
Where Am I?

Gasping and wheezing, the world seemed so silent, as the figure of a man could be seen trying to breathe. Covering him, from head to foot was a type of metal armour. His knees slowly sunk into the damp muddy earth, with his hands sinking in a similar fashion as he desperately tried to breathe.

The man in question could only feel a sharp fear and a large sense of confusion. 

Spluttering as he coughed, bringing his mud caked hand to his face, he was able to yank off the helmet that he wore for some weird reason and threw it off to the side. The metal helm, clattering to the ground as it collided with a myriad of objects that were cluttering the ground around him. Not that any of this had been noticed yet by him though.

"God dammit!" The man loudly cursed, not in any language of Earth however, yet again he seemingly was unable to register or notice this. 

"Where am I even? But what was the black space? What is happening to me?" The man continued cursing, the cursing, helping him to catch his breath once more by a random God's grace. 

"Wait, why was I wearing a helmet?" His mind, finally catching up to his sudden situation suddenly paused its rampant confusion. The thought stuck in his mind, he slowly looked upwards to see his surroundings.

What greeted his vision however, caused him to shove his head back down to the earth as he ejected everything that was inside of his stomach in quick fashion.

"I must be dreaming…" He managed to get out, between his body violently reacting to the site that had greeted his eyes. The vomit, plastering the earth, changing its colour once more.

What he had seen however, only could be deemed as normal for this world. It was a battlefield. Not even a large one, just a couple thousands fighters on each side not even qualifying as a skirmish. Yet, the blood soaked mud the broken and collapsed bodies. And the smell. The horrific smell. All of it was too much for this sheltered and standard man from Earth. 

Slowly, preparing himself with a small pep talk, he looked up again slowly. The vomit, getting caught in his throat as his eyes scanned around himself. He could feel a cold sweat form on his back, as his breath began to deepen, far clutching his heart tightly. The sheer shock of everything that he could see was just too much, far too much as he began to shake violently.

Trying to calm himself again, one more question came to his mind. Why did it seem like some kind of medieval cosplay? Every single person that he could see was in a type of armour using swords, axes, and hammers too… It was all just surreal for him. Though the sight of the broken bodies…the blood… Tears slowly began to fall down his face as his mind kept showing him the site of the battlefield over and over again. 

Not to mention, he could still clearly remember the space that he was in before. When he was alone fully in that empty black space, though calling it a void would be more accurate he guessed. Then again, why the hell does it even matter what he is calling it? That space was terrifying! Whatever it is called!

Looking around once more, sitting on his knees, he finally noticed that his hearing seemed to be coming to himself. Though the sudden assault of moaning and screams, made him once again wish that he could just rip off his ears, to stop the noise, that god awful noise.

The noises were coming from everywhere at once, it was just too much. Pulling his legs, closer to his body, he could feel tears start to run down his face. This place was too much, whatever it was. Wherever he was. He just wanted it all to end.

Looking up to the sky he screamed, "What is it you want from me? Why me? Just take me away from here! Please!" 

After a few moments, getting not a single reply. He mumbled to himself, looking down at the mud floor. "What did I expect huh? My mind must be fried, expecting God to come down and save me. Whenever God came for me, let alone actually looked after me."

Looking up once more, he finally noticed what looked like a large group of fighters walking towards him. All of them were looking around at the bodies on the ground. Occasionally they seemed to stab into the ground near to the bodies as well. Confused at that small action, but scared even more by the group. The man slowly dragged himself to his feet and began to stumble away from the group.

The man looked everywhere as he walked. His body, constantly trying to throw up as his eyes caught onto some other scene that horrified him down to his core. Finally after what seemed like hours had passed of him stumbling over and through the field of bodies, he was able to reach a small patch of woodland that had been his goal.

A small glance back was all it took for him to make sure he was not being followed. 

Then, looking at the ground his hands came to his face, as he began to sob quietly. He could not tell what was happening. He did not even want to know what was happening.

He just wanted to go home, and yet not even this basic wish of his was going to be granted.

Deep down he did know it, after all. That black space, the first thing he had seen. This was not something that would happen on Earth, at least not in today's age. Yet, he did not think he was in the past too.

Well he assumed he was not. This place was something else entirely. It was not for the living. 

Crawling over, he softly laid down into the cool soil, where he could see what was remaining of the battlefield. He could tell, someone had one now, from all of the cheering and telling but whoever that was he did not want to know. 

He did not want to go back there and yet, as he thought slowly he knew he did not have any choice. He had no food, no water and he did not know where he was. This place, he knew in his heart, this would be his end. 

Using the tree he laid next too, he slowly pulled himself to his feet and wiped away the tears that were covering his face. Still he knew, he would cry more, probably be sick countless more times. But right now, none of that mattered. The only thing that he could do, is survive. Then eventually, he would go home. Back to his comfy bed, his home, his life.

Then as he took a step forwards, a mind piercing pain jolted down his body as a voice echoed inside of his own skull.

"You 10 million people from Earth, I have scattered you around this world of Arcadia. You have one role, you are the pioneers of your people. To pave the way for the arrival. Gain strength and be ready. For your time is near."

Then, as the pain and voice vanished he once more fell down to his knees. Tears running down his face.

"I knew it." He mumbled. "How could I still be on Earth, how could I…"

Then, looking up slowly he saw a dim blue light.

All he could read were two things, his name and the title of the voice he had been given.

Pioneer: Luke
