
A Calm Weekend

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"As a human being, anger is a part of our mind. Irritation also part of our mind. But you can do – anger come, go. Never keep in your sort of – inner world, then create a lot of suspicion, a lot of distrust, a lot of negative things, more worry." – Dalai Lama

Hachiman's POV (Please note this is the weekend before the third week of school).

"Hey, hey! Do you want to go do karaoke?"

"Yes! Let's go!"

Hachiman watched as the class he was in continued to function as if there was no worry in the world.

While he didn't want to care he knew it would be best he just let them do whatever. It was best to remain away from the status quo, and instead accept that change is something everyone must go for.

Right now, it was the end of class on Friday, and Hachiman was beginning to pick his stuff to head to the library. He wasn't really the type to hang around in class, but considering he wanted to speak to Sae a bit more regarding his thoughts, he remained a bit behind.

But then again, when Hachiman thought about it, he quickly realized that it was somewhat futile. All Sae would do is just comment on the fact Hachiman refused to tell any of the class.

Perhaps he was being rude, it was a necessary lesson that had to be taught for the entire class. Even if he was theoretically missing one piece of the puzzle for everything, he would find it out. It was just how he worked he felt.

Even if Sae did her best to not reveal anything, that wouldn't stop Hachiman from trying regardless. All the while this occurred, Hachiman was approached by two specific people.

To the surprise of Hachiman, he didn't know any of them, and as he looked up to see them, one of them began to speak.

"Hey, my name is Yousuke Hirata, but you can call me Yousuke if you want to." Yousuke spoke, clearly eying Hachiman since class ended. Considering he was one of the remaining students left, and since Yousuke had a girl next to him, many of the girls had left him alone this time.

As for the boy Hachiman had seen, Yousuke seemed to be somewhat like him in build. If anything, Yousuke was like a brighter more cheerful version of Hachiman. The only thing Hachiman could deduce the difference between Yousuke and Hachiman, was that Hachiman had black hair, while also being slightly taller than Yousuke when he wasn't slouching.

In the meantime, he was accompanied by a girl who seemed somewhat short. She seemed to be around 5'1" in height. She had waist-length blond hair that was tied in a ponytail. She has purple eyes, and her uniform was different than the standard design.

She had a light blue dress shir alongside the red school blazer was tied up. She had rolled her sleeves up and a short white skirt. Overall, she seemed somewhat fashionable, but aside from that, Hachiman didn't see anything noteworthy to comment about her overall.

"Come on, say your name." Yousuke commented to the girl on her phone before she sighed.

"Karuizawa." The girl mumbled, clearly not caring for who she was meeting. If anything, Yousuke seemed more interested in speaking to Hachiman.

"Is there something you need?" Hachiman asked Yousuke who seemed a bit confused.

"Um, what do I call you? I don't even know your name. I don't think I've seen you at the entrance ceremony or beginning classes?" Yousuke eyed Hachiman with a bit of confusion.

Hachiman's eyes merely looked disinterested as he spoke, "Hikigaya Hachiman."

"Okay, Hikigaya. I was just curious of you as to why you never seem present in class." Yousuke chuckled before he spoke. "That is my girlfriend, Karuizawa." Yousuke commented off topic as Hachiman curtly nodded.

"Seems the rumours mentioned were in fact true." Hachiman thought as he nodded. "Nice to meet you Hirata, Karuizawa." Hachiman told the both. "Is there anything else you need?

Yousuke nodded, "How come you are always by yourself?"

Hachiman raised an eyebrow before he shrugged, "I don't know."

Yousuke looked on with that appeared to be that of surprising concern. "Is it through no fault of your own?"

Hachiman shook his head, "If anything, it is my fault."

Yousuke raised an eyebrow at that, "You mean you haven't tried to be friends with anyone?"

Hachiman nodded, "I've just been busy to make friends, and by the time I looked, everyone had already made their own groups."

Yousuke looked confused by that, "Are you sure you aren't being… you know."

