

She took the knife and silently did her task. As everything was already prepared, he took a deep breath. Rafael raised his palm over it, then began to chant.

"In nomine Domini Dei nostri, invoco te, Furcas, princeps magnus inferni, qui docet scientias mechanicas, logicas, rhetoricam, et linguas."

Aurora's eyes widened as she quickly took the knife back. The stick, which had just let out smoke, now started letting out a small ember. The atmosphere started to change as the magic circle started letting out a fiery glow.

"Appare in hac hora coram me, in forma grata et amicabili, ut mihi potestatem super ignem praestare possis."

The fire turned into something like a torch. A fire then appeared on top of the magic circle. It was the size of a soccer ball, flickering like it was alive.

"Per virtutem sigilli tui, et per potestatem Dei Altissimi, exsisto et ostende te, Furcas, servus noster fidelis."
