
Chapter 337 - I’ll Finish Him Off Quickly

"What exactly have you contributed to the Shadow Wolves that makes you feel entitled to this treatment?" The archer, Archer, stood before Broken with a confrontational stance.

"I'm sure I haven't contributed anything to your guild," Broken replied quietly, rising to meet his gaze.

"You're not seriously planning to fight here, are you?" someone interrupted, trying to calm things down.

"I just want to teach this kid a lesson he won't forget," Archer said.

Most of the others seemed unfazed, as if this kind of confrontation was routine. But Calista, looking nervous and guilty, spoke up. "This is my fault… I asked Broken to help me find materials."

"This isn't about you, Calista. Stay out of it," Archer snapped, cutting her off.

Just then, the door swung open, and Marlene entered, followed closely by Subaru and the other members of the team. She paused briefly, surveying the tension in the room.
