
Chapter 5,6, & 7. God of War Arc

Chapter 5,6,&,7. God of War Arc

C/N: Been writing some chapters throughout the week. I've compiled these three chapters as one arc to avoid any unnecessary cliffhangers since my post schedule ain't currently the best. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 5. Totto's Pirate Prince

The splendid grounds quieted as Mama, in her characteristic large pink bicorne hat bearing a Jolly Roger on the front and her unimposing pink dress with red polka dots and white ruffles on its neckline and hemline, stepped onto the platform.

Despite the child-like theme of her clothes, her enormous presence commanded the attention of everyone present. She looked over the gathered crowd and boomed with authoritative laughter.

"Maamamamama!" Her excitement echoed through the grounds.

A hush fell over the audience - a tangible, pin-drop silence - as they awaited curiously and warily for the announcement. Mama continued.

"Maamamamama! I've finally found the perfect heir to my throne. My precious son, Charlotte Keki, will carry on my legacy. When I become the Pirate King and claim the One Piece, he'll be the one to rule after me!"

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd as eyes turned to me. I stood tall, my head held high, projecting the confidence and regality expected of Totto Land's prince. My heart pounded, but I maintained my composure, recalling hours of grooming and training from instructors. As soon as they had discovered I could walk and make conversation, instructors spearheaded by Streusen had taken charge to groom me to live up to Mama's expectations.

As such, I lived on a schedule that played along the lines of being a pirate and a well-bred prince. It was a Jack-and-Hyde attribute that I was meant to balance and use appropriately in accordance to the situation.

I walked to Mama's side, feeling the weight of powerful gazes upon me. I recalled lessons on poise, etiquette, and charisma and generally kept my cool.

However, as soon as I came to a stop at Mama's enormous side, a significant laughter erupted throughout the celebration grounds without warning. The sound started as a murmur, a few stifled chuckles that quickly grew louder and more contagious. It spread like wildfire through the crowd, infecting everyone it touched.

Some laughed heartily, their shoulders shaking with mirth, while others let out high-pitched giggles that echoed across the grounds. A few guests, unable to contain themselves, sprawled on the green ground, which was actually a massive cake. They rolled about, clutching their sides, their faces red with laughter. The fancy arrangement of glasses meant for drinking juice toppled over, spilling brightly colored liquids in every direction.

I stood there, feeling jarred by the unexpected reaction. My mind raced, trying to understand the cause of this sudden burst of hilarity. Was it because of the sight of us together? Mama towering over me with her immense stature and me, despite my height for a two-year-old, looking minuscule by her side. Must have it appeared comical to the guests? The contrast could have been too absurd not to elicit laughter from even my siblings.

I caught a few words and statements like, "Seriously?" "Him?" "You've got to be kidding me," "This must be it for the Big Mom Pirates," "The old hag must have finally lost her mind."

Mama's expression shifted from confusion to irritation as she tried to comprehend why everyone was laughing. Her fists clenched, a dangerous glint in her eyes, and for a moment, it seemed she was about to unleash her wrath on the crowd. However, just as Mama appeared on the brink of invoking her 'Hakoku Sovereignty', she visibly paused. Her eyes relaxed with a deliberate effort, and she softened her stance.

In a not-so-calm voice, Mama called out, "Zeus!"

"Yes mama,"

At her command, Zeus, a massive thundercloud homie with a jovial face and fluffy white body, descended from the sky. With a rumbling purr, he hovered over me, small lightning bolts crackling softly around him. With a gentle sweep, Zeus lifted me up, presenting me clearly for everyone to see.

A brief silence fell over the crowd as they gazed up, their initial laughter ebbing into a hushed curiousity, all eyes now fixed on Zeus and me. What was mama planning?

Understanding dawned on me, and I followed it up with an action, bridging the gap between a pirate and a prince of Totto Land. I understood Mama's intention. She wanted me to show just why I was the heir she had picked.

