
Chapter 19. Beasts and Monsters

Chapter 19. Beasts and Monsters

C/N: A brief overview of a great war. (Monsters = Big Mom Pirates, Beasts = Beast Pirates)

Missed posting a chap yesterday, sorry about that. Life got a little busier than usual.



The war between the Beasts and Monsters was- devastating is a word, but it doesn't begin to cover it. As their arch leaders clawed at each other in the east, demolishing and sinking islands along the way, both the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates lost all sense of direction. In this war, beasts and monsters butchered each other relentlessly, persevering and awaiting the day their leaders would end their fight.

In the early moments of this war, I played the role of an observer, hoping that with Kaidou flying away, the beasts would follow. But that didn't happen. Instead, I watched as the battle took its toll on Totto Land, with the strongest among the beasts and monsters threatening to make the nation extinct. It was then that I chose to act as a strategist, taking supreme control over my monsters and guiding them to push the beasts and the battles away from the main regions of Totto Land, minimizing civilian casualties and damage.

With reigning authority, the monsters obeyed and followed my strategies, helping me make more effective decisions. By the end of the first week, most of the beasts had been pushed nearly to the outskirts of Totto Land, with most of their ships wrecked.

Implementing an offensive-defensive strategy with the Tartes under Oven's absolute control, while pushing back the beasts with Big Mom's heavy hitters, putting the Beast pirates in disarray wasn't the most challenging goal to achieve.

With mental notes on the characteristics of my elder siblings, it was easier to allocate them in the battle zones effectively. For instance, placing Citron, Cinnamon and Smoothie in 100% Island (and bordering regions) ensured that any insurgent Beast Pirates would meet their end. Assigning Perospero to Whole Cake Island allowed his ego to shine as he engaged with Queen, while Katakuri faced off against King.

Despite the ongoing war, I chose to ignore the assassination attempt on me as best as I could, knowing that after discovering I can't be cut easily, the jealous Charlottes wouldn't be trying to overthrow me for some time. However, I used Snack and an elite royal squad of minks to surround the chateau and protect the castle, ordering them to find a way to transform into Sulongs if things got chaotic.

Streusen, the twisted chef, seemed eager not to miss out on the war. As things got heated up, he entered the Einbaum Meeting Room on the Second Floor, presenting a selection of siblings whom he proposed would serve as a council to aid in decision-making and help secure victory. Initially fatigued and disinclined to argue or make my own selections, I barely glanced at his choices before acquiescing and rolling with his suggestion.

To maintain our advantage, I implemented several countermeasures that are crucial in any war. We ensured a steady supply of food, water, and weapons to our forces. Food supplies were especially the easiest to deliver, since Totto Land was a land of food.

I delegated Angel, Brulee and Broye the role of managing the weapon supplies, ensuring our forces were always well-armed, giving the monsters an advantage over the beasts.

The more I discovered the extent of the powers of the Monsters, the more I became convinced that triumphing over the Beast Pirates would be a piece of cake, and I wondered how the heck Luffy and his meagre pirate group made it out alive.

Once, word came in that the sexy and devilish Charlotte Galette had overpowered a squad of Beast Pirates in Nuts Island and later a Tobiroppo member in Package Island, using her Butter Devil Fruit ability and devilish charms. My confidence soared.

The logistical mind of Charlotte Compote, calm and composed, played the crucial role of safeguarding civilians by evacuating them to recaptured locations within Totto Land. Her meticulous planning ensured that our people remained safe, and her strategic foresight was invaluable.

While Counter, Cadenza, and Cabaletta moved to the Chateau to offer additional protection to the castle, the killings by Mondee and Amande reached a record high as they put the Beast Pirates on their heels. Their ruthless efficiency in combat and loyalty sent waves of terror through the enemy ranks.

However, in the face of Jack the Drought, the situation seemed to readjust the balance of power. The whipped cream monster, Charlotte Opera, and Charlotte Moscato all rose to the challenge, prepared to halt Jack's advance. Both fought bravely, but despite their valiant efforts, Jack's sheer brute force proved insurmountable.

