
Chapter 5: Shameless

Adara's pov

Along with the scream that escapes my lips, he also let's out a scream.

"You pervert" I say out loud and I'm greeted with the sounds of his curses.

"You lack manners, I wonde how someone is able to live with you" Hermes says behind me and I roll my eyes before finally deciding to turn and face him.

That was embarrassing.

I just saw a grown man in his birthday suit.

"Oh shut up, who doesnt close the door when they are changing" He is now wearing his trousers thankfully and now the idiot has the audacity to glare at me.

"Who wants to even see such a mannerless person bare, please decide quickly" I tell him which makes him to scoff.

"Trust me sweetheart, Everybody wants to swe the Hermes Leroy bare" He says cockiness dripping from every word and I gag while rolling my eyes at him.

"Too bad I am not everyone but someone" I say before sitting down and grabbing the bowl of grapes on the table.

"Mannerless" he says.

"Shameless" I reply.

"Horr-" he is cut off by the knock on the door and thankfully shuts that huge basket he calls a mouth.

Shout have sewn it shut from how it seems to have a hole that allows him spew nonsense.

"Come in" we scream at the same time and I cannot help but glare at the ass hat.

The door is opened and the manager of the shop enters .

A lady who looks to be about fourty or fifty with blonde hair put into a bun and decked in a stylish blue suit.

"Hello, I hope you guys are enjoying your stay here We-" I zoom out for the rest of her talk and instead find myself secretly plotting how to murder this man without being caught.

"Three outfits are prepared and we were told you will be choosing and making a decision" She concludes and the ass smiles, I am sure he thinks he looks charming but he just looks like a wet rat.

"Thank you, please lead the way" he says so nicely I begin to think he has bipolar issues.

We are taken into another room just close to our private room and see six manniqiens.

The first three contain my dresses while the other contain his.

"Those belong to me" Wet rat says beside me in an arrogant voice and I turn to face him with a mocking smile.

"Well, princess Elsa you are welcome to pick one of these dresses though a maid uniform would look superb on you" I say with a mock bow and a british accent

Furious does not begin to describe his expression on his face.

"Did you just call me elsa" He says marching towards me and I stand my grand glaring at him.

"Elsa is not so dumb is she" I say with an arched brow and that seems to do it as his arm shoots out to hold me but I quickly dodge it.

"I don't appreciate beibg touched by bratty princesses" I say and his glare intensifies.

"Oh shut up you troll" The moment he finishes his sentence, I glare at him so hard I am sure if looks could kill he will be six feet underneath the earth.

"You did not just dare" marching towards the table which contains wine and a cake, I pick up the cake and smash it on his face.

"Take that princess" I say furious.

He pauses, obviously shocked and it takes him some time to comprehend what just happened amd the next moment, I am drowned in wine.

My next movement isn't calculated or well thought through and only when the sound of glass breaking hits my ear do I realise I just freaking hit his head with the wine bottle.
