
My next four months (2)

Deciding on what to concentrate on is just the first step, After taking that step there are many more steps to take or else taking the first step would be a waste.

Now that I have decided to concentrate on Evade and Dodge, I will set up my training in Nexus to maximize the gains of these two skills.

Just because I would be busy with this, I can't ignore Angela but I can't spend much time having sex with her either. So most of the time I had to spend with her would be for training. There is no other way. I have only two years before her family would take her away, no take them away.

Since I am aiming for both sisters, I need to be more than good enough.


Four Months Later...

The semester had come to an end and it was time to take rest and return home but my mother was still away and with her away, the burdens on my father were too much.

His work would keep him away and that would make me returning home almost meaningless.
