
I aced the monthy exam as usual (1)

Today is the monthly exam, which will determine the top ranks of our class.

We all gathered in the training hall as we did before. We have done this four times before, so we already know the procedure pretty much.

Unlike last semester, there is a lot of tension between among my classmates this time. Everyone has come prepared to gain better ranks than before and many seemed confident that they can achieve good results.

Even my neighbor rank Malia seemed to be prepared for everything. For her, I am the only obstacle in front of her in the entire first year. I believe defeating me should be her short-term goal.

If she can overcome me, she can then look towards achieving other goals.

I know that she is from a Military family and in families such as those, only the strength has the right to speak and Might is right.

Though one may consider that they appear a bit conservative, they are not.