Hachiman shook his head, getting the message. He used to before, but not anymore since coming to ANHS.

Yousuke looked on clearly intrigued. "How? As much as it was a bit blurry due to competitive nature, Sudou had a point. Those who were seen as suspicious and trying to stay out the field were more likely to be scorned.

"It's fine. I've dealt with it before, and I can deal with it again." Hachiman explained.

Yousuke, and even Karuizawa to a smaller extent seemed surprised by Hachiman's nonchalant response.

"How so?" Yousuke asked after a bit.

Hachiman merely lifted his fist up. "Anything necessary." Not that he was a violent person, but he was simply someone who did anything he had to, in order to avoid being the runt of the litter in school.

This seemed to surprise Yousuke, especially considering he had just worried about the prospects of Hachiman being bullied. Instead, he seemed like the type willing to get dirty if he needed.

This surprised him greatly, and it ensured and relieved him of any worries. Considering he felt like a leading figure in their class, he felt the need to ensure everyone was having a good time in the class.

However, Yousuke probably assumed that if Hachiman wasn't causing issues unlike a certain short tempered individual in their class, then it was fine.

Perhaps Hachiman being alone made Yousuke realize that he had overlooked some people. When Hachiman didn't mind that whatsoever.

The others can have fun and do whatever they want, they can reap the consequences without Hachiman's care.

And so, with that, Yousuke and Karuizawa made their way out, but not before Yousuke proposed that he received Hachiman's contact, which Hachiman reluctantly gave once again. After all, it was only one thing to give them your contact, but it was different if they were even going to make use of it.

Hachiman didn't feel confident that anyone would be willing to use the contact he'd give them, and thus he didn't see the big picture in giving him something they wouldn't use regardless.

With that being done, Hachiman remained a bit longer in class before he silently made his way out.

Being a Friday, it was once again time for Hachiman to head to the library. The work had slowed down a bit due to student fatigue, at least that was what Hachiman was thinking.

After all, if it wasn't worth studying due to how lax everything was, why even try?

Alas, after all which has occurred, Hachiman waited for Yousuke and Karuizawa to leave, with the girl finally speaking mostly to Yousuke about heading to get some food.

Hachiman looked on, not really caring for either of their concerns. Specifically, Yousuke's. He was already high off his status in the class, so why pretend to be bothered with other people lower? There had to be some form of malice and reasoning behind it.

As Hachiman made his way to the library, not really considering the brief conversation he had with Yousuke and the glance he had with Karuizawa. It really had no real implications, at least that was what Hachiman was pondering.

Nothing significant to remember. In the meantime, Hachiman went through another six hours of nothing but lifting books and organizing them. It was straightforward and as always; it was nothing new to Hachiman. He was used to it, and he enjoyed the environment, as the mere quietness was fulfilling to Hachiman.

All the while any small encounters he has with other people would have them assume Hachiman just enjoyed being in the library.

Hachiman looked on, as he carefully organized the specific books of mystery and romance. Two different genres that were rather easy to differentiate, at least in Hachiman's opinion.

"But then again, where would A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson fall under?" Hachiman asked himself, before shrugging. Those were times when Hachiman would have to ask Nao herself where she could consider where to place the book.

Hachiman sighed as he made his way up. It was currently 6pm, and because it was a Friday night, many students didn't find themselves in the library, so Hachiman was able to head out and begin organizing where the books would go.

"Hey, Nagamine?" Hachiman asked, going to his boss when he was left with Holly Jackson's book to place.

"Oh! Yes Hikigaya?" Nao asked smiling at Hachiman.

"Where does this book go?" Hachiman asked Nao, who curiously looked at it, reading the back before opening a page. Her eyes glossed over before she seemed to make a quick decision.

"Mystery aisle." Nao told Hachiman, to which Hachiman nodded, heading to the area to place the book in its appropriate place.

However, as Hachiman made his way towards the aisle to where he had to place a book, he realized that somebody was inside the library, and to make matters uncomfortable for Hachiman, the individual was staring at Hachiman.

