
When in doubt, have a sleepover.

"Hehe!" Clara giggled again, "I am starting to regret sharing my bed with you." Safa replied sighing.

When it was time for them to sleep, Wolfgang and Safa woke each of Clara and James and headed to their bedrooms, but this time Wolfgang took James back to the same room they napped in earlier while Safa and Clara had decided to share Safa's room, and essentially her bed.

The girls laid besides each other, talking in the darkness.

"I never enjoyed myself this much in my entire life!" Clara said, "Today was so fun, I'm afraid I've used up all of my good luck in one day." She added.

"You know, I never shared my bed with anyone in a very long while...when I was a little child, I used to nap on my father's bed while he reads me stories.

Sometimes Bernardino would lay there too, and we both listen to my father telling us a story until we fall asleep." Safa said.

"Wow! How lucky...I wish aunt Louisa was half as kind as you father was." Clara replied.

"The woman was terrible to you, yet you still visit her from time to time, why?" Safa asked.

"She still put a roof over my head growing up, I guess I'm grateful." Clara replied.

"Hmm, I see."

"Safa, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Yamei...you said she hated you because of the attention and love your brother gave you...why? Didn't Bernardino love her too?" Clara asked.

Sighing, "Yamei was beautiful, intelligent and elegant but unfortunately she was an arrogant selfish woman who demanded my brother's full attention, and he could not do that, not when half of his attention was and always have been directed at his family.

Most men in my family find love during Their travels and one way or another, they end up settling down where they found said love which often means they would seize traveling for good.

But also most men of my family did not have siblings they could not bear to separate from, so Luckily for my brother, and although he met Yamei in china, she lived primarily in England, so he did not to worry about following her to china and leaving me behind since They would settle together in England instead.

But perhaps the biggest obstacle in Yamei's way was that Bernardino had a personal rule, if his family did not approve of the woman he is currently interested in or this woman did anything to offend us, he would give-up on her immediately." Safa replied.

"Why did he have such a rule?" Clara asked.

"Because of his first love, she was a servant girl who worked for us in the past, she was in charge of pushing my chair around, so whenever I wanted to go somewhere, I would ask her to do so.

Anyhow, Bernardino and that girl were just teenagers when they supposedly fell in love.

My father found out about the girl and at first pretended he did not know about her, but he was secretly watching her to see if she was a good person, eventually he caught that girl puting some mixture of herbs in my food when no one was watching." Safa replied.

"A mixture of herbs? What for?"

"To make me fall asleep so she does not have to push my chair around that day in order to use the free time she gains by that to spend more time with my brother."

Gasping, "She tried to put you to sleep against your will!" Clara said.

"Yes, my father exposed her and fired her...Bernardino was hurt and heartbroken by his girl's betrayal, he felt guilty and responsible so he vowed that he would only marry a girl that is both kind to him and his family, especially me.

He was adamant to reject any girl that would treat me badly." Safa explained.

"So how did Yamei get away with it? Since he married her?" Clara asked.

"By pretending, Yamei knew she had to convince Bernardino she was the one for him, so she began by befriending me, she knew if I liked her, both my father and brother would as well, so she came to visit almost everyday, specifically to spend time with me.

She took me on carriage rides, walks in the garden, pushed my chair herself and talked with me for hours.

At the time I was so happy to have a friend, I spoke about her all the time to father and Bernie, because of Yamei I was actually showing my face more and more around other people, I was finally coming out of my shell...and everyday, I was waiting with anticipation to see if she would come visit again.

Until one day, the new servant in charge of pushing my chair was helping me get to the drawing room, Yamei was supposed to be there waiting for me, but just as we got inside the room I heard Yamei talk with her personal maid." Safa replied.

"What did she say?"

"The moment I walked in, I heard her say to her maid, 'Just how long do I have to smile and pretend to care about That goddamn bloody chair-bound harlot of his sister before Bernie finally asks me to marry him?!'..."

Clara's eyes went wide open, she sat upright and looked at Safa, "How dare she! How can she be so cruel?! Why did your brother even fall for a woman like her?!"

"She was a great actress, the sad part was that later the same day, Bernardino had returned from his most recent travel...his last trip on his own.

He gifted me that memoir you read earlier today, and announced to us that he would be proposing to Yamei the next day." Safa replied sighing heavily.

"Since your brother still proposed to her after what she said about you, does that mean you didn't tell him about what she said?"

"When Yamei saw me, she realized I heard what she said and her face went pale, she knelt in front of me and began apologizing, crying and begging me not to tell my brother.

She threatened that if he rejected her, she would kill herself."

"How disgusting! She manipulated you emotionally!" Clara said frowning.

Nodding, "She did, I was so hurt when I realized she was not my real friend...i nearly choked when Bernardino said he was going to propose to her later.

