
Chapter 64: Diverse Friendships Part 4

"You said it's best to be honest, didn't you?"

I looked at Bardan with a broad smile.

"It's a good thing, really. I too like honesty."

Bardan's mouth gaped open and he was unable to close it for a while. Haha, what a funny dwarf.

"Haha, don't be too disheartened. I can help with the subjugation anytime, as long as the timing and conditions are right. However, becoming a part of Ergin is a bit difficult."

"No… why exactly?!"

Bardan's bean-sized eyes were filled with astonishment. He seemed more troubled by me saying "Becoming a part of Ergin is difficult" than by my offer to help.

I must choose my words carefully here. Once dwarves set their minds, they rarely change them. Therefore, it was important not to make a bad impression from the start.

"I'm not quite skilled enough yet."

That's a lie. I am skilled enough. My abilities are more than sufficient! That's why I cannot simply be tied down to Ergin. But if I were to speak "honestly" I'd likely end up disliked, so it's time to use some adult social skills.

"Huh… you're refusing Ergin? You do know what adamant armor is, right?"

"I do know."


He should have studied more about druids...I inwardly clicked my tongue. I never had much interest in dwarves who deal with metal. Being a druid not fond of metal, I knew there was nothing for me in the Iron Mountains.

Unless it's related to the quest of course.

If there were fragments of the Origin God in Ergin, perhaps I'd consider visiting. But for now, there was no information.

It's likely the elves know something about this.

Elves who were knowledgeable about ancient history and magic were much more likely to know information about the "Origin God" than dwarves who remained in their mines and only swung their hammers.

After pacifying Bardan enough, Katharina and I sent him on his way and turned our attention to our real target, the group of elves.

Birds of a feather flock together, and it was rare for elves to engage in conversation with humans. Most were gathered in their own groups, speaking in Elvish.

It seems they completely reject other races.

Thanks to my [Polyglot] trait, however, I could understand everything they were saying.

-Who would have thought a human could solve the deep sea dungeon issue?

-It's surprising.

-And it wasn't even a mage but a druid.

-I heard there was a mermaid involved.

-That can't be right. The mermaids have been hidden in the east for a long time.

-The two human knights seemed quite ordinary.

-I've heard that a unique druid has appeared on the continent.

-I've heard it too. They call him the [Saint of Purification] who saved the cursed lands and the [Nemesis of Evil] who saved Rabata from a demon…

-A mere druid?"

-Could he possibly be an elf?"

-I doubt it."

-Then, perhaps a half-elf?"

Typical of elves, thinking like that.

Ah, look at that lofty pride. Is it because my abilities are beyond belief? They must think I'm an elf, or at least half-elf. Well, I suppose it's a compliment in their eyes…

Unfortunately, I'm just an ordinary human.

Still, it feels pretty good to be recognized this much by those picky bastards.

"…. Why are you smiling like that?"

"It's nothing."

Katharina who could not understand the Elvish language looked puzzled. Soon, she asked me with a puzzled look on her face.

"You wouldn't happen….to know Elvish, would you?"

"A little."

"What on earth are you?"

"Just a regular druid, not a half-elf."

I could feel Katharina's scrutinizing gaze. Her cat and beastkin instincts gave her a piercing look that seemed to examine every detail about me.

"Hmph, those are round ears."

"Yes, that's why I said I'm not a half-elf."

The pointy ears were a defining trait of elves and commonly appeared even among half-elves. She seemed slightly relieved after confirming that my ears were round.

"How do you know Elvish then…?"

"Look, I know you're curious, but we're here to meet new people. Before we really start talking to them, properly introduce who they are to me. You know how picky elves can be."


"Start with the brown-haired one on the left."

"That's Jaeyar. He's a young elf who recently moved here from Lysette. He's not a noble, but his parents are quite wealthy."

"And the silver-haired one who looks somber?"

"Lease. He's a priest at the Nemeya Temple in the main island of the Echaits Union. He serves as a spiritual pillar for the elves staying in Echaits."

"What about the grumpy-looking blonde in the middle?"

"…Darion. It would be wise not to act too boldly in front of him. Angering the nobility of Lysette is truly foolish."

"So this elf is the main character of the party?"

"Well… if you can become friends with Darion, it might be worth making enemies with everyone else here. He's the grandnephew of the Queen of Lysette."

"Ah, good to know."

"Actually, I didn't expect Darion to show up at this banquet. I expected Lease would be here, but… Darion has never attended such events."

Katharina's expression was uneasy. She was known for her ability to handle tough people, but it seemed this elf was beyond her capabilities. She whispered in a low voice.

