
Chapter 164 - Princess Elize

One of the crimson guards turned to Zarak, eyeing him with suspicion. "Do you know this old man?"

Zarak gave a small nod, his expression calm. "Yes, we're traveling together. Though… he has his own unique way of seeing the world."

The Emissary tilted her head, glancing curiously between Zarak and the old man.

"Princess asks where you two are headed?" she asked with a gentle authority in her tone.

"To the imperial capital," Zarak answered plainly, meeting her gaze with a respectful nod.

"The capital…" the guard exchanged glances.

"We were also returning to the capital," The emissary continued with a smile. "Princess says If that's the case, perhaps you could share the journey. The carriage has plenty of space, and it would be an honor to have both of you as guests."

The guards around her exchanged wide-eyed looks, caught off guard by her unexpected offer.