I needed to command respect from the present powerful figures of the New World - Pirate captains and underworld emperors - while maintaining my pristine impression as Totto Land's declared prince. A pirate would typically show authority through violence or a display of power, much like Mama was accustomed to doing. However, a prince would choose a more diplomatic approach, opting for less violent means. But I was an in-between, a blend of both worlds.

As I ascended on Zeus, an upbeat note quivered through the air, transforming into a stirring beat orchestrated for battle. Listening to it, I knew it was the unmistakable work of Forte, the Organ Homie, positioned nearby like a conductor, his pipes extending from a strategic vantage point in order to urge me forward with each resonant chord.

I knew this melody well - it was Mama's call to action, a challenge of strength, ability, and potential, often orchestrated with her Homies. It was a test she used to gauge my worth time and again, and now, it seemed, she intended to showcase it to the current crowd.

Taking a deep breath, I flexed my muscles and cracked my neck slightly. Even without seeing the Homies awaiting me, I knew the stage was set.

The first Homie that came forth began with a laugh that preceded its physical appearance. It was uncharacteristic for Mama's battle Homies to start with such an introduction, but I didn't put it past them.

"Gu ra ra ra ra ra..."

The laugh was suspiciously familiar, but I couldn't tell where I had heard it before. The sound evoked murmurs from the festivities ground as people looked at each other with shock, some with terrified faces and puzzled expressions. Had they heard correctly? Then it happened again-

"Gu ra ra ra ra ra..."

-this time, with the Homie making its dramatic, fear-inspiring appearance. And then, it all clicked.

'That cannot be a Homie!' I thought.

Standing almost as tall as Big Mom and holding a massive naginata fitting its size, an apparition emerged from within a hall of the Whole Cake Chateau into the open grounds, looking as intimidating as ever. The figure wore an open dark gray vest and a black bandanna, its bare chest revealing prominent muscles and numerous scars. A thick, crescent-shaped mustache, the source of its epithet, curved proudly on the face.

The apparition moved forward toward me, its eyes, a piercing yellow in the sunlight, scanning the crowd as its blond hair flowed beneath a white and yellow pirate hat adorned with a prominent Jolly Roger. A large coat, bearing the same emblem, hung loosely from its broad shoulders, giving it an even more imposing presence. The crowd's whispers turned to gasps of shock and disbelief as they recognized the figure before them.

I, myself, stood on Zeus with visible incomprehension and awe. What the heck was going on? I wondered, staring at the apparition before me.

It had to be an apparition because there was no way Whitebeard was on Whole Cake Island! Yet, the likeness was uncanny - down to the black pirate sash around his waist and the large black boots he wore. His long face, and his-...

"Gu ra ra ra ra ra"

-iconic laugh.

"Maamamamama..." Big Mom's voice boomed over the crowd's confusion as she said. "Go on, Keki. Show them the future of the Big Mom pirates. Haahahahaa..."

'Mama wants me to fight against Whitebeard,' I swallowed hard, my heart pounding hard with a mixture of apprehension and excitement, but I focused.

Whitebeard swung his massive naginata with an intimidating force, the air whistling as the blade cut through it. The movement was powerful, but not so swift. I could see the determination in his eyes that showed no sense of mercy, and he was keen on slashing me into two. However, I noticed he wasn't using the Tremor-Tremor Fruit powers or Haki, just raw strength and combat skills.

With Zeus's help, I darted around Whitebeard, my smaller frame making it easier to dodge his swings. I moved to test his defenses with a few light jabs - especially to confirm if it really was the Yonko, Whitebeard. Each time my fists connected with his body, I realized just how hard he was. It was like hitting a strong and resilient wall.

"Too slow," I heard someone mutter below. "That can't be Whitebeard."

"No Haki? Must be Soul Pocus," another voice added. The crowd's initial fear began to wane.

Their observations mirrored my own. This figure, while seeming powerful, didn't have the same overwhelming presence of Whitebeard. However, it wasn't to be taken lightly as it was near to indestructible, and it was still keen on slashing me into bits.

My excitement and apprehension waned, I moved to end the encounter quickly, decisively, and with a show of power - an inherited attribute from Mama. Still on Zeus, I launched at Whitebeard with a fist aimed at his head. I could see his makeshift pupils trailing my movements, but his naginata couldn't get to me fast enough.

