
Back to the Farm

When he came back to the church, he found out that everyone was gone. 'Have they gone back?', he said as he looked at the sky. The sun was almost gone and looking at the time, it was already 4. He started going back to the RV quietly tracking back the way they came from earlier in the morning. As he was reaching back to the highway, he heard a gunshot not far behind him. He quickly paced towards the direction it came from and when he reached there, he saw Amy dropping her gun down and a walker, lying dead next to Carol who was being dragged away by Daryl. Andrea was also lying down on her back looking at Amy in shock.

"Guys, are you all okay?", Damian asked while looking around. He walked to Amy and asked, "Are you okay? Where are others?".

"I am fine. Carol. She...", Amy replied. "You saved her", he said patting her, "Good job".

"And where are others?", he asked looking at everyone.

"Rick, Shane and Carl were back there searching for Sophia while we were coming back. We heard a gunshot. Then just now, a chick came and took Lori with her on the horse", Daryl said. 

"You let her?", he asked accusingly.

"Man, she knew Lori's name and Carl's. Said Rick sent her", Glenn said.

"She said Carl's been shot", Carol said as she stood up. 

"What? How? Where did she go?", Damian asked with worry.

"Calm down. I don't think she was bad. She told us to bring the group back to her farm", Glenn said.

"You guys. This place is dangerous. I saw some armed man while looking for Sophia and they didn't look like good people. We have to warn others. And if the girl is not with them as you say, they might still be in danger", Damian said.

 "Let's hurry back to the RV. We'll take there", Daryl said and started leading the group to the highway while Damian walked behind everyone watching their backs.

In the highway, Carol refused to leave the RV in case Sophia came back. "I won't do it. We can't just leave", she said.

"Carol, the group is split. We're scattered and weak", Dale said.

"What if she comes back and we're not here? It could happen", she justified. 

"If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful", Andrea said looking at everyone.

"Okay. We gotta plan for this. I say tomorrow morning is soon

enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big

sign, leave her some supplies. I'll hold here tonight,

stay with the RV", Daryl told everyone.

"If the RV is staying, I am, too", Dale added. and Carol thanked both of them.

"I'm in", said Andrea as she looked at Amy and held her hand.

"Well, if you're all staying, then I'm-", Glenn was interrupted by Dale, "Not you, Glenn. You're going with Damian. Take Carol's Cherokee".

"Me? Why is it always me?", Glenn said while Damian looked at Dale silently.

"You guys have to find this farm, reconnect with our people and see what's going on. But most important, you have to get T-Dog there. This is not an option. That cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection", Dale clarified his reasoning and Damian started walking towards the van.

Amy followed him behind and said, "Thank you. If I didn't have the gun, Carol would have died today". Damian looked at her, nodded and said, "You did good killing the walker, but you need training. Carol was also on the line of fire. You got lucky the bullet hit the walker". He turned back to sit in the van. He started the engine and didn't look at her. "Hey, let's go people", Damian said beating his hand on the door as Glenn came with T-Dog.

Late night, they reached the farm. It felt familiar to Damian at first glance, but he wasn't sure. They came out while T-Dog was shivering very bad so, he didn't think much. 

"So, do we ring the bell? I mean, it looks like people live here", Glenn looked at Damian and said. 

"We're past this kind of stuff, aren't we? Having to be considerate", T-Dog said as he started climbing. 

Just as Damian was about to call out 'hello, they see a girl sitting on the chair in dark. She asked, "Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?".

"Uh, hi. Yes, we closed it. Did the latch and everything", Glenn said nervously as the girl came out of the dark. "Hello. Nice to see you again. We met before briefly", Glenn said again.

 "Look, we came to help. There anything we can do?", T-Dog said in pain and groaned. The girl looked at his wounded hand.

"It's not a bite. He cut himself pretty bad. Look, Are you the one who took Lori? Where is Rick? I gotta see him", Damain asked her. 

The girl stood up and said while walking inside, "We'll have it looked at. I'll tell them you're here".

"We have some painkillers and antibiotics", Glenn blabbered.

"Come on inside. I'll make you guys something to eat", she said as she entered the house. Everyone stepped in before Damian who looked outside in the dark for a moment before going in.

As they went inside, Damian saw someone familiar. "Wolfe? Is that you?", Beth asked in a surprise, a good one. As she said that, a man peaked from inside a room, and called out, "Hey man, long time no see. How did you come back after all those days?", Shawn came out with a smile on his face. 

"Oh. I felt like I had been here before. How are you guys?", Damian stepped forward as he offered his hand. Shawn shook hands with him, while the girl asked Shawn in confusion, "You know him?".

"He's the guy I told you about. Who saved my life that morning", he told her. "And you saved mine", Damian added looking at Shawn.

"Hey, uh... where are they?", Glenn asked the girl. 

"Oh, upstairs. Come", she said as she started going up the stairs.

Damian looked at Shawn for a moment before following after Glenn. Up in a room, they saw Rick and Lori sitting on their knees on the floor and on the bed, Carl was lying unconscious. On the other side, they saw Hershel standing just beside the woman, whom he had rescued from the hospital, sitting on a chair, looking at Carl. 

"Rick. We're here. Okay? If you need anything...", Damian said as he looked at Rick and his wife who weren't looking in the mood to say anything.

"Thank you", Rick said. And Glenn replied, "Whatever you need", before walking out. 

As they walked out, Damian asked looking at Shawn, "Hey, there was another man, Shawn. I can't see him? Where is he?", Damian asked.

"He and Otis have gone to bring some materials from FEMA command post that's set up at the local high school five mile from here", Shawn said. 

"What only those two? Did they take weapons with them?", Damian asked worriedly as everyone looked at him in worry.

"Yes. Otis had a shotgun and I think the other guy had a gun", Shawn said in confusion.

"Earlier today, I saw some people with weapons going towards this direction in the road. They were bad news man. They might be in trouble there. I'm gonna go. Do you know the way?", Damian asked him.

"Oh my god. Shawn.", Otis' wife gasped in worry and looked at Shawn desperately. 

"Alright, I'll come with you. Maggie, tell dad I'm going to the FEMA post with Wolfe", Shawn said as the duo started walking out to the van. Damian sat in the driving seat in a hurry. Checked out the gun, looked at the assault rifle in the back while Shawn sat beside him. They quickly drove off from the farm.

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