When Hachiman turned around to stare at the individual, he could tell that one, it was a girl, and two, she was not from his class.

The girl seemed to be short, maybe just above 5'0", with mid-back length silver hair alongside some ribbons tied behind her head. She had purple eyes from what Hachiman could tell, and while her uniform was standard, she wore grey knee-high socks to her skirt area.

Hachiman had no clue who this girl was, or why she had chosen to remain in the library at 6pm on a Friday night.

"But then again, I'm staying here until 8pm, so who am I to judge?" Hachiman asked himself before he went to place the book where Nao had told him to.

As he was about to place the book at the mystery area, the girl's voice spoke up. Rather soft, and surprising Hachiman with how she spoke, "Wouldn't that book be considered a romance?"

Hachiman remained still for a bit, before he turned to see that the girl was in fact, looking at him. "Huh?" he asked, clearly confused as to what this girl was getting at.

"That book you're holding and putting back; wouldn't it be considered a romance?" The girl asked, her gaze looking somewhat aloof as she spoke.

Hachiman shook his head, "Actually, it's more of a mystery than a romance I'd say."

The girl shook her head, "But would you deny the emotional growth and developing relationships that occurred in the book?"

Hachiman responded accordingly. "Perhaps, but I'd say the book falls more into mystery due to its primary focus on solving a mystery."

The girl hummed, "But the mystery actions that are developing and motivating are caused by the numerous themes of love and loyalty going on in that book."

Hachiman eyed the girl curiously, as if he was realizing she was willing to debate this, for some odd reason.

"What kind of random girl just starts debating a random stranger about the themes of a book?" Hachiman asked himself in confusion before he answered back. "There are a lot of clues and red herrings. Not to mention the detective archetype that lies throughout the book. You cannot tell me that in a story of criminal findings, solving, and justice, romance is the primary genre."

The girl, however, gave a more neutral, laid-back expression. "Perhaps, but even then, the only reason why the plot goes on is because of the significant bond the protagonist forms with the brother of the accused."

Hachiman nodded, "That may be true, but I would argue that their romance is more of a subplot over a main plot."

The girl then got up and approached Hachiman, clearly eyeing him and the book he held.

"Would you argue the dedication of the main character is what allows the protagonist to slowly uncover the truth?" The girl asked.

Once again, Hachiman shrugged, "Perhaps there are some romantic underpinnings between the plot and story, however, I'd say the overall progression and central plot is more a mystery, as the romantic elements would act more as a motivator for everything to fall together.

Hachiman watched as the girl looked on, somewhat pouting at Hachiman placing the book in the mystery aisle.

"Is there another point to your argument that you want to make?" Hachiman asked the girl again.

The girl for her part nodded, "Yes. A mystery section wouldn't have such tender moments and emotional stakes that are highly involved with the plot. And even then, wouldn't you argue that the relationships between them are the basis regarding the plot we see?"

Hachiman pondered before he shrugged. The girl had a point. "While I can see it as a basis, couldn't the romance only be the surface, while the mystery is everything under?"

The girl for her part nodded, "But even then, we would see everything from the surface, so for the first glance, it would seem like a romance. Even the title implicates it as a romance."

Hachiman stopped at what the girl was saying. Considering out of all the things that made her very passionate, it was the area and genre the book would be placed. Therefore, Hachiman decided to inform the girl that the boss had informed him to place it into the mystery section.

"As much as I would like to debate this, unfortunately the library secretary had informed me to place it in the mystery section of the library." Hachiman told the girl. The girl for her part seemed upset but knew better than to argue with the opinion of the librarian.

Therefore, when Hachiman placed the book back into its aisle, specifically the mystery section of the shelf, the girl then spoke. "What are you doing in the library so late? Do you like books as well?"

Hachiman turned to the girl, clearly a bit confused at why the girl was giving him some small conversation. Hachiman then turned her question back on her, "I could ask the same question for you."