Effectively, I landed a powerful impact just above his left ear, and caused a crack. The crack began to spread like a series of veins, forming, deepening and jagged like a shattered mirror, all across his face. It spread through the head and connected with the cracks rising from the chests from my consecutive blow.

With a final, resounding blow, he began to break apart, chunks of his form splintering and falling away. The external shell caved in, revealing the candy structure beneath as the remaining body remained standing, even the naginata firmly planted on the ground.

Some in the crowd gasped in unison, the realization dawning on them. Another murmur erupted.

"It was one of Perospero's constructs!" someone shouted. "I knew it! Big Mom gave it life with her Soul Pocus!"

As the murmur persisted, several other Homies appeared, each similar to the first, and representing a different faction. I was meant to defeat all of them - to crash the major enemies of the Big Mom pirates in a symbolical way.

One represented Kaido of the Beast Pirates and his famous Hassaikai. Another for Golden Lion Shiki with his Oto and Kogarashi - a pair of double-edged swords. And finally, to represent the world government a homie in the form of Fleet Admiral Sengoku appeared.

With each Homie I effortlessly defeated, the murmurs among the guests grew louder, accompanied by discontented glances and skeptical remarks. Voices in the crowd challenged the idea that a two-year-old could overpower such powerful figures.

"There's no way a toddler could take down an Emperor of the Sea or an Admiral," a defiant pirate captain shouted above the commotion. "He'd sooner soil his fancy pants and beg for mercy!"

"Don't let facts spoil the celebration," Morgans - the Human-Beast journalist - interjected dryly. "Let the child have his moment in this time when the Big Mom Pirates are surely sinking in the deep."

Laughter erupted throughout the grounds. Even as I crashed Sengoku's candy skull with a mighty blow, I could tell that I had done little to earn everyone's respect.

"You think this is funny, Morgans?" Big Mom's voice boomed, her tone edged with a dangerous warning.

"On the contrary," Morgans replied indifferently. "I believe this will make for quite the headline in the World Economy News Paper." His words dripped with sarcasm.

The special Homies I had defeated were sculpted by Perospero's hardened candy and infused with Mama's life. Once hardened, Perospero's candy could withstand considerable force without breaking, and Mama's Soul Pocus only made them tougher.

However, with me easily triumphing over them with incredible Herculean strength - a direct inheritance from Mama herself - it made the powerful figures think that it was nothing more than a ruse, a child's play that Mama had prepared for me to perform and entertain the guests. As such, I only got claps from some, evoked murmurs from most, and mocking laughs from the majority.

The air was filled with appreciation and skepticism, but very little respect.

This did not make Mama happy. She wanted me to be taken seriously as an authoritative figure - treated with nothing but respect. However, she refrained from stomping over the guests. Instead, she decided to show why I was her pick, at just two years old.

"Your laughter is an insult to my family," Big Mom's voice thundered. "You will all beg for fleeting mercy! Haahahahaa!"

With that, she made a command,

"Bring out Ares!"

"Mama?!" From within the murmurs, Perospero's whisper carried shock through the festivities like a piercing shriek. He choked on his tongue and saliva. But even so, he managed to voice his fears. "Not the Big Monster."


---Chapter 6 & 7. God of War---

Darkness settled over my consciousness like a heavy blanket. But then, it lifted, revealing a scene that was both familiar and confusing.

I found myself observing a baby seated in a confectionery cradle. It looked lost in thought, or bored, as if nothing new or interesting seemed to happen in its life.

Suddenly, a set of heavy hands hovered over the baby, lifting it gently as sweet phrases accompanied the action. As the baby was brought to the chest, I confirmed my suspicions - it was a younger version of me, in one of those rare moments when Big Mom actually let me down. Yet, it felt like I wasn't the baby's consciousness. Instead, I was just a bystander - unable to move, speak or act in any way.

