looked curiously at the large, white bird that had suddenly flown down.

The tiger exhibit occasionally saw small birds like sparrows or magpies, but they were too small to be of interest.

This was the first time they had seen such a large bird. Why was it so big and tall? Could it be food from the keepers?

Binggao climbed out of the pool first, shaking off the water, and cautiously approached the crane from the side.

The crane was a bit panicked!

Having flown out of the crane enclosure, it was seeing the outside environment for the first time, feeling both fresh and excited!

But its wings were clipped, making flying quite tiring, and it hadn't flown far before getting exhausted.

Seeing the environment here with trees, grass, and a pool, it decided to rest for a while.

But it hadn't noticed the two strange creatures in the pool!

The crane needed a running start to take off; it couldn't just flap its wings and fly.

Seeing the white creature approaching, it was too late to run. It had to face the threat head-on!

It kept its head facing Binggao, and as Binggao got closer, it suddenly spread its wide wings, performing a "white crane spreads its wings" move, and let out a loud crane call!

This startled Binggao, who jumped back as if on springs.

Why did this bird suddenly become so big? It looked even stronger than me.

The crane felt reassured, realizing the creature was also afraid of it!

It aggressively flapped its wings and stretched its neck forward, trying to peck at Binggao.

Binggao jumped back again, retreating several steps, and observed the crane from three meters away, looking a bit intimidated.

The visitors, who had initially thought the crane would become tiger food in an instant, were surprised to see the crane's imposing presence, seemingly more intimidating than the tiger in the first encounter!

They couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, impressive!"

"Binggao got scared!"

The tiger exhibit's broadcast then came on, "Dear visitors, please remain calm. Our director is on his way and will be here shortly!"

Hearing this, the visitors felt much more at ease, knowing the great druid was coming to mediate.

They were also more interested in watching this rare tiger-crane showdown.

Jiaojiao had also climbed out of the pool.

She was unsure of the strange large white bird's strength but thought it seemed quite formidable.

Seeing Binggao attracting the crane's attention from the front, she crouched down and quietly approached from behind, preparing to launch a sneak attack.

However, the crane was very alert. While scaring Binggao, it hadn't forgotten about the more ferocious yellow creature.

Jumping off the rock, it spread its wings wide and charged at Jiaojiao.

After forcing Jiaojiao to retreat, it stood proudly beside a large tree, folding its wings.

It looked like an immortal swordsman in white robes, stroking its beard, exuding the demeanor of a master!

Jiaojiao and Binggao didn't give up, cautiously pacing a few meters away, occasionally approaching to test the waters!

The visitors watched the back-and-forth between the crane and the tigers, thoroughly entertained, even cheering excitedly.

They enthusiastically commented, "Wow, black tiger heart strike versus white crane spreads its wings!"

"Isn't the legendary tiger-crane double form inspired by someone watching a tiger and a crane fight?"

"Haha, this crane is amazing!"

"Tigers are very cautious with unfamiliar things! That's what the saying 'the tiger is afraid of the donkey's bray' means. Initially, the tiger was scared of the loud braying, but after getting familiar with the donkey's abilities, it knew there was no danger and ate the donkey!"

Meng Shi was outside the fence, blowing a whistle and calling out loudly, "Jiaojiao! Binggao!"

But the two tigers were completely focused on the crane. Binggao ran over and then ran back.
