
A Letter

Eveline kept talking until she ran out of words, leaving only a wordless communication that kept her seated there, never letting go.

The timer out of her thoughts.

"Are you Miss Eveline?"

Eveline directed her gaze towards an elderly man. He appeared to be a sweeper, cleaning the area surrounding the graveyard.

"Yes, but how do you know my name?" She inquired.

The elderly man laughed, as if he had finally gotten hold of her. His eyes were filled with happiness.

"Your mother told me," he replied, his voice raspy and exhausted due to the old age.

"My mother?"

"Yes, your mother." "She asked me to give you something," he remarked, leaving Eveline interested by his remarks.

Eveline tried to recall if she had ever seen this man before, but she couldn't because she rarely came here and spent most of her time with her father on her death anniversary.