As reports poured in about Jack's advance towards Whole Cake Island, a chill swept through me at the thought of his impending arrival, imposing elephant figure, and deadpan stare. Yet, I remained strong-willed, bolstered by the increasing reports of my crew's strength flooding into the chateau.

Throughout it all, my foremost concern remained the presence of two All-Star members on Whole Cake Island and the looming threat of Jack's imminent arrival.

Things took a darker turn when, in his egotistical bravado, Perospero fell victim to one of Queen's plague rounds. Katakuri, fearing for his brother, intervened, inadvertently exposing himself to King's fiery arrows, severely injuring, but not defeating, one of the mightiest monsters among us.

Upon hearing this, I was prepared to rush into battle rather than sit idly by as Katakuri and Perospero faced potential demise. The council attempted to restrain me, their urgency matching my own, until they brought news of Tamago, Amande, Galette, Monde, and other heavy hitters and monsters converging on the island alongside Jack the Drought. This signalled a final showdown that would determine the ultimate strength and outcome of the conflict.

The war had been intense, and I believed that we had fought bravely and gained a great deal of advantage over the enemy by reducing their numbers. Needless to say, I was impressed with all I had achieved, but the battle of Whole Cake Island would determine it all.


The remaining members of the Beasts, led by the Three All-Stars - King, Queen, and Jack - stood united one one side. Their eyes burned with courage and defiance, a refusal to admit defeat despite their diminished numbers. The Tobiroppo members and Smile users, too, seemed undeterred, as if their goal was far from complete.

Facing them on the opposite side were almost all of Big Mom's children, including me, strong ally captains to Big Mom, and crew members like Tamago. The Monsters stood ready, they too looking defiant, unwilling to admit losing any time of the day to the Beasts.

The battle of Whole Cake Island began with an eerie silence - bar the gloats from either side - as both sides sized up each other up. The foot soldiers, exhausted and battered, had resolved to let the big hitters conclude the fight for them.

The tension in the moment gripped me as I observed the All-Stars. Despite all I had employed to stop and deter them, the sight of King, Jack, and Queen standing arrogantly like they had already worn irritated my ego. I wanted to wipe the smirks of their faces.

Perched atop one of the massive quintuplets, I gave the command. "Charge!"

The Monsters roared in unison and surged forward. The Beasts did the same. The ground trembled beneath the weight of their charge, and the final battle commenced with a thunderous clash.

King, the Lunarian, took to the skies, his wings igniting in flames as he swooped down upon our forces. However, Katakuri, with unfinished business, intercepted him and brought him to the ground for a much-needed rematch.

On the ground, Jack the Drought plowed through our ranks with brutal force, his mammoth form a battering ram. Jack was so devastating that it took the collective efforts of most of the monsters to keep him occupied, including Amande.

Only a madman would directly confront the mad scientist Queen after witnessing or hearing about the effects of his plague rounds. Perhaps that's why Charlotte Zuccotto, the highly acclaimed Minister of Booze, led the charge against him. Zuccotto's body moved suspiciously fluidly, dodging all the plague rounds as he shot at Queen with his own pistol.

Zuccotto's high-stakes, lucky charge forced Queen to transform into a beast, revealing a mechanical head, though not much beyond that. I suspected that his body was yet to be fully mechanically enhanced. Even so, it didn't make him any less of a danger as he wreaked havoc, spitting cannonballs from his mouth.

Galette's speciality in the battle was ensnaring any Beast Pirate foolish enough to approach her, while Mont-d'Or's flying books distracted enemies long enough for him or any other of the monsters to rain strikes down on them.

It was fascinating to see even the younger children participate in the battle, such as the badass-looking Charlotte Raisin with his blade, and most of the decuplets with their spikes. I guess that's what it meant to be Big Mom's child.

I myself was prepared to engage in the battle when the moment called for it, even if I was still recovering.

