
Petty Kingdoms and Chiefdoms Beyond the Wall

"West of the Kingdom of Hengledd lies a lawless land, which are still ruled by warbands and tribes that do not hold to the authority of the House of Canmore, some of them were driven out of their original homes when Rhodri unified Hengledd, the others have existed at the West of the young kingdom, joining together as one people through marriage, conquest, and annihilation of one another, some have become a perennial thorn on the side of the True North and also the Watch while some have maintained some measure of trade and diplomacy even amongst each other..." - On the Petty Kingdoms and Chiefdoms west of Beyond the Wall by First Ranger Mance Rayder.

West of the Kingdom of Hengledd lies the hills and also the expansive Frozen Shore which has access to the Lands of Always Winter, such harsh lands are home to peoples who because of the harsh cold and famine of the place were forced to commit the most heinous of sins known to man and the gods which is to consume the flesh of men and women, even their own kin, it was said that those closer to the Lands of Always Winter practice such barbarity while those who were not within the powers of the White Walkers subsist on fish, seal, the occasional deer and also raiding the south through small but seaworthy boats, this peoples form their own communities and were even able to endure despite the harshness of their climes, but still some of these communities bear a distrust for authority and even amongst themselves.

The Weepers were founded by a man who is only known as the Weeper, he and his people were driven out of the Haunted Forest by Rhodri's Gallowglasses and Caterans before they found themselves at the Frostfangs where they conquered and absorbed another tribe, the Weeper declared himself as the True King Beyond the Wall and has since then been fighting both Night's Watch and Hengledd forces since then. The Boneheads were founded by a man known only as Rattleshirt and Lord of Bones, they are settled near Skirling Pass and had fought both the Weepers and also the Dogsheads which were lead by a woman named Harma and her brother Halleck.

Then there are unimaginatively named people as the Gorge or Gorge dwellers for simplicity, this people lived by trading and often times fighting with the Brothers that lived in the Shadow Tower, in this times however they are more helpful with the Watch as they would often times send fire signals to the Watch and warn them of any dangers close by, then there is the Petty Kingdom of the Ruddy Hall, located in the Milkwater, they have fought the advances of cannibal tribes and had even claimed to have fought with Rhodri at Rhodri's Pass, currently its King, Tormund Giantsbane was said to be in talks with Hengledd particularly with Caradog Map Gisla for a possible marriage alliance as his two sons have died fighting the Weepers and the Boneheads, the dowry for his daughter's hand being his own small kingdom, a possibility that may come true should Tormund not bore a son through any of his three wives.
