
Back to the palace

Madeleine added in a determined voice, "But remember, Mr. Ethan, if anything happens to my daughter, not even the kingdom's power can save you. And rest assured, my words are not empty threats..."

"Of course! Hurting such a beautiful lady is a crime against all humanity" I said.

"Hmph!" Althea grumbled, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Then I will trust you," said Madeleine.

I stood up and extended my hand to Madeleine. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Madam Madeleine. I must now return to the palace" I said.

Madeleine shook my hand and replied, "It was a pleasure for me as well, Prince Ethan. I hope we will have a long-lasting relationship."

"I have a feeling we will," I said, turning to Althea. "Would you like to come with me now or later?" I asked.

Althea looked at her mother, and they started communicating through glances again. I waited silently once more, and finally, they turned to me.
