
Fighting The Wolf King

Outside, Wu Ling called Yue back into his inner world and summoned Hou to join the fight against the Wolf King. By the time he joined the battle, blood already flowed from half a dozen deep gouges on Xiong Dahuo's forearms and thighs but the young man fought like a red-haired demon, constantly lashing out with his nine-ringed saber and forcing the Wolf King to block or evade his powerful blows.

The Wolf King itself bled from almost as many cuts as Xiong Dahuo did, and when it surveyed the battlefield, one eye seemed clouded, as though it was looking somewhere other than the battlefield. The half-distracted look not only gave Xiong Dahuo precious opportunities to strike from its blindspots, it signaled to Wu Ling that the wolf was likely controlling the phantoms that had attacked his companions. If that was the case, he was even more certain that defeating it would free his companions.
