
A God

"I placed that sugar cube on the counter of my kitchen, and one of the ants found it; then it brought its group back and together they all began to drag this cube." All of a sudden, the leader said as if she was speaking to herself.

"... " Clara just listened silently.

"People say hard work pays and the fruit of patience is always sweet, and look at these little ants, they are working so hard and have been so patient, dragging this thing over such a long distance.

But don't people also say one has no control over their fate, so what's the point of working so hard if the results are still uncertain?" The leader asked without raising her head.

"Uh... To increase the chances of winning, if we don't do anything and just wait for the result and just keep on thinking about it over and over, cursing everyone for not giving us this and that, then the result is obvious, only failure awaits us at the end of the road." Clara spoke after thinking for a moment.
