
Chapter thirty-eight.

~~~Ischyros, Xandar DC~~~

~~~July 1942~~~

Doctor Erskine opened his eyes slowly, noticing the high vaulted ceiling with baroque-style decorations, he looked around and saw that he was in a spacious room, a very luxurious one in itself. "Where am I?" he wondered aloud, but then his eyes opened and he remembered what had happened, with hurried movements, he unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing, and that's when he noticed it, small scars almost invisible on his chest and abdomen, three in total.

"Oh my god, I almost died... They almost killed me," Erskine whispered as he ran his fingertips over the scars, with a blank stare and erratic eyes, 'Clam' the double doors to the room opened, alerting the doctor who immediately looked towards the doors with a solemn look, not knowing what had happened.

"Ohh, Doctor Erskine, good to see you're awake," Valery entered the room, she wore her distinguished black armor with gold accents, and her whip hung from her hip. "I'm still in Xandar?"

"That's right, in fact, yesterday you were wounded by... a bullet, I think that's what you call your weapons, very crude and ugly, but who am I to judge?" Valery began to ramble, while Doctor Erskine just looked at her strangely. "Ohh, sorry, I got distracted, I was coming to see if he woke up already, and as I see that's the case, I'll take my leave, in a few seconds the king will come, he wants to talk to you."

"Wait!" Doctor Erskine stopped Valery before she came out, "The wounds were mortal, and already... They are healed, was it with the potions?" Valery smiled, "You will discover that Xandar has many secrets, if you accept what my king will ask of you, you will be able to see each one of them." Moments later, Valery's face turned completely dark, as did her eyes, as red cracks formed on her face. "This is just a sample," was all Doctor Erskine heard before Valery disappeared into thin air, and the door opened again.

"Doctor Erskine," Ancestral entered the room, with her ever-calm smile, "he... Hello," Erskine answered still elated from the previous experience. "Doctor Erskine, I see you are a bit scared". Azrael followed Ancestral and noticed Erskine's state, while the latter could only try to control his breathing.

"She... Disappeared and her face," Erskien said between tongues, making Azrael laugh, "hahaha, she was Valery, she's very good at her job, although she's a bit crazy all witches are." Azrael said, downplaying the matter.

"Gentlemen," Ancestral interrupted, causing Azrael to look at her and he fell for it, "oh yes, what we came for," he said, then looked at Doctor Erskine, "you're dead," he said suddenly, causing Ancestral to shake her head at how Azrael decided to start the complicated conversation. "Excuse me, I'm what?"

"Yes dead, or at least to the rest of the world, you must remember that yesterday, Project Rebirth was a success, Colonel Isaiah Bradley, and soldier Steve Rogers, managed to become Supersoldiers with the help of the serum," Azrael explained everything in luxurious detail, at the same time as Ancestral cast a calming spell on Erskine to act cool.

"But your country let some Hydra spies sneak into their ranks, of course, they were stopped but, the samples you took to the experiment were destroyed and you were badly injured, if it wasn't for Xandarian medicine, you would be dead." Azrael stopped there, deciding to wait for Erskine to take it all in.

"As far as Steve Rogers, Mr. Howard Stark, President Roosevelt, and the rest of the men who came with him are concerned, you died in the attack, now, I give you two choices, the first is that you can decide to let it be known that you are still alive, and return to the United States and end up in a secret base to continue making your version of the serum for life or. Stay dead, stay here on Xandar, work for the Xandarian crown, and live a full life while continuing to create in conjunction with the witches, the new version of the serum."

"Those two options are the same for me, as far as I can see," Erskine said somewhat annoyed, he had planned to retire or commit suicide after completing the serum and creating someone with a pure heart who could defeat Johann Schmidt, but he knew that the power of the United States would not agree to it. And so the path of suicide was an option.

And while living on Xandar, where he would not be found was tentative, what assured him that he would not be forced to make the serum for the rest of his life? "The difference lies, Doctor Erskine, in that by taking the second option, you will be able to serve a much greater purpose, something bigger than yourself, and the war that is going on," Ancestral decided to interject, "and what purpose would that be according to you?"

