
The Mimicry Spell 2

Right now, only he had the ability to sense them. But if he could successfully use the mimicking spell on a snake with heat vision, they could solve one of their biggest problems. Not all snakes had this ability, though. He would need to find a pit viper, python, or boa—snakes like rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths, ball pythons, or boa constrictors would work. However, it all depended on how the mimicking spell functioned and whether it was possible to mimic their thermal sensing abilities.

Damian had read about the spell but had never encountered it in practice. It was said to be an ancient spell that had fallen out of use due to its limitations, namely the requirement of having the beast nearby. People with pets could utilize it, but for most, it was impractical. Damian had always wondered if there was a way to modify the spell. After all, spells didn't recognize people by name—they recognized them by their unique ID's. Surely animals had ID's too, right?
