
Am I Losing My Touch?

While it may not seem like a big deal, it was indeed a very important part of acting that most viewers might not be aware of.

Furthermore, this was going to be the one and only hottest scene in the web series. They had to make it perfect, no matter what it took.

A sexy actress with millions of male fans had maintained her modesty in every project she did, but now she was finally going to show her bold side. The pressure of expectations and quality on her was quite high.

And if she was sharing a room with him and sleeping in the same bed to achieve it, who was he to refuse her offer?

However, ever since Lucifer first laid eyes on her during the meeting at lunch, he had felt something different.

It wasn't his usual lustful desire for a beautiful woman; instead, it was as though she had awakened a certain feeling deep within his heart and soul, a feeling that seemed to intensify with each passing second spent in her presence.
