
[93 - Bleeding Heart]

Blake no longer felt the sting, the horrible pain that had enveloped him in it's embrace because of all the injuries and wounds that Asher and his men had left on his body. Blood was still dripping through them and the longer he kept them untreated, the chance of an infection only increased.

But right now, nothing of that mattered to him. The only thing that was going on and on in his mind was to be sure, to finally see the proof and be absolutely sure that he had mistaken Elijah to be the culprit of his sister and that it was somebody else entirely.

Blake knew that what he was going to see, that whatever proof Asher had with him were not going to be easy to watch. They would for sure leave an imprint on his mind forever, making it harder for him to live because this time it was not just the guilt of not being able to rescue his sister that was going to trouble him.