Big Mom wrapped the uninterested baby in a cocoon of sweetness from her words and the candies she had brought. These moments had been pretty common in my early days, leaving me exhausted with all the games Mama made me play with her. However, I always complied, cautious not to anger her.

As I watched, Streusen entered the room, looking distressed. I was already wondering what exactly was happening. The last thing I remembered was trying to prove my worth to Mama's guests at my second-year birthday celebration. I could recall hearing Mama make a threat and utter a phrase. And then, this - observing what seemed like a vague memory from my past.

Streusen, with his stout figure, used Zeus to address Big Mom. He complained about how the nine-month-old Charlotte Keki had strangled him earlier with his growing hands and pulled his mustache so hard that he thought it was going to come out. To this, Big Mom replied, "Keki is too adorable to do such a monstrous thing."

Streusen sighed and said he was no longer angry but had some thoughts for Big Mom.

"Linlin, do you remember how we met?" Streusen began. Big Mom looked at him with a hint of appreciation in her eyes. "You were so adorable," Streusen added.

"But now, look how you have grown over the years. How you've made your name in the world," Streusen continued. "The world quivers when they hear your name, but Totto Land reveres their queen. I can only hope that's what you want for Charlotte Keki."

"Keki is my proud creation," Big Mom said, eyeing the baby version of me with warmth and love. "I know he will grow to be a powerful ruler."

"Seeing that he has most of your attributes, that should be expected," Streusen said, but then added something jarring. "But with the current trajectory, it may not happen!"

Big Mom's expression changed. She looked at Streusen like he had committed something treasonous. "What?" Her voice was fierce, and her statement was less of a question, and more of a signal.

"You treat him like a child," Streusen replied confidently. "Your love may be his downfall. You spoil him too much, even if he is just a toddler."

Big Mom looked at Streusen, her eyes threatening. "Are you saying I should treat Keki like my other children?"

Streusen shook his head. "No, Mama. Keki is special, but if you continue to coddle him, he won't develop strength and wisdom like his big brothers. He needs to be challenged, not just adored."

Big Mom's large body moved slightly, establishing a tension in Streusen's body. Zeus retracted slightly, out of a mixture of fear and respect. "Are you saying that my Keki is a weakling?"

Streusen didn't have an immediate answer. Instead, he bowed his head slightly as if he was rethinking his whole approach, then he faced Big Mom again, albeit less confidently. "I want to help show you Keki's hidden strength so that you can make him the strongest among all of his siblings."

'That must have been right about when Streusen started planning for my early life training,' I thought as the scene faded to darkness. 'But I don't remember this happening.'

The scene returned, showing younger me back in the cradle. Streusen came in with a big cake cake carried by his chefs. He looked at the baby in the cradle and broke a crumb from the cake to feed the crumb to it. Cake was the staple food of Totto Land. Thus, I was accustomed to eating large-sized cakes for lunch, dinner, supper, and as an in-between snack. Surprisingly, eating cake never got exhausting for me, or any less interesting. However, occasionally, the diet would change to other sugary things and meals.

After feeding the baby the crumb, I expected that the baby would end up eating the entire cake as usual, but instead, the baby and I watched as Streusen gestured for the chefs to leave with the cake. He observed the baby for a bit, then left the room.The baby recoiled into the cradle without worry - back to daydreaming about what life would be like when it'd have full control of its body again - after giving Streusen a knowing look.

The darkness came again, alternating with scenes of the cradle. I wondered why I couldn't recall these events. Was it a dream? Did Mama use her Conqueror's Haki at the celebration and it knocked me out?

My wonder was replaced by widening eyes as subsequent scenes played out. Every time Streusen brought the cake, fed the baby a crumb, and left, the baby would act like nothing happened.

However, on the third occasion, the baby clang expectantly at the sides of the cradle as if preparing to jump out for the cake. Drool formed at the corners of its mouth, cheeks reddening with desire. Streusen watched this with keen interest, and set to action.

In the subsequent scenes after that, the cradle started transforming into a cage to contain the baby. In those scenes, the once small drool was now in progressively larger quantities, and the baby looked like it was on the verge of losing any sense of self-respect.

