
Evangeline(Bonus Chapter)

The journey passed by, sleeping at certain points during the nights and resuming the journey in the mornings. We had already crossed into the borders of the Tamerid Empire, and we were now a day and a half away from the capital on horseback. During this time, Evangeline and I grew a bit closer, but there was still a wall between us, which was normal. We are currently heading towards Evangeline's estate. According to her, she loves that place more than anywhere else, and she has never taken anyone there before, except for me.

We left the escorted convoy of knights heading for the capital and quickly made our way to Evangeline's mansion with a group of fifty knights.

"We've talked about many things regarding our potential marriage, but there is an important matter we haven't discussed yet. What will happen once we've both helped each other and both ascended the throne? Will we divorce? Or will we remain engaged until we both ascend?" I asked.
