
A wizard? An ancient God? Either way, don't make him mad

"Please do not hurt Sir Mordred." Sir Kay voiced behind them, and both Artie and Merlin turned to face the concerned knight. Merlin began to laugh. 

"I would never dream of actually hurting him. Going against Lady Morgan is something I plan to avoid for the rest of our lives, Sir Kay." What he did not say was that he planned to remain in Camelot. He didn't need to. Artie knew he wouldn't remain her forever, the same way everyone else did. They just didn't have a timeline for his departure like Artie did. 

"If that plan ever changes, let me know in advance. I would not like to be there when it does happen." Merlin laughed at Sir Kay's dry response. He turned twinkling eyes towards Artie. 

"I like him. We should hang out with him more." He joked, and Artie chuckled. She wrapped her hand around Sir Kay's wrist as she shifted. 