Eventually, I ended-up skipping Their engagement party and the wedding, I was feeling betrayed and all insecure in myself again and I went back to my habit of hiding...

I could not bear to look at Yamei's face, and like I said my brother loved her like a mad man...I did not wish for him to experience another heartbreak because of me, so I did not tell him the truth, and I asked the servant who was with me to remain silent as well and to not push my chair anymore, she did remain silent but ended-up quiting work after few days without an explanation." Safa replied.

"What about your father?"

"My father felt like something was deeply wrong when I skipped the engagement party, he came to see me afterwards, he was disappointed and asked what was wrong.

I told him I did not wish to embarrass my brother in front of his guests with my disability...

It was during this time where my father introduced Wolfgang into my life, so while Yamei was preparing for the wedding, I was getting to know Wolfgang.

My father hoped that Wolfgang could convince me to attend the wedding but I still skipped it, and because of that, Bernardino was angry with me and he began avoiding me, Yamei got what she wanted at the end...my brother was all hers now.

And I took to science to fill the void he left." Safa replied.

Suddenly, Safa was surprised when she heard a sob come out of Clara.

Clara beside her was now full-blown crying, "I...can't believe...you went through all of this...!" She said between sobs.

"Why are you crying?!" Safa asked.

"Why aren't you...crying?! I bet *Sobs* you cried so much back then...That you can no longer cry now...yes that must be the reason!"" Clara replied.

Safa let out a hearty laugh, "Haha!"

Offended, "Why are you laughing...this isn't funny Safa?!" Clara asked.

"I am laughing because you are reacting the same way Wolfgang did when I told him Yamei's story! You two are big softies." Safa replied smiling.

"You're so mean!" Clara pouted.

"And you are adorable, hehe!" Safa sniggered.

"I promise you...i'm going to be a better friend than Yamei!" Clara said.

"You already are, I can tell you are genuine..."



"Did Yamei ever try to befriend you...again?"

"No, once she married Bernardino...she no longer pretended she liked me.

Although we rarely ever met after I discovered her truth."

"Were you happy she died?" Clara asked.

"I know this would sound evil, but if she did die alone, maybe I would have been happy but she died and took my father and brother with her, it all happened some months after their wedding in England.

My family and Yamei's family from England decided to have another wedding in china to celebrate Yamei and Bernardino's union, so they boarded the same ship together.

I refused to join them using my heath as an excuse, which is why I survived." Safa replied.

"Oh my!" Clara gasped.

Sighing, "Oh my indeed...I was the unluckiest lucky woman alive that day." Safa replied.


"I can't believe you brought the dog here with us?! Also why can't we go to your room?!" James asked.

Wolfgang and James were laying together in the same bed from earlier with Denver snoring loudly between them.

Annoyed, "Stop whining, you're more difficult to manage than denver." Wolfgang replied.

"Are you comparing me with a dog?!"

"At least the dog is cute, and he doesn't talk as much as you do."

"Stop lying I know you think I'm cuter." James replied, he glanced at the dog and smiled, "But he is adorable as well, Denver I mean...having him between us like this, It feels like having your child sleep in you bed after he sees a nightmare." He said.

"Why do you sound like you have a child?!" Wolfgang asked.

"I don't I was just trying to say that Denver probably sees you as his father, people see their pets as children too...actually, you would make a good father wolf." James said.

"That would never happen." Wolfgang replied.

"Do you wish for children?"

"I do but not to the point where I would marry a woman to have them."

"If you could, how many you want?"

"I don't want many, I think two, a boy and a girl... what if they get sick and die? I can't handle that sort of pain!"

Chuckling, "Forgive my ignorance but you should've been born a woman." James said.

Frowning, "Why would you say that!" Wolfgang replied.

"So I can give you a son and daughter." James joked with a wink.

Wolfgang's face exploded in red, "You filthy man!" He hit James playfully making the redhead laugh.

When they calmed down, "You still haven't told me, why are we not in your bedroom?" James asked.

"I respected you not telling me your secret, respect mine." Wolfgang replied.

"Your room is your secret? Do you have a cadaver in there?" James asked curiously.

"What?! No!...it's just my personal space." Wolfgang replied.

Smirking, "Oh you naughty one, Do you hide some erotic things in there?" James asked jokingly.

But when Wolfgang blushed deeper and didn't respond, James's face turned red as well, "My god I am correct, aren't I?! You have something dirty down there!" James said.


Fun fact: The concept of a bedroom as a place of solitude and privacy was not always known historically. It was not unusual for beds to be shared by complete strangers at inns well into the 19th century.

Even in private homes, it was common practice for servants to sleep on the floor of their master’s bedchamber, and sometimes even in the bed, particularly when the servant was reliant upon the master or mistress for protection against unwanted advances from other servants or even household members.

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