
Chapter 29 : Seraphina

"Queen Seraphina?" Elias bowed his head slightly, "What brings you here? At this time of the night no less?"

Queen Seraphina stared at Elias, as if she were a robot, inspecting him from head to toe, it would be more accurate to say she was sizing him up, like a predator ready to devour her prey in one deadly bite.

Queen Seraphina stood before Elias, her almost see-through nightwear clinging to her curvaceous figure, leaving little to the imagination.

The delicate fabric draped over her ample bosom and made her perfect shape more noticeable. High cheekbones, full lips, and eyes that sparkled with a mischievous glint gave her a unique mature beauty as if the passage of time had forgotten to etch its lines upon her flawless skin. She looked far too good for what her age should be.

"Queen Seraphina?" Elias repeated

"Would you not invite me in? Or am I not welcome in my own home?" She asked and Elias realized that, since he had seen her, it was the first time he had heard her speak.

Her voice was a mesmerizing blend of sultry warmth and commanding presence. It had a melodic quality, each word flowed out of her mouth effortlessly.

"My..My apologies, do come in" Elias stuttered

Queen Seraphina gracefully stepped in, looking around the room as she walked, "Not bad," she said

'What the hell?! Why is the fucking queen in my room? At this time? Dressed in a fucking see-through nightwear, I can fully see her underwear. Is this a sign? And that fucking task message isn't helping matters either. What kind of a task is that?' Elias's mind fired with different questions

[ Task: Make the queen interested in you, you are free to use any means at your disposal, force, and seduction included.

Reward: 20000 FWP

Failure: None

Time limit: Duration the Queen spends in your chamber

Will you accept the task?

〔Yes〕or 〔No〕


'20,000 FWP is a lot considering I just have to pique her interest. I accept

[You have accepted the task!]

[Task: Make the queen interested in you, you are free to use any means at your disposal, force, and seduction included.

Reward: 20000 FWP

Failure: None

Time limit: Duration the Queen spends in your chamber


A bar appeared above Queen Seraphina's head, it was labeled 'Interest bar'

[■■■ ]

"You have got some huge balls on you boy" Seraphina began.

Elias was taken aback by her informal tone, he wasn't a graceful and dignified queen to start a conversation like that.

"I do?" Elias asked

"The effrontery you have to talk back to the family heads and play with my husband like that"

"Oh, you didn't mean actual ba‐‐ never mind. I had no idea I offended the queen, if I did, I am deeply sorry" Elias said politely

"Oh there's no need to apologize, It was nice to see someone not suck up to them or try to kiss their ass at every opportunity.

Especially, Thane, it was nice to see you piss off that snake the entire time.

Do you believe he tried to sleep with me once, and yet he still cuddles up with my husband at the slightest chance" she said

"Ahh, I wasn't trying to be rude," Elias said," And if I may ask, why are you telling me this? Would it not be wiser to tell your husband the King?" He added,

[■■■■■ ]

'The interest bar shot up?'

He had no idea why the queen was acting so free with him, it made him on guard.

"Ahh, you think I didn't? He just waved it, I wouldn't be surprised if that cuck probably planned the whole thing with Thane" She scoffed

'Did she just call the King a cuck? Hahaha, what the hell? I'm starting to like this woman'

"Anyways, the reason I came to you was to warn you, and perhaps give you some advice." She said, as she took a seat on Elias' bed, her breasts swayed as she sat.

'This…is going to be a long night' Elias gulped as he struggled to avoid getting aroused in front of the queen

"Warn me? About what?" Elias asked

"The challenge you proposed, do you know the implications of it? You put yourself as a price, mind you a very valuable price that husband and the family heads will want to have by all means.

These people won't play fair, it is almost guaranteed that the five slots will be filled by participants from each family and one from my husband" She paused, and then a look appeared on her face, as if she had been hit with a realization, "Wait, you couldn't have intended that to happen, could you?"

"I proposed the challenge, Queen Seraphina, I assure you I am aware of what I put out" Elias assured her with a knowing smile on his face, whilst ignoring her question

[■■■■■■ ]

"Just what is it that is giving you so much confidence? Do you deem yourself untouchable because of your title as the child of light?

Do not get too comfortable with that title until you get your blessings from the High-luminary" She said

"I thank you for the advice Queen Seraphina, but I will be fine. " Elias answered

"It's hard to find men like you these days, men who aren't afraid of other men because of their crowns and status," She said leaning closer to Elias, giving him a generous view of her cleavage

"Thank...Thank you, Queen Seraphina," Elias gulped, his eyes fixated on her chest.

[■■ ]

'The interest bar dropped, shit! What did I do?'

"Then that will be all, I shall take my leave. It seems I have misjudged you, you are just like the rest of them, who are only ever driven by their ego and lust " She said, as she stood up to leave

"Misjudged me? Ego? Please wait!" Elias beckoned, watching as Seraphina walked toward the door, her nightwear swaying seductively in rhythm with her hips

[■ ]

'Shit, 20,000 FWP is walking away'

"Nevermind, It seems you are just a boy, like my husband said," She said as she placed her hand on the doorknob not looking back at Elias

'A boy?! Just a boy!'

Feeling a mix of desperation and frustration, Elias rushed and grabbed the Queen's arm forcefully,

"I have had it with the 'boy' bullshit. I won't take it anymore, especially not from a hag like you. Every man is probably a boy to you" He said icily gripping her arm tighter and tighter.

"Ahnnn" A moan escaped the Queen's lips

Realizing he might have hurt the queen Elias quickly let go of her arm, leaving a slight bruise on her arm

"I'm so—" Elias was about to apologize when he noticed the interest bar atop her head

[■■■■■■■ ]

'Wait what?! The interest bar rose. Because I scolded her?'

He looked upon the queen, who had grown quiet save for the sound of her stifled breathing.

'I see how it is'

His mouth stretched into a broad mischievous smile.
