
I Am All Yours

Destiny's POV

"Haven't you got tired of getting yourself into trouble? After assaulting Carmie, you wanted to be a carnapper? What had gotten into you, Destiny?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows while clenching his fists on the folder he was holding.

"Red, I came in peace. I don't want to bring any trouble to you," I responded softly.

"Oh, is that so, and why did you bring an accomplice?" He asked as he flicked his eyes to his side. I was terrified when I found one of my father's men pulling Pia from the ground by the collar.

"Let me go!" My friend was yelling as she tried to kick the man who was manhandling her.

"Red, it wasn't what you think; I was desperate to speak with you, and my friend, Pia, volunteered to help me; she didn't mean to do it; please, Red, let her go," I begged as I came closer to him, and he closed his eyes and cursed.

His eyes were glowing with anger as he opened them, and when he glanced at me, his nostrils flared, making my knees shake. I had never been afraid of Red before since when I was his girl, he always smiled and flirted with me, but now, it felt like I hadn't known him.

"Let her go," Red commanded the man seizing my friend. Pia's wailing stopped in an instant as the man released her from his hold.

My entire body was trembling, and I wished to drag Pia with me, flee, and never show my face to Red again; I was hopeless and needed to do it to make everything go back to normal.

"Now, please leave!" Red shouted as he made his way to his car's passenger seat. Pia quickly ran towards the parking lot exit. I remained standing on the ground, feeling lost, listening to the deafening beating of my heart.

Something snapped at me when I heard the clicking sound of the opening of his car; I hurriedly opened the passenger's door, climbed, and settled beside him.

"What the heck, Des? When are you going to stop bothering me? Please, get the hell out of here before I drag you out." He ordered, but I didn't move an inch nor move my head and looked at him as I tried to contain my tears.

"Destiny, please! Don't make this harder for me," he added, his voice labored.

"I am going with you, Red." I firmly replied.

"I told you I have a hearing, and I needed to be there in fifteen minutes, and I didn't have time to argue with you." He responded with frustration in his voice.

"How much do you need?" He asked, and it felt like someone trampled my heart as it suddenly felt so heavy with pain.

"I don't need your money, not even your mercy. I just need your little time. That would be enough if you still care about me even a little. If not, then what Lucas said was all true." I responded as I veered my neck and found him tightly gripping his hands on the steering wheel.

"Lucas again? You don't need to remind me of your affair with Lucas, Des." He hissed.

"And stop reminding me that you are a jerk and a user. You only made me your girlfriend so you can have a scholarship; you took advantage of my vulnerability and my craziness about you." I responded, and his face turned redder with rage.

"You know that is not true," he yelled, and I trembled in my seat, but I didn't allow myself to get intimidated by his outburst.

"I didn't have an affair with Lucas, but you won't believe me, and that is why I came here," I responded, his expression changing with curiosity.

"I told you, I don't want to deal with you right now," he mumbled and started his car's engine. I smiled as he drove away from the parking lot without throwing me out of his car.

He was driving the car so fast that I had to hold tight on my seat, and I closed my eyes to refrain from screaming since he was moving from one lane to the other in a split second to go ahead with other cars.

It was a hell of a ride that my butt almost fell from my seat, but I signed up for it, and I had to deal with Red's anger. I only opened my eyes when he slowed down and turned left to the courthouse.

"You stay here," he said before exiting his car and strongly slammed the door.

He didn't turn off the engine to keep the AC in his car running, and I took a deep breath to recover from my terror. Red turned into a different person, and I could feel the distress radiating in my core.

I still have a choice: forget about my plan with my ex and walk out from his life forever, but I have to clear my side and try to win my father's love for the last time.

Pia has a point; my dad couldn't have a change of heart in a heartbeat, even after he found out I wasn't his child because he raised me with my mom. I grew up surrounded by their love and affection.

Once Dad found out I hadn't slept with anyone, his affection would go back, and I am sure he would drive Carmen away. Red is my only hope, and I wished he wouldn't laugh at me with my stupidity.

I was fidgeting as I waited for Red, and as I peeked at the time on my watch, it had been almost one hour since he left me in his car.

I was startled and disoriented when I heard the door opening. I straightened my body and realized I had dozed off after I reclined my body on my seat.

I opened my eyes, turned my head, and found Red wearing his inner white sleeves half-opened and khaki pants, sitting on the driver's seat with a solemn expression.

I looked down when I felt something and realized he put his suit jacket over my lap to cover my exposed legs.

"Where am I going to drop you off, Destiny?"'He asked without looking in my direction. He had calmed down a bit, but I could still feel the tension in the air.

"Anywhere with you, Red," I sweetly responded, and I almost laughed when he suddenly coughed.

"You know I can't take you anywhere with me. We are done, and you need to leave me alone, and please, for once, give me peace of mind, Destiny." He said, sounding irritated.

"I told you this would be the last time, Red." I quickly replied.

"You told me the same thing after I bailed you out, but after that, you still showed up in my office to ask me to help you get the DNA specimen of your father, and you told me the same thing: what do you want this time, huh?"' He said as he combed his hair with his fingers feeling so pissed with me.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore,"' he added when I didn't answer him immediately.

"I got the result already and discovered I wasn't my father's daughter." I softly replied as I looked away and focused my sight on the red sports car parked beside his SUV, keeping my tears at bay.

Never in my life had I imagined myself begging for attention and love from someone since I knew it must be freely given, and I pitied myself as I sat beside Red, feeling like a fool since he was the one who had given me so much love before, but now, nothing remained but his hatred for me.

"I told you the truth, but you didn't listen to me." He muttered.

"Yes, and I knew what I was doing right now was too much and out of my comfort zone. I don't want to beg for your time, Red." I replied.

"You didn't even give me a chance to explain myself, and you slept with Carmie right away as if what we had was just for fun. And this is the only thing I know can save me, I am fucking tired of my situation, Red." I declared and was thankful he kept silent.

"I stayed here in the city, hoping I could change my fate by trying to do everything I could to hold on and get back everything I thought I had," I added, half laughing.

"But your girlfriend made sure I couldn't recover from my downfall by undermining all my plans and by hurting and threatening my friends who helped me." I continued.

"While you remained on the sideline doing nothing even if you knew she was being a bitch, you became blind, and I hate to think you are a lawyer, and I wished you didn't pass the bar examination," I added, pouring out all my resentments towards him.

"I was such a fool for believing I can alter my own destiny. I was wrong, but I didn't want to leave without proving to you that I never cheated on our relationship even once," I said as my entire body turned cold.

"And how are you going to prove that to me, Destiny?" He asked with a mocking smile on his handsome face.

"By giving myself to you, if that is the only way I can change your mind and verify I wasn't that kind of person; take my virginity, Red; it is all yours," I answered back, trying my best to contain the hammering of my heart.

Red's taunting smile wavered as he swallowed his saliva; his face turned white as if his blood abruptly drained from his veins as he stared at me looking tormented, and shocked at the same time.