Sometimes, to promote his twisted plan, Streusen would command the chefs to keep the cake in the room longer before leaving, so that the baby could drool for it more, and start even bashing the hardened bars of the cage.

Watching all this pass, I could tell what Streusen was planning to unleash, but hoped that the baby would persevere long enough to prove Streusen wrong.

On one scene, however, the baby was on the brink of total destruction. Its eyes were a sharp scarlet with desire for cake, and drool masked its entire body. It looked like it could rupture at any second.

Cautiously, Streusen fed it a crumb, then gestured for the chefs to take the cake away. The baby looked, desperately, and began bashing on the cage with its body, fists, and head, and letting out guttural cries as it succumbed to the hunger pangs. The scarlet eyes turned a pure crimson, and the guttural cries turned into monstrous roars. The cage started to bend and creak under the intense stress.

I felt sad and sorry for the younger version of me, but I couldn't do anything but watch - incapable of even looking away.

"We might need reinforcements," Streusen ordered and summoned for Big Mom.

By the time Big Mom arrived, everything had been turned upside down. The cage was damaged, chefs and other staff members lay within the debris, some lifeless, others seriously injured, and the baby was busy tearing apart the cake like a ravenous beast.

Big Mom laid eyes on her months-old child giving off the aura of a monster. She watched him with a horrified expression. He was on his knees - still a crawler. He was making guttural roars - still months away from making his first coherent speech - thus unable to explain what had happened or what he was demanding.

Struggling to remain conscious from a serious injury, Streusen spoke from an uncomfortable position in the door, "I have shown you what sets Keki apart from the others. What will you do now?" He gawked blood that splashed on Keki's pink hair.


Days so perfect were often rare in these parts. The air was a gentle mix of warmth and cool, the sun was moderately warm, and the water below was calm and smooth, with no signs of imminent danger. It was all anyone could ask for, especially when you had thousands of kilometers to cover across the sea.

A bird, dressed the part of a news coo, soared above this pleasing scenery, a smile of sorts spreading from the edges of its beak. What it loved most about the current conditions was the wind, which ruffled its feathers and made it feel lighter. This was a perfect day for delivering to the world. There were no hindrances like the lightning strikes that often struck without warning, nearly missing it. Nor the very large sea kings that wanted to swallow it if it soared too low. Not to mention the rain, which could quickly turn to hail and threaten to plummet it into the sea.

Despite all these insufferable conditions however, this bird, among many others, had always prevailed and made deliveries on time. The reason was simple: failure was not an option when you worked under President Morgans of the World Economy Newspaper. When there was 'Big News,' the world always had to know, despite the risks involved in delivering such information.

Today's baggage was somewhat heavier compared to previous newspaper packages. The bird was usually disinterested in what was written in the articles. Its job was only to make deliveries, get the pay, and then proceed until all the papers were bought.

However, judging from the weight, the bird had a premonition that something huge - something really huge - had happened. Nevertheless, that did little to spark its curiosity, and it remained on course to its designated coordinates.

It flapped its wings to rise a bit higher, hoping to spot a random ship - pirate, navy, or whichever - just any ship to help rest its wings a bit and hope for at least a glass of water (which was never offered)... and yeah, sell some newspapers too.

Once at a certain altitude, it luckily spotted a ship not so far away. It approximated its ETA and flapped harder with more determination to get there faster. The weather barely changed as it closed in on the ship. If anything, the weather only got cozier, evoking the desire to lay down for a quick, stress-free nap. With only about a kilometer remaining to the ship, the bird seriously considered finding a quiet place on the ship and napping - Morgans be damned!

However, at just half a kilometer, things abruptly changed for the worse, making the beautiful slumber dream seem like a distant hope. Suddenly, the weather shifted from calm, cozy, and breezy to eruptive, heavy, and purely chaotic.

Once again, the bird was trying its best to dodge sudden lightning strikes mixing with huge hailstones raining down in all areas, leaving no vacancy for maneuver. Things got even worse as the turbulence of the water underneath rose to lick the bird's belly-bottom, threatening to swallow it into the sea or bring with it a fierce sea king, or worse. Navigation became a big problem, and even some of the papers in the pouch got drenched.

