
I don't know everything

Sir Lancelot was the one who called the day to an end, since Artie still had her head in the books until the last minute. She was so focused, in fact, that he had to yank the papers out of her line of sight. 

"Artie, enough! It's the first day. No one is expecting miracles from you right away." He told her, and Artie found herself frowning until she met the exhausted gaze of everyone else in the room. Right. She couldn't force her bad habits onto everyone else in the room. It wasn't fair. 

"Ah. Forgive me. I tend to…get focused." She admitted softly, and Sir Lamorak chuckled. 

"So focused you forgot about everyone else in the room. A very dangerous habit." Artie cast a distrusting look at him, and he smiled. The bruise that Sir Kay had given him was coming in quite nicely. 
