
My first class in the academy (1)

I woke up early in the morning. It was a routine of mine that I wanted to continue. In the wilds, it may be different, where I have to sleep at odd hours and should always be vigilant of monster attacks but it was different when I am at home or now at the academy.

There are classes that I need to attend. In the first year, attending class is compulsory. The academy is strict in this matter. After all, we are all young, immature and inexperienced. It was not like there was a threat of war or an impending apocalypse at this point.

Though there are threats, the kingdom can improve in a slow and steady manner. It would be the best choice in the long run.

If the advancement increases too high in a short time, there is a high probability of falling down. So there was no rush at this point to push the young students to their early deaths.