However, I quickly understood why that wouldn't be necessary as soon as I saw the enormous dragon looming over Sweet City. The Beasts and Monsters were so charged up and invested in the battle that they didn't notice this until thunder cracked from above and lightning split the sky. Everyone looked up to notice Kaidou, just in time to hear the echoed laughter of Big Mom. "Mamamama!"

Kaidou's roar followed, a deafening announcement of his presence. After two weeks of testing each other's limits and leaving the rest of us to butcher each other, they seemed to have arrived at some strange agreement that even shocked me. From the rage and murderous intent that was oozing from each of them, I would have never expected them to come to an agreement. Not this time.


Kaidou hovered in the air staggeringly while Big Mom looked in a good mood, wrapped in a cozy cocoon of candies and sweets, like what happens when she is the most satisfied person in the world.

Both looked happy and content, as if they had not caused one of the biggest battles in pirate history. Why? Had they been off on a honeymoon or something? I found myself wondering with contempt.

Despite their appearance, some pirates were still fighting, but they immediately ceased at the overwhelming, combined burst of Conqueror's Haki from both Big Mom and Kaidou. I thought I had felt Conqueror's Haki at its peak before, but united, their combined Haki knocked out many on the battlefield as the two reasserted their authority.

I might have temporarily blacked out; I wasn't really sure. But I was certain it was pointless to try to triumph when these two had fought tirelessly and finally decided to get along after what must have been an intense battle, judging from the continuous reports I had received.

Once I regained consciousness fully, I called off the Monsters. The Beasts already looked like they had stopped too.

'After all this time, when it finally looked like the Monsters could win. Were we really calling a truce?' I lamented within. If I had total control, that would be unacceptable.

The Beast Pirates began their retreat, but the adrenaline surging within me pushed me to go against Mama and order the Monsters to kill them. I thought it was unacceptable for them to leave just like that, with all they had done. The Monsters followed my command, and I looked up at Big Mom, who was staring down at me. I gave her an "I won't accept a truce" stare and told the quintuplet to move and follow the Beast Pirates so we could kill as many as we could before they left Totto Land.

The chase was intense, with the Monsters relentlessly pursuing the retreating Beast Pirates. The fleeing forces were decimated, but their All-Stars, Jack, King, and Queen, turned to face me, allowing the remaining Beasts to pass safely behind them. With the numbers and abilities behind me, I was confident we could take them.

However, Kaidou appeared and stood before the All-Stars. He looked down at me and said with an amused tone laced with mockery, "If you believe you can, fight me. Kill me. And win this war."

After a moment of indecision, I stepped down from the quintuplet and took short steps toward Kaidou's towering form. At this point, I must have looked like an insect he could crush with one step. However, the first thing I decided before I spoke was that I would become taller and bigger than him.

When I spoke, I raised my voice as high as it would go, bolstering it with ultimate resolve, and speaking as slowly as I could so that every word would sink into his thick head, "I will be the man who kills you." That's all I said, but in my head, there was more going on.

I believed that if she really wanted to, Big Mom - being the monster she is - could have killed Kaidou in her ultimate form. But she didn't, despite the situation. Being one of the very few people who, silently, disapproved of their partnership in Wano, I found this truce to be beyond irritating. It was as if some cosmic force was always at play between them.

Moreover, after weeks of strategizing a war and feeling the excitement that came with conquering, triumphing over Kaidou and his Beasts had been all I could think of. The idea that he was an obstacle I couldn't overcome gave me the ambition to decide. And I made up my mind that I would be the one to kill Kaidou one day. I would train and grow stronger, and when that day came, I would take his head.

No, scratch that.

I will take his f*cking head off!

---End of Part 1---

Content Advisory for Chapters 20, 21, & 22 (Minister of Cake): This chapter includes scenes of sexual content that may be unsettling for some readers. Reader discretion is advised. Please do not join Patreon or Ko-fi if you do not feel comfortable with such content.

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The next post will be tomorrow. The forgiveness post (for not posting yesterday) will be this coming weekend. Forgive me 😉

Posts Update for Early Access: I will be posting Chapters 24 and 25 in a few hours.