"I see only chains and bars, nothing more, you seek my serum for your end," Doctor Erskine began to approach Ancestral in an angry manner, "you will only be equal to them," Ancestral could not stand it any longer and, in a quick and precise movement, Ancestral struck with her palm on Doctor Erskine's chest, "open your eye." Placing her thumb on the doctor's forehead, Doctor Erskien's consciousness was transported.

Doctor Erskine's body leaned back and was about to touch the ground, except for Azrael who walked up to him and took him in his arms, "and now?" Azrael asked but was silenced by Ancestral, who raised her hand and continued with her eyes closed. "Okay, I'll shut up."

From one moment to the next, Doctor Erskine's body reacted, he stumbled and fell to his knees, "What was that?" He looked at both Ancestral and Azrael, "All that stuff I saw, what was it?"

"This universe is not just what you see, Doctor Erskine, it is not just this material plane, there are many mysteries in the cosmos, many dangers, this universe is just a speck in the middle of the whole multiverse, and you, Doctor Erskine, are just dust and bone."

"Why is this not known?" Erskine asked, tears welling up in his eyes, and how could it not? His world, his beliefs, and what he took for granted, all had been entered into a cosmic blender and then returned to him a mess, with new knowledge, truths proven and lies revealed. It was a complete shock, especially for a man of science like him.

"Because it would do more harm than good, Doctor," Azrael spoke, passing him a glass of water and offering him a chair. "What do you think will happen when people without the necessary care, without the knowledge and dangers, embark on a path such as the one the Sorcerer Supreme has just shown you?"

"I... I, wait, the sorcerer what?"

Ancestral sighed and sat down across from Erskine, "Sorcerer Supreme, though you may call me Ancestral, I am charged with seeing to the protection of Earth against interdimensional attacks, from demons, angels, and anything else that seeks to destroy life as you know it, that is my purpose, and now I ask you, Doctor Erskine, are you ready to occupy yours?"

Erskine was silent for a few seconds, taking in everything he had seen in less than two minutes, those dimensions, space, those huge beings with overwhelming powers, conquering planets, large-scale wars in space... All of it.

"Yes, I'm ready, I just... I want to know how it will be done." Azrael smiled, as did Ancestral, they both hoped Erskine would make that decision on his own because the other way would only leave a bad taste in both of their mouths.

"From now on, Doctor Erskine is dead to the rest of the world, you will not be able to leave in the future from Xandar, you will become a member of the Xandarian nobility, and you will work together with the witches and Evoker of Xandar to get a new serum, a stronger one, a more powerful one."

"Earth will need, strong and invincible soldiers, able to take on whatever the universe throws at us, and you, Doctor Erskine, will be the key to that, along with some other wonderful minds that will be joining you in the future, I'm counting on you." Azrael finished saying, and snapping his fingers, the door opened and revealed Valery with a smile.

"Valery will guide you, teach you everything you need to know about Xandar, show you your new home, and the facilities where you will be working from now on," Doctor Erskine nodded, and getting up, started to follow Valery, "who are you?" Erskine asked before leaving, "I am an envoy, a king, a Khal... A god." 





"A god?" Ancestral asked after Doctor Erskine left, "yes, ask any Xandarian and they will answer with strength and faith, to them, I am just that, a protector, a guide, a god... a father."

Ancestral nodded, "Every day you amaze me more Mr. Jaesyrian, I hope you continue like this". Ancestral then stood up and looked at the huge city from the windows of the room, "There is a subject I want to talk to you about, Xandar, being outside this plane, is a focus for invasions, and the barrier of the Sanctuaries does not cover the land that Xandar occupies, it is necessary to create a Sanctuary here on Xandar."

"You can do that, I will not oppose that, every necessary measure of additional security is welcome, but the guardian of the Sanctuary on Xandar will be a Xandarian." Azrael made things clear, "I would expect nothing less," Ancestral agreed.

The door opened again, revealing a witch, "Your Majesty, the man you requested has arrived."
