
Unveiling Shadows

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 14 Phalguna 1627 (February 1570), Patliputra Palace

A month had passed since the Annaprashana ceremony, and the mood in Patliputra Palace had shifted significantly. The great halls, once filled with the joyous laughter of celebration, now echoed with the solemn tones of secret discussions and strategic meetings. Queen Nayana had convened a critical assembly in a newly cleared secret chamber, designed to be a secure meeting room away from prying ears.The queen sat at the head of the table, her expression composed yet stern as she listened to reports from various subordinates. The air was thick with urgency as the queen addressed the recent actions of her husband, the king.

"Since the assassination attempt, the king has not spared any who even remotely seemed involved. One royal branch family has been executed, dozens of other families deported or stripped of their titles," she stated, her voice betraying a hint of sorrow for the necessary ruthlessness that had been unleashed. "Yet, the true masterminds remain shadows within our midst."

An Operative Prakash stepped forward, his face lined with concern. "Your Majesty, news from the neighboring kingdoms has been troubling. The Chacha Empire has made significant border movements, increasing their military presence near our northern frontiers."

"Typical of the Chacha Empire," Nayana remarked, her voice cold. "They're always looking to exploit any perceived weakness. What are their numbers?"

Another, Prakash consulted his notes. "Their forces have swelled by at least three battalions, and they've positioned heavy bombards and field guns along the border. Intelligence suggests they're preparing for either intimidation or a preemptive stri

Nayana's eyes narrowed. "We must send a clear message that we are neither intimidated nor unprepared. Double our patrols and reinforce our fortifications. We cannot afford to show any weakness."

Prakash nodded. "It will be done, Your Majesty."

Another advisor, Kumar, spoke next. "Your Majesty, the bhoi Kingdom is experiencing internal turmoil due to their young king's inexperience. Factions within the kingdom are vying for power, leading to a destabilized region. There have been reports of minor skirmishes and unrest."

Nayana sighed, contemplating the delicate balance of power. "The bhoi Kingdom has always been a fragile ally. We need to offer support to the young king, perhaps through diplomatic channels. Ensure he knows he has our backing, but subtly suggest that he consolidates his power quickly."

"And what of the Haihaiyavanshi and Paramara kingdoms?" Nayana asked, her eyes narrowing further.

Kumar continued, "They have recently formed an alliance, Your Majesty. Their combined forces could pose a significant threat if they decide to move against us. They are consolidating their armies and have begun joint training exercises."

Nayana's expression hardened. "These alliances and upheavals are exactly what we must prepare for. The Haihaivanshi and Paramara alliance could be disastrous if left unchecked. We need to strengthen our own alliances and ensure our defenses are impenetrable. Reach out to our allies and ensure their support. We cannot afford to stand alone."

Prakash added, "There have also been reports of smaller kingdoms experiencing upheaval. The Gorkha Kingdom is struggling with a power vacuum after the recent death of their king. The succession is contested, and there are signs of civil unrest."

Nayana nodded, absorbing the information. "We must watch these developments closely. Any instability in the region can ripple out and affect us. Make sure our intelligence network is on high alert and that we are prepared to act if necessary." 

As the reports continued, intelligence about the immediate neighbors and the internal politics of the lower 'Sabha'—currently in its debate season—were laid out before her. The political machinations were as intricate as they were volatile.

"Who should hold the different cabinets?" one advisor asked, seeking guidance on the placement of loyal or potentially powerful figures within the government.

"I want only those who have proven their loyalty and have a record free of corruption," Nayana responded firmly. "We need more voices in power who oppose the old nobility and can drive the reforms necessary for our empire's stability."

"Understood, Your Majesty. We shall start activating the "wheels", "oxens", and "mahouts". The empire needs to move swiftly and strongly," another subordinate affirmed, using the coded language that had become common in these tense times.

After the strategy meeting, Queen Nayana was led to another part of her secret chambers where a new phase of this dark episode was about to unfold—the interrogation of a key figure caught in the aftermath of the attack. The supposed mastermind of the assassination attempt, a leader of the mercenary group involved, was brought before her. He had been captured under the guise of being dead, having been shot in the shoulder and knee, and subsequently tied up and transported in an ordinary-looking carriage that was part of the intelligence convoy.

One of her trusted subordinates, Commander Arjunan, questioned her quietly as they approached the holding area. "Your Majesty, if you knew of the assassination plot beforehand, why press forward with such risk?"

Nayana's eyes were steel as she answered, "To catch all the pests, vermin, and snakes in one fell sweep. We needed them to reveal themselves, and they did."

Inside the dimly lit room, the bound figure looked up, grimacing with pain. Upon seeing Nayana, he sneered, mistaking her for a less significant court member due to her simple attire. "Let me go, and I'll tell you everything. Maybe spend a night with me, huh? I promise you the best night of your life," he jeered crudely, not realizing to whom he spoke.

The guards bristled, their hands on their weapons, ready to strike at the insult. But Nayana raised her hand, stopping them with a calm but icy smile. "Are you sure you could handle me?" she queried, stepping closer.

The man's bravado faltered slightly as he sensed the danger now palpable in the air. "I... well, I... I assure you, lady, I'm more than man enough," he boasted foolishly.

Without another word, Nayana delivered a swift, brutal stomp to his groin, crushing his audacity along with his dignity. His screams echoed off the stone walls, making every man in the room wince in vicarious pain.

"Neuter him like the dog he is," Nayana

ordered coldly to the prime torturer. "And ensure he doesn't die. He's more useful to us alive for now."

Turning to leave, she muttered disdainfully, "Lecherous pervert." To her guards, she added, "Give him the 'pleasant treatment' until he talks."

Hours later, a report came to her as she sat in her private quarters. The man had indeed spilled everything in his agony. The true culprit behind the plot was now known to her. as she smiled.