But just when it looked like this would be its last delivery, a whimsical flap cut through the hail, and all the bird could remember was seeing a blue wing without any feathers coming toward it. Then all the lights went out.

When they came back on, there was a short blur that quickly cleared. The bird recalled the bleak situation it had been in, but this worry was quickly replaced by the image of a kind face with a concerned look. Moreover, the bird felt a cozy warmth, a stark contrast to moments earlier when it had been drenched by the sudden storm. Now the atmosphere was calming, as if that haunting weather shift had been sent from hell to take its life.

A glass of water came from the man with the concerned look. The bird sold a newspaper, concluding the transaction as usual, and then flapped its wings to the next location, grateful that a stranger with fiery blue wings had saved it and shown it kindness.

Before flying away from the ship completely, the bird took a keen, personal interest in the Jolly Roger of the ship and memorized it. It was a pirate ship that had shown it kindness for the first time ever. A pirate ship with a prominent, thick white crescent shape as its major symbol.

Looking at it, the bird thought, "Maybe there is hope for this bleak world, after all."


Marco the Phoenix quickly scanned the front of the newspaper he had gotten from the bird he had saved from the terrible storm that had been as sudden in appearing as it was in disappearing. The headlines alone were enough to pique his curiosity, but the images made it very interesting. He read it keenly, amusement forming on his face.

His amusement spread to the guys around him who were still dissecting his actions on saving a bird, one of them being Marshall D. Teach - a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Curious to know if their bounties had increased, they inquired of Marco.

But Marco's mind was distant, absorbed in the story, and the only thing he said was, "Pops will want to know this-yoi."

Marco took the newspaper to Whitebeard, who looked at it, read the headline and the first few sentences, and broke into a laugh.


Without looking at the newspaper again, he made a comment, "What are you planning to do, you old hag?"

Similar newspapers spread all across the New World - to major and minor pirate groups, merchants, the navy, and other secret World Government organizations. The news stunned minor pirates, as the future started to look bleak for them. Merchants became heavy of heart, knowing what the news would impose. Before reaching the Admirals, the navy became restless. As for the secret organizations, their reaction remained a secret.

A drunk Kaido dismissed the news without even hearing them first. But when King - a subordinate - told him of their potential significance, he showed just enough interest to make him swear to have Big Mom's head as he staggered from his seat.

Golden Lion Shiki too got the news. He looked haunted by something in particular about the main article of the story, but what he was planning in his head remained a mystery even to his subordinates.

And finally, there were the Navy Admirals: the Fleet Admiral and the three Admirals.


Fleet Admiral Sengoku was a tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache. He had a large afro, often covered under his navy cap. He was a man of resilient stature, commanding respect from his subordinates and some reverence from the Elders.

On this occasion, he was in his office - a well-lit, slightly disorganized establishment with traditional furniture. Before him were the three admirals: Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru. They had casual-to-serious expressions, looking at Sengoku bluntly as if they were being forced to be there.

Assuming his role in this meeting, Sengoku picked up the newspaper on his desk, scanning the headline and the first few lines. He read aloud, "The headline reads: 'Beauty and the Beast: Big Mom's Deadly Weapon.'" He paused, allowing the weight of the words to settle.

The description to the headline read: 'Big Mom was just a beauty; now she has a beast.' But Sengoku skipped to the more streamlined information, hoping to go over the details a lot quicker.

"Big Mom declared her last-born, Charlotte Keki, as her chosen heir during his second birthday celebration," Sengoku continued. "Presenting him to influential figures, she hoped they would acknowledge her decision and show respect. Instead, they laughed, angering her."

"Big Mom transformed her son into a monster, a being so powerful that those in attendance likened him to the God of War, Ares. The scene turned into chaos. Keki rampaged, displaying terrifying strength and ferocity. It was as if Big Mom had planned this from the start, sentencing her guests to death at the hands of her own child."

