
Juicy Drama

"Ck, these useless workers!" Ashtarot's veins pulsed on his temple, his hands clenched, ready to pounce on the two youkai lovers.

This was why he was here. Suzume had sent a complaint about Gotou, who refused to engage in any battles with dungeon challengers.

His domain remained closed, inaccessible even to the floor's guardian. Only his mother, Tomoko, could open it since she designed the domain.

Ashtarot could destroy it with one spell, but it would be a shame to ruin such a complex and beautiful domain.

When he thinks about it, It was a waste to give it to a useless baby like Gotou.

"Both of you! If you don't stop this nonsense, I will kill you!"

Ashtarot's dark aura spread across the domain, making both youkai shudder and choke on their breath.
