
Chapter 17.1 Copper Mountain  (Part 8) 

In the time I've been collecting treasures, I've become a little more appropriate. The first, strongest thrill has diminished but not disappeared, but the little chill in my fingers is still there.

And the fact of collecting this wealth in canvas bags is unexpected even for me, as invariably causes a smile. But the sense of beauty is gently sharpening its claws on the stone, leaving deep furrows, glittering beautifully with red, bloodshot eyes. So, if you have time, you should grow some chests and trunks so that everything is as it should be — neat and beautiful.

The process of choosing stones was like loading gravel with a shovel... just kidding. I wanted to do it with my hands, but some of the stones were quite sharp, so I armed myself with a garden spade, almost a child's spade, and used it to rake up all this beauty. My state of mind during those days was strange, but I did not pay attention to it.

Only later, a week later, when I went into deep meditation and began to analyze my state and put myself in order, I was horrified. As it turned out, from the outside it looked like I had suddenly gone off the rails: I would walk with a deeply thoughtful look on my face, then I would stop abruptly on a flat place and stand for a while with empty eyes, then I would start giggling terribly, sometimes even smiling and licking my eyes. Anyway, I don't even know why the Mori family didn't take me by the gills and perform an exorcism?


In fact, from the very first day, Mori Mayuri had noticed a drastic change in the child's behavior and had watched him closely. Her own eyes, as well as high-ranking shikigami with baited spirits, kept a close eye on the boy. While he slept, the woman examined him with powerful spiritual techniques and also studied his magical background readings.

No evidence of possession was found. The astonishingly beautiful vase, an ancient artifact-indicator of black and dark magic-that was left on the dining room table also showed no outside influence. The family council decided to wait a bit with the report to the clan, but if the boy does not come to his senses within a week, action will be taken...


In short, I was lucky, but I have to watch myself more carefully. And I have to explain my behavior somehow... What can I think of? I mean, why make something up when you can't say anything?


— Good evening, Mr. Goro. — I'm sitting across from a man at the dining table.


It was a random day, and I didn't expect to have to wait so long for a man who was suddenly late. But I didn't want to procrastinate, so I decided to wait.

— Hello, Arata-kun. — The man nodded and glanced at his wife who was also present.

— I would like to apologize for my strange behavior recently. — I stood up and bowed, not deeply but respectfully, and sat down at the table again. — I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.

— Hmm, — the clan leader spoke after a short pause, lowering his wands. — You've really worried us. Mayuri-chan was very worried when she noticed the change in you, even if you were possessed or had fallen under a curse somewhere. — The man smiled and looked again at his wife, who kept her poker face. — Can you tell me the reason for your... mmm... oddness, hmmm? — Yoda, huh?

— That's how I started this conversation. — I nod quietly and a bundle of cloth is placed on the table, which I don't unwrap yet. — When you told me that you've found gems on the island several times, I couldn't help myself and started looking for them as well... — With these last words, I unwrap the cloth.

I unfolded the cloth slowly under the interested looks of the others. The last corner was removed and the adults froze in shock, unable to take their eyes off four multicolored stones the size of acorns: pale yellow, milky yellow, pale blue and transparent orange. Next to them were five small stones of deep blue and red, but their pea-sized size was lost against the acorns.

I watched the man carefully, for it is he who can understand their true value, even if all the stones are beautiful and without cracks and inclusions, but at a glance to determine the nature of the stone, Mayuri-san will not be able. I immediately noticed that the man's breathing had changed to a jerky, sweaty tone, and a slight trembling in his fingers that caused him to drop his wands on the table, but he didn't even notice.

His hand twitched, but immediately rested on the tabletop, clenched into a fist. The man closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply. It took him a few minutes to come to his senses, then he looked back at me.

— Now I understand why you acted the way you did. — The head of the house spoke quietly. — You have probably studied the books in the library, and you know what these stones are, don't you?

— I can only speculate, I have no means to determine exactly what they are. — I shrug my shoulders, for my sphere is not yet familiar with these minerals.

— Do you mind if I examine them? — The man nodded at the stones, and I replied with a nod, — Why did I do all this? Well, except for the very first step of the plan — to justify myself.

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