The girl blinked before she nodded. Now that Hachiman thought about it, her eyes seemed a bit down casted, as if she was sad with the circumstances of the school. "Yes, I do like reading books. It's my only real hobby for the spare time I have."

Hachiman hummed, "So how often do you come to the library then?"

The girl seemed to be deep in thought before she answered, "I'd say usually right after school, even during lunch I come in."

Hachiman nodded, "Explains why I haven't seen her much. I only come out at this time or later."

The girl then asked, "What about you?"

Hachiman knew he had to make up a lie. "Well, usually somewhat late near closing time, but earlier on Fridays."

The girl seemed to then ask something as if it was on her mind, "Do you not have friends who like books?"

Hachiman for his part looked confused at such an assumption, "Not necessarily. I just don't communicate a lot." He explains, "But I do spend most times alone reading."

It almost seemed like the girl lightened up, as if she was suddenly hopeful. "W-Would you like to read me with me some time?"

Hachiman raised an eyebrow at this. "You are really certain on asking a total stranger to read books with you?"

The girl nodded, "You aren't necessarily a stranger, I've seen you plenty of times in the library."

"So, you've just admitted you've been eying me up…" Hachiman deadpanned, but considering how the girl acted, he didn't think this girl seem liked the type to stalk. She probably just meant she saw him a couple of times, which made sense due to him working in the library.

Hachiman scratched his head, "I'm not entirely sure…" He mumbled.

The girl's saddened look returned, and Hachiman cringed internally.

"She almost looks like a whimpering puppy…" Hachiman thought as he pondered. "It's not that I don't want to read, it's more that I don't really have experience reading with others."

The girl then pondered, "Well do you know a lot of books?"

Hachiman shrugged, "I like to think I do."

"Well, what kind of books do you like?"

"I'd say philosophical, historical, and sometimes fiction stories with a bit of sci-fi or supernatural if I'm feeling it." Hachiman explained.

The girl then pulled out a book. Hachiman recognized it as Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.

"Tao Te Ching?" Hachiman asked curiously, causing the girl's eyes to widen as she clearly didn't expect anyone to know the book.

The girl then gave a content look, "You know this book?"

"Yes, it always talks about how to live harmoniously within the world. A force that is the essence of everything in the world. We cannot understand it, but we can experience and feel it."

The girl's eyes seemed to light up with excitement, as she suddenly began to explain her own perspective on the book.

"Just like how there is effective leadership that is shown by minimal intervention and just allowing things to unfold naturally." The girl explained.

For Hachiman, he felt himself already coming up with a comment. "Perhaps, but would you say things fold unnaturally when there's people already artificially manipulating the outcome?"

The girl seemed to be slowly enjoying the little debate she was having with Hachiman, all the while Hachiman was somewhat intrigued by the conversation he was having. Sure, he was a bit apprehensive as always, but the girl seemed to be focusing just on books, and Hachiman was just fine with that.

Eventually, Hachiman quickly went to assist Nao on closing up the library, and as he had planned to walk by to his dorm, the same girl, apparently had been waiting for him, walked up to him, and proposed some more conversations regarding the books they were pondering.

In spite of Hachiman's hesitance and skepticism, he eventually conceded to switching books with this girl, with the plan of speaking next time about their opinions on the books later on.

The girl had walked with Hachiman until they had to separate due to their dorms being on different floors.

"Oh wait! Can we talk tomorrow at the library as well?" The girl asked, as Hachiman nodded in respond. The girl seemed content as shown from her eyes, as she held the book Hachiman gave to her close to her chest, as the elevator door closed.

As Hachiman made his way to his dorm, he groaned, "I didn't even get the girl's name."

I know the small character interaction with Hachiman and Yousuke may seem a bit mundane, but it's a bit of an experimentation.

Hachiman may not have gotten the girl's name, but you guys can probably guess who the girl is, right?

 Also, I did say not counting Sae Chabashira, so those who commented her... Come on...