"Darion has a really strong sense of elven superiority. He will surely upset you but, as I said…"

"He's the grandnephew of the Queen of Lysette."

"…Yes. He's of noble blood. So, unlike dealing with Bardan, it's better to behave with more formality. Elves are different from dwarves…"

"They don't like honest words."


Katharina bit her lip briefly and then quickly managed a smiling face.

"Sir Darion, Sir Lease, Sir Jaeyar, it's an honor you came to this banquet."


Led by Darion, the three elves nodded slightly in acknowledgment of her greeting.

"I have someone I'd like to introduce…"

Before Katharina could finish her words, Darion interrupted her. His expression showed he didn't care that he had cut her off.

"Are you that druid?"

Three pairs of eyes fixed on me. As I looked into their piercing blue eyes, I unwittingly swallowed hard.

…No, don't be nervous. What do I have to be afraid of?

It was clear that these elves attended this banquet because they wanted something from me anyway.

So, to put it bluntly, the "main character" is me.

"Most likely, it's that 'druid'."

"He conquered the deep-sea dungeon?"

"Yes. There shouldn't be any more monster appearances on the sea route."

"That's not what I'm curious about."


"How did you conquer the deep-sea dungeon?"

"Uh, well…."

"Are you a mutt, or rather a half-breed?" (TN: here he is asking whether he is a half-elf or a mixed race with a bit of elf blood in him.)

Wait, did he just call me a mutt? Wow, what a terrifying sense of elven superiority. Without realizing it, I frowned and looked at Darion. He looked down at me with a face that said he had no reason to be concerned.


"…That's quite the rude question."


"Yes, it's rude. And ridiculous."



Katharina tried to dissuade me, but I spoke to the elves in a cold voice.

"Arzan, Donar, Lynshaka, Nemeya."


"Was it not the very first flower to bloom that drank a drop of blood from each of these four gods and subsequently gave birth to the ancestor of the elves?"


"So, if we're being precise, wouldn't you say the very race of elves is itself a hybrid?"

Darion remained silent as if he had swallowed honey. His sculpted face grew cold as he looked at me, and a chill ran down my spine.

…Did I go too far?

The thought of him being the grandnephew of the Elf Queen crossed my mind again.

Sh*t… What can I do? He started it.

I kept my eyes fixed directly on Darion while pretending nothing was wrong.






A cold silence enveloped us. Ah, damn it. Was it a mistake? I feel like running away.

Should I leave… now?

Since elves and dwarves are traditional enemies, returning to Bardan might be a viable option. I casually shifted my gaze to see where Bardan was.

And then.


Darion suddenly grasped my hand with the delicate hands characteristic of elves. Surprised, I looked up at him. His eyes were sparkling like jewels as he spoke with an excited voice

"To think I would meet a human who knows the ancient elven myths!"


"Only the nobles of Lysette know about the ancient elven myths, how could a human… Perhaps, do you have high elves among your ancestors?"

…As if that were possible.

However, the very comment I made to provoke him had ironically won his favor. And this presented me with an excellent opportunity.

He is, after all, the grandnephew of the Elf Queen.

In terms of networking value, he was top-notch! If handled well, I could easily step into Lysette which was notoriously difficult to enter.

"That is…"

"Think about it. Among your ancestors, could there be high elves…"

I feigned a deeply sorrowful expression and spoke in a sad voice.

"…I don't know. I have no parents."

In this world, of course. Back in my original world, they might be watching a national trot competition and eating banquet noodles right now. Ah, the banquet noodles my mother makes are so delicious. Just thinking about it makes me crave them…

My face must have looked particularly nostalgic when I thought of the banquet noodles, because Darion could not hide his sympathy and let out a sigh.

"It's a heartbreaking tale. Surely, there must have been some circumstances. Still, your parents left you the ancient elf myths as a legacy!"

How could that be? I knew it simply because I was a gamer who read the game settings thoroughly.

But why correct him? It would make things easier if Darion continued to believe I was a descendant of the high elves!

"Though you may not have the elf surname, I will certainly remember your name. What is it?"

I gave a sad smile and took Darion's hand.

"Theodore. My name is Theodore."

This is too easy, almost suspiciously so. Should things really be going this smoothly?

"Theodore! Excellent. From now on, consider me your brother!"

"Thank you, Sir Darion."

"Sir Darion? Just call me Darion, my brother."

"…Thank you, Darion."

I managed to wink at Katharina without Darion noticing in this ridiculous scene.