Sengoku fell silent for a moment, looking at the admirals bluntly for any signs of reaction in those unchanging expressions: Aokiji sleepy, Akainu angry, and Kizaru totally bored.

Feeling the need to speak, Akainu made his observation. "Only the pigs died in that celebration. Why should the Navy be bothered?"

Sengoku took in a controlled breath. "The World Government suffered casualties too - Cipher Pol agents that had infiltrated the celebrations to understand why one of the Emperors had become dormant for two years."

"But the real reason why the Navy is concerned isn't how Charlotte Keki has been described in the World Economy Newspaper," Sengoku added, looking at the pictures in the newspaper in his hands. "It's Big Mom's Big comeback!"

---💥 🔥 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ 🚢 💣 🍍 🌪️ 💀 🛡️ 🕵️‍♂️ 🔥 🚀 🌊---

Headline: Beauty and the Beast...


In a startling turn of events, two-year-old Charlotte Keki transformed a lavish birthday celebration into a scene of utter chaos and terror. Standing at an imposing 180cm tall, Keki, commanded by Big Mom, unleashed a rampage that left Whole Cake Island in ruins.

His eyes burned a fierce crimson, his primal cries reverberating across the island as he wreaked havoc. The first victims of his wrath were those closest to him, dispatched with terrifying ease by his powerful fists, striking fear into even the most seasoned pirates.

Efforts to thwart the "mere" toddler proved futile as attempts with devil fruit powers and other abilities were rendered useless against his seemingly impervious defenses. Cannon fire and attacks by those attempting to escape by sea merely glanced off him, leaving him undeterred in carrying out his mother's will.

Throughout the chaos, Big Mom's booming laughter echoed alongside Keki's roars, a chilling display of maternal pride and authority. She cheered on her son, urging him to crush all who stood in their path and demonstrate the supremacy of the Big Mom Pirates.

Despite the devastation, Keki exhibited moments of unexpected tenderness, sparing his siblings and family members amid the carnage. He even intervened to rescue his sister from a perilous hostage situation, swiftly dealing with a reckless pirate captain who threatened her life.

Big Mom's command over her children was absolute during the ordeal, forbidding any interference with Keki's mission. Her actions and Keki's obedience painted a picture of dominance and authority from the Yonko.

As casualties mounted among influential figures, those who survived did so at Big Mom's discretion, a case in point of her strategic foresight. Survivors were allowed to flee, carrying with them a message from Big Mom: she knew of plans to overthrow her and intended to reclaim all that was taken from her in the past two years that she had been silent, with the Big Mom Pirates set to rule the world.


---💥 🔥 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ 🚢 💣 🍍 🌪️ 💀 🛡️ 🕵️‍♂️ 🔥 🚀 🌊---

"There was also a preliminary to the rampage, where Keki was shown demolishing figures of the current most influential people in the New World," Sengoku's voice broke the silence. "But due to the respect Big Mom lost during her two-year dormancy, the guests laughed at the performance. That's when she unleashed her monster."

The three admirals maintained their expressions, appearing even less interested now than at the start of the meeting.

After a pause, Aokiji cleared his throat and looked at Sengoku. "Do you need us to do something?"

Sengoku sighed. "Big Mom has a powerful weapon, and she's marked her targets. She claims she'll take back everything taken from her. The navy is one of those targets, specifically, Impel Down."

"Two years ago, one of her eldest sons was intercepted and captured by Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp after a heated battle. On that day, Big Mom lost more than just her son to the navy; she also lost a precious relic he was transporting from an unknown location."

"She didn't react immediately, but with the subsequent loss of control over Fishman Island, one would expect she'd do something," Sengoku continued. "Yet, she remained dormant, her next move unpredictable."

"Now, she's declared war against the world," Sengoku concluded.

"Are you worried about what's in the paper, Sengoku," Akainu spoke up. Kizaru gave Akainu a lazy stare. "It could all be propaganda from that loud bird Morgans."

"Big Mom isn't known for propaganda," Sengoku said. "But even so, the navy needs its Admirals on alert in case it's true."

'In case it's true,' Aokiji quoted Sengoku's words to make an observation. "What does that mean for the bounties?"

"To safeguard the navy's image and ease the people's minds, Charlotte Keki will not get a bounty right now until we can prove his existence and nature firsthand," Sengoku explained. "And neither will Big Mom's bounty increase until the deaths have been proven too."

"So what now?" Akainu said, rising from his seat. "You called us in to tell us to be on guard because some child had an extravagant birthday celebration or to take befitting action?"

"I called you in to watch the movements of the Big Mom Pirates, strictly," Sengoku clarified, his voice a command.

As Akainu walked out, Sengoku added, "Don't forget you are a navy admiral, Akainu. Big Mom has been strategizing for two years. We can't afford slip ups from our top officials."


Back in Whole Cake Island, the tumult had subsided significantly. The festive grounds lay in ruins, but in Big Mom's world, the celebration was far from over. She insisted the festivities continue as a show of appreciation for Keki's deeds. The once mysteriously vanished cake had reappeared, now adorned with candles for blowing.

Given the chaotic events, Big Mom declared that Keki would celebrate his birthday privately. However, she urged the entire Totto Land to celebrate in their own ways, honoring their prince for protecting them from the evil forces plotting to destroy their peace. She assured them that Keki would always be there to protect them, just as he had shown.

In the Grand Banquet Hall, the celebration took a quieter turn. Keki sat before the grand cake, its candles flickering warmly, and as he blew them out, those around him clapped, cheered, and wished him a happy birthday. They adorned him with praise, making bows and curtsies, all of which confused Keki as he wondered what was going on.

"What happened?" Keki had asked his brother Perospero before arriving at the banquet hall. "Last thing I remember after fighting the Homies was Mama saying something - I don't remember what - and then there was darkness... I think something happened in the darkness... I-I ddon't- But I woke up in bed... and even Pudding was there-"

"You got exhausted from the performance and fell asleep," Perospero had lied. "Mama dismissed the guests who were awed by your performance. They praised you and left contently to tell the world of Totto's prince."

"When you woke up, Pudding was there to check on you because she was eager to meet her little brother and play with him," Perospero had added, feeling uneasy about his deception.

Keki hadn't fully bought Perospero's story, noticing his brother's nervousness, but he shrugged it off, vowing to discover the real truth in time.

As he took his first bite, Keki noticed how ravenous he felt - hungrier than ever before. The cake that he had told his mother he didn't want to eat now felt like a necessity he couldn't live without. As he swallowed, he pushed any guilty thoughts aside, promising to deal with them later.

The celebration in the Grand Banquet Hall was lively and warm. Keki mingled with his siblings, talking and playing with them, and listened to his elder brothers and sisters like Chiffon and Lola. One sip from Smoothie's concoction made Keki feel bewitched, and he drank the whole glass, asking for more.

Keki noticed that Katakuri didn't talk much, and Oven seemed to be forcing himself to like Keki rather than genuinely warming up to him. This reaction was similar to others like Cracker, but Keki hoped that they'd eventually come around. Unless they chose to outright fight against him, Keki didn't see developing much friction with them.

The celebration became so enjoyable that Keki felt blissful and belonging, his memories of his past life fading, replaced by new ones promising protection and wonder. However, Keki kept his original mother at heart and hoped that one day, he would be called Jake again.

After having his fill and effectively dodging Big Mom for the better part of the evening, Keki decided it was time to rest. He went to bed, tucked in his sheets before Big Mom could come rushing in to do it, and closed his eyes for a good night's sleep, wondering what the following day would bring.

Would it be traveling around Totto? Mandatory training with the Homies? Or, the continuity of the blissful time he had just had?

The following morning, and every day for the next month, Keki was forbidden from going outside or acquiring a newspaper by any means. Apart from missing weekly runs of 'Sora, Warrior of the Sea' (comic strip), Keki confirmed that he was indeed being kept in the dark about something that had transpired during his birthday, and he got more curious to know what it was.



Will be working on more this week. Actually working on Chapter 9 & 10 (Big Mom Pirates) this very minute.
